Nothing honestly. Couldn’t find a music player that doesn’t look like a file manager, has good search and queue features and doesn’t make strong assumptions about how music is organized. Tried to run Musicolet through waydroid but it doesn’t support Nvidia gpus
This a plea for help: is there any other distro that does immutability like nix without the configurstion of nixos. I love nix but its just so complicated. When something breaks i spend half an hour just to fix some small problem because i have to get the config then rebuild then test, etc. Idk if i was the one making nixos how would i fix it tho. Also its too teminal based for most people.
There’s the WIP NixOS-based SnowflakeOS that aims to make NixOS approachable for mere mortals but that’s still declarative configuration and of course still NixOS under the hood.
There’s a bunch of immutable distros out there that use OStree or some other imperatively managed snapshotting mechanism such as Fedora Silverblue or VanillaOS.
How do you get dark mode in Strawberry under KDE? I remember trying to follow some guides and not having much luck. But that was a long time ago at this point. Does this “just work” now?
Thanks! I checked and actually, dark mode was already on. Huh. I guess I haven’t tried since…I don’t even know. Maybe I didn’t have qt6 installed last time?
android tablet have many way to run a linux user land . but most of them are still using downstream android kernel. which means you wont get any 3d acceleration in your “linux” environment. so i would suggest you some sbc based tablet or some chromebook (then install linux on it manually)
I feel this. If you could right click to interact with the text objects, then this combo would basically feel like foobar2000 for linux. I’m old enough to have missed how great foobar2000 felt after WinAmp started to get bloated (back before I got my hands on some Linux ISOs), so MPD + ncmpcpp just felt so refreshingly stripped down and a little nostalgic. I just fucking hate having to memorize a bunch of non-intuitive hotkey combos to do anything. Probably the same reason I’ve never bothered to properly learn Vim.
I'm an Emacs graybeard, so complex keybindings don't scare me. My problem with ncmpcpp is twofold:
It relies on MPD which is always a PITA to properly configure. Pulseaudio always managed to make it not work on a fresh system. Hopefully with Pipewire it'll be better.
The config format make no sense whatsoever. Especially the one with keybindings. It's so cryptic I just stopped trying to understand it. Again, I'm an Emacs graybeard, to stress it as a point of reference.
I'm aware but thank you. I've tried it before and didn't like it. Maybe I'll give it another shot, though I don't see much benefit in tying my music player to Emacs.
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