HollowNaught, Bro I’ve watched two theories they made in the last two years, and both were so, so wrong
Landmammals, Who is this?
Am I old?
Surp, (edited ) Did anyone actually watch the video or y’all just karma whores? He still gonna be around he even said it. He’s still going to be pushing his ideas on whoever takes over and even said he would occasionally show up. It’s not even really goodbye.
MashedTech, It’s a long video. Nobody is gonna watch it all. Take a frame, make a meme, and leave.
Surp, If 25 mins is long to you then something is seriously wrong with your brain.
Aarrodri, I also think it was too long. Nothing wrong with my brain but the way. 25 min goodbye… It was too dramatic… after Tom said goodbye I have seen many tubers do the same. It’s the new trend. Meanwhile the completionists is posting videos. Lol…
victorz, It’s all relative. 25 mins would be a short flight. But to spend 25 minutes on some bullshit like this? Hell nah. Way too long.
Rosco, Did the pope ended up playing Undertale? That’s the only thing I know about Mat.
nifty, I stopped watching his stuff a while ago. Sad to see he’s done though because he was still entertaining. Good luck to him with whatever he does next!
thorbot, Posts like this make me feel old. No clue what a MatPat is
Lucidlethargy, (edited ) Not old, just not a fan of YouTubers based on what I can see here. Honestly, fuck YouTube. Maybe he’ll be relevant if he leaves now, because I’m not interested otherwise.
thorbot, Yeah, I don’t really follow YouTubers. I watch some board game stuff occasionally but this YT cult thing is fucking weird to me
replicat, There are people out there who only watch YouTube. No Netflix or anything else like that.
mp3, For those out of the loop like me
key, What’s mat pat? Some tiktoker?
abbadon420, Close, but no cigar. He’s a youtuber.
kittenzrulz123, Hes one of the classic YouTubers, he’s been a major player for well over a decade now
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