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Resol, (edited ) in Linux holds more than 8% market share in India, and it's on the upward trend avatar

Here’s what it looks like in Morocco:

Somehow we prefer using the Apple more than the Penguin.


Why is Chrome OS separate?


Enslaved Linux


Lmao true

Resol, avatar

It doesn’t really feel like Linux if you ask me. It’s not even open source, since Google controls everything. You could run Linux apps on it with a special mode I guess, but what bugs me is that they call Linux a “feature” when it’s absolutely not that at all.

But really, not a single soul in Morocco has even heard of Chrome OS. And even then, they’re gonna hate it.


Linux not GNU

separating just hurts the willingness to try Linux

Resol, avatar



Cool that they put FreeBSD in the list anyhow! I’m part of that 0.01% globally (though not in Morocco).

Resol, avatar

You’re the first person I know that uses FreeBSD.


You could be the second!!

Resol, avatar

Who knows?

lauha, in Who uses pure GNOME (no extensions)

What do you mean a lack of dock? Gnome indeed has a dock by default where has you need an extension on kde to have a dock.


I don’t think I installed any extensions to get a dock on kde, unless debian came with the extension preinstalled


Are you talking about a panel or a dock?


It was a panel that mimics a dock. I can’t remember if it was the existing task bar with modified settings or another panel that can be chosen. However, it’s so customizable that I got it to mimic the macOS dock almost perfectly without downloading anything else IIRC.


The dock is hidden by default, only visible in the overview mode.

ReCursing, in New Plasma 6 Default Icon Theme Looks avatar

They are... certainly icons. I can't get any more excited than that I'm afraid

Xavier, in Linux holds more than 8% market share in India, and it's on the upward trend

In Canada, Apple is taking most of the increase, I wish Linux was more prevalent but I’m happy to see the downward slope for Windows:

franklin, avatar

I just hope asahi Linux takes of because the M3 looks sick but I’ll be fucked if I get sucked into the apple ecosystem. I’d rather be forced to use Windows on arm.

qaz, (edited ) in New Plasma 6 Default Icon Theme Looks

I actually quite like the current breeze style with the sharper edges, it sets it apart from other designs.

imgel, in New Plasma 6 Default Icon Theme Looks

Great criticism overall. Yes, it’ll be improved.

technologicalcaveman, (edited ) in Linux Distribution Timeline

I always forget chromeos is based on gentoo.


I mean, at this point it’s probably got a much Gentoo left in it as Steam OS has Arch.

HouseWolf, in systemd 255-rc1 Brings "Blue Screen of Death" Support and New Tool To Spawn VMs

Just when I thought I had escaped it for good…

smileyhead, in New Plasma 6 Default Icon Theme Looks

I liked old look more. Would prefer to add even more preinstalled icons instead.

nik282000, (edited ) in Who uses pure GNOME (no extensions) avatar

I used GNOME with no extensions for about 5 years. Recently I started using a window tiling extension but that’s only for for convenience, I wouldn’t say it’s fixing anything that is broken.

Agent641, in Linux holds more than 8% market share in India, and it's on the upward trend

UnkownOS is a great privacy operating system. If users dont know what they are doing, then how can the government?

danielfgom, in Fedora Linux 39 Released As A Wonderful Upgrade For Leading Workstations & Servers avatar

We really need to all stop promoting Fedora especially after what Red Hat did to the Community with CentOS and closing the code off from downstream.

Fedora is Red Hat in disguise.

Same goes for Canonical. They’ve decided to screw the Community and try force things on users, Communist style, so they can f right off too!

We should all only use 100% Community based distros and projects because they need our support and break their backs working for the Community.

For example Linux Mint, Debian, Arch, Slackware and others.

If you use Mint like I do, switch to Debian Edition and let the developers know that’s where you prefer that focus first and then do the Ubuntu edition afterwards 👍

BRINGit34, avatar

How the hell is a for profit company communist. The idiocy of this world never fails to amaze me

sab, avatar

If anything the problem seems to be that it's not communist enough.

ares35, avatar

it's not 'communist'.

they (rh) can charge all they want, that is allowed. but denying those who do pay the rights granted by gpl (et al.) is not.


Fedora is like it or not one of the most influential and important Distros out there.

Fedora is and will always be cutting edge. They early adopt projects and technologies that absolutely become the standard.

No other distro has this much influence. SystemD, Pipe wire, and other such projects are the norm because Fedora pushed it.

And like it or not, Fedora will make this move very soon with Wayland. Wayland is our inevitable future, like it or not.

