Installing Microsoft TTF packages on my distro used to be one of the first things I did. Sometime back I ended up finding suitable replacements that are stock (less packages, less installation steps, less proprietary software.)
I’ve recently found the Inter-font package (mentioned in one of Infinitely Galactic’s YouTube videos. It’s excellent, clean like Noto Sans, but slightly more readable. I’ll swap in the Ubuntu font every now and then for fun though, I really like that one too.
So despite the desire for one, Vega won’t be an Android-killer, won’t bring an influx of big name apps to benefit regular Linux distros, nor see Amazon do something crazy cool like create its own Linux tablet UI.
You know how much overhead Electron apps are? Well, here’s React Native! Enjoy all the annoyances of mobile development with the ugliest that is React!
It actually works pretty great, it genuinely does compile to native code pretty well. The js code just drives - everything visual or I/O is native, so it’s faster than you’d think
Idk if I’m the only person who thinks this, but I feel like React has gotten worse over the last couple of major versions. Not only does the code look a lot messier when you use their new syntax, but the end result seems unreliable. Facebook is barely even usable now. Their history management is laughable, and it’ll drop you out of the site randomly when using the back buttons. I used to think React was really neat, but I’m not a big fan anymore. There’s too much re-engineering for problems that were solved decades ago.
If you like it, then use it. There’s no point in jumping every time some new framework comes out. Most of them don’t last. I have used React off and on since it came out, and I personally don’t like how the syntax has changed. My personal website is React and doesn’t have any browser history issues. Idk what’s up with Facebook history management. I guess they just don’t care very much because they’re too busy trying to gobble up data.
React is having the same problems Angular had, and jQuery had. New ECMAscript features make formerly complex things easier, and JS frameworks adapt.
Lots of solutions. But as more edge cases start to show up, they continue to add more and more little things that shape the language into more different variants.
Many of the changes are pretty good. But New devs will go, “Why are there 7 ways to do this React thing?” And that adds to the noise.
Again, that’s not a React problem. It’s just coding in general. PHP also had a “damn you ugly” phase. But unlike PHP, I don’t think React (and most JS frameworks of today) will continue to be as popular as some hot new JS framework in 2027-2030 sweeps the landscape.
And PHP will still be chugging along. lol. It’s weird that React syntax went from being fairly pretty, and structured, to looking like a plate of spaghetti. Usually languages and frameworks go the other direction.
I love how PHP 7 looks, and PHP 8 only continues to improve.
Totally agree. React is going backwards. Vue is so attractive. Heck, I’m even starting to rebuild react apps in Web components because react is getting weird.
WebOS powers TVs now and, from the article, Amazon intends this replacement to cover their Fire tablet line. WebOS ticks all their boxes, especially since apps in Amazon’s new flavor are intended to be delivered as React Native web apps.
Not 2k. Not 16:9. Probably doesn’t even cover DCI-P3 or decent color accuracy. Folks are gonna keep thinking Linux is a geeks-only thing if you have terrible panel that’s bad for content creation.
I have had 1080, 4k, & 2k laptops in my life. 1080 text is blurry. 4k is obviously overkill wasting battery on pixels you can’t see. 2k has crisp text without so much wasted density & you have to get unreasonably close to the panel to tell the difference.
1080p is 2k. From Wikipedia: “2K resolution is a generic term for display devices or content having a horizontal resolution of approximately 2,000 pixels.[1] In the movie projection industry, Digital Cinema Initiatives is the dominant standard for 2K output and defines a 2K format with a resolution of 2048 × 1080.[2][3] For television and consumer media, 1920 × 1080 is the most common 2K resolution, but this is normally referred to as 1080p.” (emphasis mine)
My desktop would crash back to login screen after playing mass effect legendary edition. After exiting the game, if the desktop idle for a while, the moment the automatic screen off kick in, the CPU fan would whirl and if I wiggle the mouse, the desktop would immediately crash back to the login screen. Not sure whose fault it is, nvidia 545, EA, wayland or gnome.
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