c0mbatbag3l, Your expectations of people understanding falconry in general and the gear that falconers use is far higher than I’d give the average person credit for tbh.
TheRealLinga, XKCD Dunning-Keuger effect? Sweet!
Sotuanduso, Hold your arm out like you’re summoning the bird.
NGC2346, Assuming people are intelligent enough to understand this subtle joke is very generous and faithful of you
nifty, Assume the best, prepare for nothing. #YOLO
GrammatonCleric, Lawful Evil. Doing evil shit while literally obeying the law.
nifty, Huh, so what’s an example of chaotic neutral? Can you share a visual example? I am a dumb learner.
nifty, Funny, but that seems pretty lawful evil from my perspective.
HipsterTenZero, This is why i delete alignments from my ttrpgs lol
dalekcaan, That and I think acting out of alignment only hurts XP, which only works if you’re keeping track of XP
GrammatonCleric, No inherent evil in slight confusion 😅
Hereforpron2, But there is in causing panic or a potential breakup
GrammatonCleric, Can’t account for every type of person out there when doing something random. It would go against the very nature of randomness.
Hereforpron2, Idk I feel like chaotic neutral would be something surprising without being much more likely to be negative for someone else than neutral. Something actually random would be a note like “look in your socks” or a random phone number
nifty, Eh I guess one could argue either way.
Evilsmiley, (edited ) You just do whatever you want when you want without regard for whether it’s legal, so like, just letting your Eagle go at the dog park and not caring if he eats a terrier
blandfordforever, (edited ) Watch everyone either be completely oblivious to your existence, or ignore you and think you’re a dork.
Rootiest, What is that? Some kind of PowerGlove for controlling a drone?
LEONHART, "Kept the glove though. Keeps my beer from cooling my hand…and keeps my hand from warming my beer. And it looks pretty BAD ASS."
- Dale Alvin Gribble (Rusty Shackleford)
Master, Whistle and then point at a random persons dog.
aliceblossom, Daily reminder that no individual action is lawful or chaotic.
RIP_Cheems, I wanna do this now.
Crow, I’ve seen dogs with vests that have fake eyes on the back just for this problem. I even get a little protective with my small dog whenever an owl is nearby.
balderdash9, lawful evil
tubaruco, that is evil, but doesnt seem very lawful to me
nifty, Thanks for telling us your alignment :p
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