I remember having to go out of my way to get an Ubuntu machine to connect to WiFi before login for this reason. It felt strange to have to do that at first, but it’s also reassuring that the machine isn’t by default connecting to a wireless network without user input first unless I give it explicit instructions to do so.
Based on opinion, but okay, I'll give you that one.
Ubuntu has terminal built-in, it's far from hidden. Most Android installs (average smart phone) don't include a terminal, you have to either use adb from a computer, or download a terminal from an app store.
Ubuntu's root user is not locked down. By default the user can run any command they want using sudo, and a basic google search will tell them how to enable root login fairly quickly. By comparison, just about any android smartphone has to be "jailbroken" using an exploit in order to access root. Some phones, especially in the USA, can't be jailbroken at all.
Ubuntu is pretty upfront about any telemetry and allows you to disable it easily. A lot of Android's telemetry can't be opted out of, unless you happen to have an unlocked bootloader and can install a privacy-focused custom ROM.
These are not the same, although I get the point you're trying to make. Ubuntu has a user-friendly interface, with a goal of making Linux accessible to all. But for anybody who wants to, it's fairly easy to dig into the internals and become a "power user." It certainly makes no attempt to stop you from doing so. Android, on the other hand, on MOST instances, locks down everything, with little to no overrides, even from the user, many times "in the name of security."
They have user interfaces designed for completely different use cases and input devices.
Ubuntu doesn't really hide it's terminal.
Ubuntu in no way has a locked down root. A simple sudo command is all you need. In a typical Android phone, is MUCH harder to get root on.
Android and Ubuntu are much more different than you realise. From the technical details to Google's monopolistic practices. Honestly it is shorter to list what they have in common (basically the Linux kernel and a tiny selection of GNU utilities)
It has some GNU utilities. We are talking a very small selection indeed. Some might even be completely different implementations compared to the typical GNU toolbox.
Hmm, the GUI is reasonable and easy to understand. I wonder if Gamescope can be changed while the game is running, so it could be put in the Quick Access menu
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