paddirn, I want big boob earth, can we do that instead? Ain’t nobody want no flat earth.
idunnololz, Hey don’t kink shame.
blanketswithsmallpox, Flat is justice!
lolola, Seasons are when God flips it to cook the other side
Climate change is when God said fuck it let’s just boil the mf
crsu, It all make sense now
nickhammes, The Oscar Meyer projection
Ibex0, Alaska is an erogenous zone now.
unreasonabro, pfft whaddya mean “now”
Corkyskog, I like to get on the flat earther side and then make ludicrous claims of proof, just to get both sides of the argument to say WTF.
Like: “Yeah, obviously the earth is flat like a coin. Otherwise we wouldn’t have gravity. The coin is spinning so fast that it creates a force that forces everything to the surface. Otherwise all the water would fall off the sides”
Funkytom467, So do you think earth will land on heads or tails?
WhiskyTangoFoxtrot, Suppose you throw a coin enough times. Suppose one day it lands on its edge.
key, That explains why Australia is upside down, which the normal flat earth model fails to do. I like it!
OutlierBlue, Nonsense. It’s all a hoax by Big Weiner! Don’t let them cram it down your throat.
Kolanaki, (edited ) Need a bun moon and a mustard nebula to collide with.
theodewere, dill pickle spear, chopped onions, fresh tomato, mustard and that's Earth Chicago style
AllNewTypeFace, topologically, you’re right
OccamsTeapot, Topologically my socks don’t have a hole in. Stop doing topology, they have played us for absolute fools
DriftinGrifter, Dont do topoligy
Years and years of topology done yet no real purpose found
PM_ME_VINTAGE_30S, I know it’s just the meme, but topology actually pops up in robotics. The topology of the configuration space, i.e. what values the variables you can control, like arm angles, linear positions, etc., can actually be used to determine if a certain type of movement is feasible. For example, if your robot’s configuration space has the shape of a torus, you can’t send the robot “into” the torus’s “donut hole”. Physically, this means that to get from one configuration to another, you might have to take some indirect path because the straight path (in configuration space) isn’t physically feasible.
DriftinGrifter, Very cool
unreasonabro, and extradimensional physics, for making normal shit turn out really fuckin weird
OccamsTeapot, Yeah there’s a fucking ton of applications in physics as well but then again physics has ghost particle fields and a single observation can make a wave function the size of the universe collapse to an infinitesimal point. So stop doing physics as well
fossphi, All that is true and good, but I still feel like topology is one of the least practical fields. Apart from the mechatronics stuff and maybe topological insulators, it’s mostly just nerds masturbating. And I like it, too! But yeah, it’s not that practical (it doesn’t need to be either)
Chee_Koala, Still waiting on that proof that hotdog earth is somehow fake news. WAKE UP SHEEPLE!!
crsu, What is NASA hiding from us?
lugal, I’m waiting for donut earth
WhiskyTangoFoxtrot, The world is a vampire.
CubitOom, Not hotdog
some_guy, I had a good chuckle at this.
yamapikariya, Looks moldy
unreasonabro, it’s your combination dyson sphere/rotisserie spit. Exposes the surface of your planet evenly to the sun! … in case that was’t happening already, before.
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