byroon, They don’t make em like this anymore
Thorry84, That poor cat
0x4E4F, There was a cat 🤨?
tugomer, Thank you, you’ll get far in life, I can tell
0x4E4F, Well, I’m a 38 year old engineer that lives in a condo… you totally nailed it sir 😂.
dhcmrlchtdj__, deleted_by_author
0x4E4F, It’s hard to tell, but I think it’s YMCA 😂.
shartworx, WOW
CrzyRusski, Pure gold
Varyk, Hahaha well I laughed out loud, so thanks
Neato, Unsure what language this is, but the love carries through regardless.
0x4E4F, (edited ) It’s supposed to be English…
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