therealjcdenton, I have experience with stating correct opinons
Willer, wrong
iAvicenna, This could be the requirements for a job
- 5 years of experience with something (E)
- 2 years of experience with anything (D)
Willer, i can whistle continuously without the need for breathing stops
Doxatek, Wtf how
Willer, (edited ) It just kind of happened because i got annoyed that i had to stop during long phrases to breathe in so i just kind of taught myself how to whistle while breathing in. I just googled it to see how special that is but all im seeing is health conditions.
anarchy79, A fellow whistler! I prefer whistling Bach.
tgxn, Sounds like you’re talking about circular breathing.
Willer, I guess you could call it circular whistling. Circular breathing is another incredibly hard thing to do.
FlyingSquid, I thought you died, Roger Whittaker.
ICastFist, I have experience living as a human
FlyingSquid, I’ve long imagined what that must be like…
Kolanaki, (edited ) I heard Farmer’s knows a thing or two, because they’ve seen a thing or two.
ook_the_librarian, And they write it all down and charge a reasonable price.
Ok, I’m joking, but only kinda. Those things are pretty neat to thumb through. I don’t know if the money goes to some wack-job. It’s almost certain due to the invisible hand.
inb4 woosh …bah bah-dah … bah dah pah dum
Ethanol, I know a fun fact:
You know how a packet of 8 bits is called a byte? A packet of 4 bits, which is half a byte, is called a nibble!
Malfeasant, Ackshully, it’s spelled nybble…
Tristaniopsis, I don’t.
jerrythegenius, I can blow balloons up with my nose. In fact, I can even multitask and do one with each nostril. I also learned to do them with my nose before my mouth (don’t ask why, I really don’t know. Yeah I can be a bit weird).
Lennnny, I know a guy, I’ll hook you up
FlyingSquid, I think I’ve… no, I’ve never done any of that before, sorry.
xX_fnord_Xx, I’ma ask m’daaad.
Empricorn, Linux is great, but Windows likes to fuck up the boot process. Install Linux first, then install Windows on a separate hard drive.
ook_the_librarian, I got a good deal on a laptop and removed the hard drive with the preinstalled windows almost immediately. I say “almost” because I did actually set up a work space and installed software on in. It was a just-in-case system.
My laptop has been running linux-only for a while. But my wife needs my lappy for a thing. And it’s a windows-only thing. So I remove my hard drive. Put in the pre-installed one I had sitting on a shelf. And it didn’t boot. I got a windows error screen saying I had better start rounding up boot recovery material. So fuck.
Put my linux hard drive back in. BIOS can’t find a bootable drive. Fuck.
I was able to fix the problem. I kinda hate to admit that it was kinda fun to fix. (If you haven’t chrooted, you haven’t lived.) But I’m just pissed off at that whole #!
ynthrepic, ‘Something’ is what we abstractly call that which is both not nothing and has some significance to us beyond being merely anything.
anarchy79, I used to know, but now I’m not so sure anymore.
Angry_Maple, If you’re ever looking for cheap jewelry/earrings, you should be very very careful.
CTV Marketplace did an investigation a few years ago, and they found that a lot of children’s jewelry contained high levels of lead and/or cadmium. These pieces were found in multiple places, including Claires and H&M. Some children’s makeup was also contaminated.
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