I don’t see Arch, Debian, and others pushing things like this, but rather falling in line with Fedora.

danielfgom, avatar

That’s why we should stop using them. If they have zero users, they’ll eventually stop the Fedora project and the Community can keep pace with Debian or openSuse. openSuse can easily step into Fedora and Red Hat’s shoes.


OpenSuse has a very well defined pipeline:

Tumbleweed -> Leap (maybe Slowroll) -> SLE.

OpenSuse is not going to break new ground. It’s all about OBS and testing software before it hits their Paid Enterprise offerings. And they have almost a fully automated procedure for this. OpenSuse is not going to push Wayland only nor what will become the standard. It’s not in their ethos. OpenSuse is there to build SLE’s next release.

Debian being cutting edge?! Never. Debian is Debian, very slow to adopt anything. Debian is about offering a very stable release schedule. Debian will never push the ecosystem forward, it’s not Debian’s goal. You want a reliable system that just works? Debian is inarguably the king.

danielfgom, avatar

Agree 100%. And both are 100% Community. openSuse is privately owned and supported by a massive Community.

Debian is perfect for reliability (although opensuse is very reliable) who don’t need the latest and don’t like installing updates all the time. 100% Community based.

Two fantastic, shining examples of the power of Community supported software 💪


Instead of trying to tear down things that work, try building up the distros that don’t.

sab, avatar

But that sounds like work. It's a lot easier to shit on other people's volunteer efforts than to actually contribute anything constructive yourself.

danielfgom, avatar

You need to understand that Red Hat/Fedora regards the Linux Community as “free loaders”. That’s how they designed described anyone wanting access to Red Hat Server source code.

That’s what they think of you and me and all the great developers who make a lot of the software we use, often in their free time and at no cost.

Most of the distros and software you use on Linux is made and maintained by people who are not paid but do it for the love of Libre open source freedom loving computing for all.

That is the FOSS way. Red Hat/Fedora do not share this view. They see us all as free loaders.

If all the great Devs who contribute so much to GNU/Linux had that attitude, you’d literally have no free distro or apps.

That means no poor third world person would ever have access to an operating system or pc. Only us well off people in the developed world. That’s anti FOSS.

Don’t support ass hats like Red Hat/Fedora who stand against that.

And now we see Canonical also being ass hats but only by including telemetry in Ubuntu, but forcing snaps on end users, blocking flatpak out of the box (you can still install it yourself but newbies won’t know this) and they are aiming to eventually make Ubuntu snap only. Not to mention they worked with Microsoft to make “Linux subsystem for Windows” which is a real insult to Linux and FOSS.

Use Debian and other Community based distros which have zero corporate funding or involvement and are 100% by the people for the people


If they have zero users, they’ll eventually stop the Fedora project

That would be a very sad loss.

danielfgom, avatar

No. It’s what they deserve for screwing over the community. Let them pay for beta testers instead of getting free beta testing from the community


Try not to believe everything you read by random people online, Red Hat pays people to work on Fedora, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

danielfgom, avatar

I know they pay Fedora work because most of the employees ARE full time Red Hat employees.

Hence my point that the user is the free beta tester for Enterprise software.

Stop being a free beta tester for a Mega Corp that hates the Linux Community. Rather use Debian, Arch or another Community developed OS.

Mane25, (edited )

First of all you’ve swallowed the myth that Fedora users are beta testing for Enterprise software. That said discouraging people from voluntarily beta testing is bad for the community and fundamentally against the spirit of open source.

As a long-time Fedora user I think Red Hat’s backing is good for Fedora because it means they have a solid source of funding. Apart from the resources that gives them, that way they can be entirely user-centric and not be tempted to sell user data, run ads or anything else against the users’ interests.

There’s a lot of hearsay going on around Red Hat at the moment, some of it has grains of truth, some of it has been distorted beyond fact, I’m sorry that you’re a victim of it.

danielfgom, avatar

Beta testing is great. Just not when it’s for Red Hat(Fedora), Canonical, Microsoft (WSL) or any other Greedy Corp. when they are requesting this in the spirit of open source.

Rather beta test for Debian


Not how open source works, you don’t get to choose who benefits from it, it’s for anyone who wants to use it. Ubuntu is downstream of Debian is it not?

danielfgom, avatar

Well Red Hat put up a paywall so that only those who they choose, can get the code. That’s the issue. Then they justified it by calling users who want the code “free loaders”. That’s typical proprietary speak, it has no place in open source.

Ubuntu is downstream of Debian. But canonical have taken it, forced snaps on users, forced opt out telemetry in users and removed default flatpak support. All very user hostile moves.

Hence I’m calling the community to show these corps we don’t need them and community distros have everything we need while protecting user freedom.

