Disney adults are a bit lame, yeah, but I swear they have nothing on the demographic that truly deserves the crown for lamest and most cringe but somehow flies under the radar:
Harry Potter adults
And for the record, people are allowed to be lame. It doesn’t make them bad, it just makes them lame. I’ll defend their right to be lame forever, but it’s also okay to tease them lightly about it, so long as it stays good-natured. Don’t take life so serious.
Nah Disney adults are the fucking worst. At least Harry potter people fucking die and get tortured and the story’s are cool. Mickey mouse is just a cunt rat that was racist years ago. Fuck Disney
Harry Potter is just “baby’s first fantasy series” with no substance and every dollar spent on HP merch goes to supporting an active and living TERF who takes monetary gains as implicit support
They’re definitely cringe, but there is a healthy dose of self awareness usually. Also, like any group, some will be “karens” and they give the group a bad name.
I think I have Disney PTSD from a former friend/acquaintance who had an almost supernatural ability to make any conversation into a conversation about Disney. So, now I’m super sensitive about it. Would almost rather a conversation start with “Have you heard about our Lord and savior Jesus Christ” than anything that includes the word “Disney”.
TBF a there’s a lot of crossover between Disney and the religious. Disney is seen as whloesome and safe, and that may be true to a point, but it’s also just a furtherance of the conformity and exclusion of reality that the religious expect. Disney is militant on image and making sure the parks conform to their corporate rule. The religious love that.
Mormons in my experience have jumbled their ‘religion’ with Disney so hard they cannot tell them apart. The latest demonization of Disney by the god-botherers has caused some distinct cognitive dissonance among my faithful extended family.
That doesn’t make you a weirdo, that’s pretty normal. The weird Disney adults are the ones that have been to Disney A LOT and are obsessed with it. When I lived in FL I had a coworker that would drive like 2 hrs each way to go to Disney multiple times a week! She wasted all her money on Disney shit, and it was 50% of anything she talked about. Her husband even got a job there so they could be “more involved”. Those are the weirdos.
You don’t want to have sex with a Disney adult. You just don’t. I actually know several of them irl. They always end up being overly childish and not in a cute way.
Acting violent to those you find mildly annoying is an actual disorder (intermittent anger disorder), I’d get it checked out before you end up doing time my brother
I’ll take the hate on what I said. People saying they are going to push kids are in my experience more likely to cause harm then me wanting them to face consequences
And unless you have a degree realted to mental health, I don’t need your armchair diagnosis of misreading of my comment.
99% sure that ‘others’ would prefer it be done by somebody that is trained, officiated, and legally responsible for their actions rather than watch some self-proclaimed vigilante justice dealer attack someone else
I see you decrying all I’ve said, but you’ve yet to address the fact that she said she was gonna push kids. So, give me a reason why I shouldn’t want her to face consequences? And calling the cops is inviting lethal force into the mix.
Disney has security guards. Disney has security cameras. Disney has jurisdiction to have people removed from the park. Disney has the right to have people charged with crimes they committed (with evidence from previously mentioned guards and cameras). Disney does not need people to do their job for them, they can literally handle it themselves.
It’s not about Disney, it’s about improving society. Disney’s jurisdiction ends at the gate, people like this need to know a lesson can be taught anywhere by anyone.
I mean, fully rejecting empathetic governance in favor of pseudodictitorial violent threat by violence doers is one way to look at things. It even lead to the fastest growing (and shortest lived) empires of the 20th century!
Like not dealing with entitled adults? Be empathetic as much as you want, but sometimes you gotta realise some people don’t learn unless they come up against it. And those people usually think they can push kids.
Thats why there’s a thing called the legal system, where they use (mostly) legitimate authority to fairly prosecute people in a way that respects their rights
Some thug walking around attempting to be judge, jury, and jailhouse yard all at once because someone did something they dislike is some Mad Max Spaghetti Western garbage
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