MaoZedongers, Show that hot stove burner who’s boss!
Kolanaki, Fall Everywhere And cRy
HEXN3T, The furry fandom (in a nutshell)
RIP_Cheems, Fuck everything, aneurysm reaction
Mr_Dr_Oink, Frankly, errors are right
Cold_Brew_Enema, Felatio? Eh, AlRight
Swedneck, seize the means of reproduction
feedum_sneedson, Do you know, I’m not convinced that’s the etymology at all.
Floshie, Forget Everything And…
Shit I don’t remember it
zip, Rectum. I’m pretty sure that’s what the R stands for, right? I can’t remember… Maybe it’s rectal.
WhiskyTangoFoxtrot, I saw a commercial on late night TV. It said, “Forget everything you know about slipcovers.” So I did. And it was a load off my mind. Then the commercial tried to sell me slipcovers, and I didn’t know what the hell they were.
Floshie, Tbh I don’t know what those are even though I wasn’t told to forget them
ObviouslyNotBanana, Freaky Egg and Roomba
Furbag, I’m so not used to this not being accompanied by Bugs Bunny in a tuxedo with a flintlock pistol.
PatFussy, F ear
E ar
A r
R rrrr
Driveway4964, Username checks out
Echinoderm, Forge Exquisite Armour Reproductions
ElBarto, Free Egg And Rice.
webpack, Or fried egg and rice
TSG_Asmodeus, It’ll always be First Encounter Assault Recon to me.
EarWorm, I honestly don’t understand why it hasn’t been remade already. Easy money for the studio.
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