Mane25, (edited )

Remember what I said about hearsay? Everything in Fedora is FOSS, everything in RHEL is also FOSS (because it’s in CentOS Stream). All the code is released, not behind a “paywall”. All that Red Hat have done is make it more difficult for companies to sell a 1:1 “bug for bug compatible” RHEL clone - those are the “free loaders” being spoken of and who they’re targeting, not the Linux community, it’s people like Oracle (who incidentally are also the ones fanning the flames of this drama).

I’m no fan of Canonical, but even with your description you’re really sensationalising things there as well. The point is by supporting Debian you’re inadvertently supporting Canonical - I don’t think that’s a problem myself but it seems you have double standards.

danielfgom, (edited ) avatar

I would like to quote for you from, Richard Stallman’s organization that invented the idea of free software. Here he explains what that means. I’ll link to the full webpage below.

“Actually, we encourage people who redistribute free software to charge as much as they wish or can.** If a license does not permit users to make copies and sell them, it is a nonfree license.** If this seems surprising to you, please read on.

The word “free” has two legitimate general meanings; it can refer either to freedom or to price. When we speak of “free software,” we’re talking about freedom, not price. (Think of “free speech,” not “free beer.”) Specifically, it means that a user is free to run the program, study and change the program, and redistribute the program with or without changes.”

(Emphasis mine)


As you can see, anyone who obtains the code CAN redistribute it unchanged, bug for bug…

I rest my case.


You haven’t even made a case to rest.

danielfgom, avatar

Can you read? Read the full article.


Why would this be a good thing at all? One of the main goals of the ecosystem is to have multiple choices, and as others in this thread has mentioned, Fedoras made significant progress for the adoption of Linux as a whole

danielfgom, avatar

Because you’d be helping Community distros get better, as well as financially, instead of supporting corporations that use you as beta testers to improve their paid corporate product and then screw you over when you want access to the server code.


I still don’t see how having the choice is a bad thing. If you don’t like Red Hats position, then don’t use Fedora. For those that believe using Fedora will help better the Open Source ecosystem, they have the ability to do so.

Getting rid of a choice completely because you don’t agree with a position in a nuanced conversation seems childish

danielfgom, avatar

I’m not saying it will be banned, you can still use it but I’m calling the community to return to community distros like Debian who are 100% libre and user freedom respecting… Plus there many dedicated developers and other volunteers who support this out of love for FOSS and the principles of free computing for all.

That’s not childish. It’s a call to get back to our roots. Use Community distros, volunteer your time if you have the skills they need, make a money donation to thank them and help the project keep going. That’s how FOSS is supposed to work.

By the Community, for the Community 💪


Fedora is and will always be cutting leading edge.

Fixed that for you ;) .

Guenther_Amanita, (edited )

Fedora is community based and “independent” from RedHat.

In the past, they often actively decided against RHs interests and will continue doing that in the future.
Independend in " because RH puts lots of dev power and $ into the Fedora Project, and loosing that would hurt.

It’s a symbiotic relationship: RH provides money and developers, while we as users test for new technologies that will get used for RHEL in the future.

The increased ressources provides us with more (also financial) security. Still, if RH somehow decides to abandon Fedora, it will still continue to live on, see Project uBlue as example.

Also, calling everything you dislike “communist” is just dumb, there are way better words for that… Either, you use communism in the terms of “totalitarian government” like Stalin was, which is just… unfitting (Holodomor, etc.); or you don’t get that promoting community based distros is more socialist than you realize.

Just say “I don’t like stuff forced on me from corporations like Canonical” and don’t use Ubuntu and thereof. Nobody hinders you in using what you want, and that’s great!


People have absolutely lost their damn minds over the RH thing lol

sab, avatar

But you don't understand - I have reputable sources telling me that Linux is communism!


That would make it cooler

601error, avatar

The reaction is funny too, because in my experience comparing communities of various distros, Fedora’s community is among the the most inviting and professionally-behaving of them.

Personally, I am not running Fedora at the moment, but probably will when my Framework 16 arrives, since Fedora is officially supported on it. And to be honest, I find that I am making the same choices with Arch as Fedora would have made for me (aside from bootloader), so I feel that I’m wasting a bit of effort.

Cossty, in Vanilla OS 2 Orchid will be released "very soon"

Very soon is less than a month in my book. As far as I know they still don’t have beta, they only had alphas, so…

MonkCanatella, in Who uses pure GNOME (no extensions)

I don’t really see any benefit to using pure gnome. Extensions aren’t a negative if they improve your workflow.

jack, in Linux holds more than 8% market share in India, and it's on the upward trend

Welcome to the circlejerk thread




Our monthly jerkoff to Linux numbers


Nah. The data is from 2022. Still milking last year’s numbers

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