metallic_z3r0, Thanks KC Green, may the memory of your work live much longer than you do (he is very much still alive, as far as I know).
sentient_loom, I hear he’s in the public domain now.
caseyweederman, Only when KC Green isn’t wearing gloves, otherwise it’s just sparkling Lorax
Kyle_The_G, Ayy its been a while!
Stalinwolf, Wow, dude. I haven’t thought about Dickbutt in ages.
gravitas_deficiency, I lost the game
tacosanonymous, Dickbutts all the way down.
MacNCheezus, That’s what your mom said last night.
flambonkscious, See, I think there’s on opportunity for some recursion - the guy looks like his dock. If I ever needed to learn gimp or similar, the time is probably now…
MataVatnik, I hated this shit on reddit, please keep it dead
MataVatnik, I hate u lol
TimewornTraveler, lets leave dickbutt on reddit
MaxHardwood, Dickbutt is older than Reddit
samus12345, Reddit does not own memes.
PeterPoopshit, This is the quality content I subscribe for
Marighost, Dickbutt, my beloved
Nfamwap, Hello Dickbutt my old friend.
TargaryenTKE, I’ve come to repost you again
Kolanaki, (edited ) So, like… Did any one else say “dickbutt” before this visual representation was ever created? It was a popular insult among my friends and I when we were like 10.
TargaryenTKE, Appropriate Dickbutt
Lon3star, Missed you buddy
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