It’s a boring stone that is basically just very hard to scratch and it’s other thing is being expensive. It is basically the most unimaginative gem you can buy. It’s not even really rare
I worked in diamond exploration for years. We joked that we were turning diesel into diamonds – just not through compression. Seriously kids, buy a lab diamond if you want one.
Even if you got money for jewelry why pick the boring pointy piece of glass? There are gems and materials so much cooler than diamonds. My personal favourite is jade.
Honestly, because diamonds are just cliché, over priced and over made meaning that don’t have a real high value and all the other gemstones have gone so unloved over the years. I mean, as a 28 year old man I fucking love my emerald earrings. Ruby ones as well for that matter. Fuck diamonds my dudes puts some color in the bling.
I am wearing opal right now. Diamond are just kind of meh.
Found me a lady who wanted an amethyst. Paid like $300, biggest issue was the stone was so big it kept getting loose. Those are our preferences though, some people want the diamond and that’s fine. It’s okay to want something dumb. Nothing you acquire will be meaningful in the long run, it’s the memories.
My wedding band is titanium and wood ($17). My wife’s is silver and cubic zirconia cast as Nenya, Galadriel’s ring from LotR and made by WETA Workshop, who did the movie props ($75).
So much cooler than gold and diamonds => 3 months salary, at least for us.
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