No hate from me,but rather a simple question? Why use preconfigured distros instead of the original,always best, with archinstall script? You can even install pamac or whatever package installer tool manjaro uses.
Interesting concept, I like the design, but the workflow is rather odd and would take some getting used to. Also, things like the UI need some work on scrolling, like the Sudo connect window scrolling the password out of sight if you fail the password entry.
Noting, this PSA is absolutely useful for older components - especially Intel, but anyone using something newer than Skylake (circa 2015) is probably already set up with intel-media-driver or the nv/amd video driver.
nvtop is a useful tool to monitor GPU activity and the decoder in use when a video plays, if you’re unsure
I just finished my perfect st build after switching from kitty. So I’m not really interested in getting something even more bloated then what I used to use.
At least they aren’t going for the new user friendly marketing they were a few weeks back, as they have nothing that would of helped me as a new user a few years ago
Cool. Do you know if this project will support PowerPC-era Mac OS X apps or if that makes any difference? There are a bunch of quirky and fun games that could avoid being lost to time if an “emulator” can run them.
I agree that the wealth of distros offers a choice for everyone and shows how much users love Linux as a system and respect the idea of a diverse, global open source community as a whole.
I’ve been looking for a terminal with better bookmark support; I use mRemoteNG on windows for my RDP/SSH work, and I haven’t been happy with any alternative on Linux that handles session bookmarks like that. I’m curious to try this.
I manage a lot of systems, so just click to open a ssh session in a new tab. I usually have shell aliases, but a bookmark that could set the title of the tab to the hostname and account for easier nav would be my goal. Being able to dynamically open tab groups too would be good, like if I have a dev/prod/SQL server for an app I could 1-click to open a group of 3 tabs
Well, there’s this if you want to use it in Linux, I’ve used it before, liked it well enough, but not paying for it so I removed it (It’s sort of crippled if run free). I personally use Konsole on KDE which works quite well. I’ve read and think that Konsole also allows multiple bookmarked connections. I haven’t really tested it myself, I have roughly 10 machines I log into daily so I may try that further.
Before I made the leap to Linux years ago, I loved using MRemoteNG. Simply hands down the best. IMHO
I tesed the client posted here by the OP. While it looks pretty nice, it suffers the same thing as others I’ve tried. Nothing beats the simplicity of the plain 'ol shell in Linux or in OSX. :)
I have the 8gb model and I cant recommend. Battery life is ridiculously low, it struggle with windows, but got a little better on fedora. Keyboard broke after a year, it was about 90euros to replace Overall it’s really overpriced, you can find better.
It works for me, I have KDE version. I have AUR apps, SNAP (VSC works better in snap than flatpak), official repo apps. I have not had any errors in the 6 months I have been using it.
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