Basic fonts
What is your “basic” list of fonts every linux desktop user should install ?
What is your “basic” list of fonts every linux desktop user should install ?
dvdnet89, Verdana for normal usage and Source code pro for Terminal
Aatube, Apple's San Francisco including New York and Mono Nerd cuz they gud >:)
igalmarino, (edited ) I like SF Pro but I use Inter because of OSL
sour, roboto because cute face
igalmarino, (edited )
- inter for gnome
- fira-mono for terminal
- fira-code for coding
- noto, liberation and dejavu for completion
funkajunk, I really like cascadia-code for my terminal ( has the version with all the ligatures)
I don’t do any graphic design or anything like that, so the fonts that come with any modern distro seem to do the trick - maybe I’d install ttf-ms-fonts for better compatibility when dealing with files across multiple operating systems.
shapis, (edited ) These are the ones I install on every system:
ttf-caladea 20200113-3
ttf-carlito 20230509-1
ttf-fira-code 6.2-2
ttf-liberation 2.1.5-1
ttf-linux-libertine-g 20120116-7
adobe-source-sans-fonts 3.052-1
adobe-source-serif-fonts 4.005-1
noto-fonts-cjk 20230817-1
noto-fonts-extra 1:23.11.1-1
Currently trying otf-monaspace though and I quite like it.
Cwilliams, (edited ) The iA Writer fonts are quite nice, but super proprietary and not neccesary by any means
folkrav, Noto for desktop apps. Inter is nice too. Roboto was a long time favorite of mine too.
Iosevka for monospace. Hack and Fira Code/Mono are great as well.
wispydust, I usually use Roboto or Inter as my desktop font on gtk/gnome
corrupts_absolutely, i have monofur for my terminal and inconsolata for the graphical apps
EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted, (edited ) This isn’t specific to Linux necessarily, but the best free fonts I like the most that I always install regardless of OS are:
- DejaVu (included by default in a lot of Linux distros but not in Windows)
- EB Garamond (a font intended to replicate Garamond but with the Open Font License)
- Inconsolata (a font intended to replicate Consolas but with the Open Font License)
- Noto (also included by default on a lot of Linuxes but not on Windows)
- Vollkorn
bustrpoindextr, Inconsolata is my ride or die font for programming.
astraeus, Same, love using it for terminal and vscode
EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted, (edited ) Yeah I fucking love that font. Better than Noto Mono because in Inconsolata the zeros have a cross through them and therefore it’s easier to distinguish them from the letter O.
The only downside is that it hasn’t been updated since 2015-12-04 and thus only has “the base ASCII set and … the Latin 1, 2, and 9 complements”. So it works for most English-speaking purposes, but runs into problems if you try to use certain symbols used outside of that context, like other languages or some special characters. I don’t run into it often enough to be too much of a problem, but it is there.
bustrpoindextr, (edited ) May I introduce you to Nerd fonts you can have your inconsolata and your symbols
EveryMuffinIsNowEncrypted, (edited ) Like I said, I don’t really run into it enough to need another piece of software installed on my computer, but that is definitely something I need to keep in the back of my mind. It seems delightful! ^_____^ Thank you!
Also, sorry for the late reply.
harry315, Libertinus Serif (much nicer Times New Roman-ish serif text font. Huge amount of glyphs, open source font license, great to read on display and on print)
Lato (Sans font which imo compliments Libertinus Serif really good. More for short texts, headlines etc. I wouldn’t recommend it as a UI font. Also permissive font license.)
merde, futura ❤️
recently, upon reading about its typographer’s ideas about it, i’m trying avenir over frutiger
federalreverse, All three not just proprietary but also expensive, unless you copy them off a Mac OS install.
merde, sadly
Pantherina, Torrenting my friend
penquin, I have Ubuntu, inter and IBM Plex installed on my kde plasma install, but somehow I keep forgetting to set any of them and just keep the noto sans that comes default with KDE. lol
airikr, For me personally, it’s Victor Mono and Iosevka. Victor Mono for desktop and Iosevka for VSCodium.
folkrav, Iosevka is so great. Not everyone likes the narrow look. I’ve tried other fonts a couple of times since I stumbled on it a good handfuls of years ago, but I always come back.
mb_, (edited ) You can always compile your own Iosevka and adjust several pieces, I have done that selecting what I consider the best pieces a long time ago.
The compiled font lives in an easy to access internal webserver that I just grab from every computer I use (=
bloopernova, I like both of those, but my terminal and coding are always in MPlus Code
airikr, Nice! That font really looked nice through the smartphone. Will try it out in VSCodium when I can. Thanks!
airikr, Thanks for the link 🙂
snaggen, Just looked at the screenshot on the Victor Mono page and the kerning makes me want to rip my eyes out…
airikr, Why? 😄
WhiteHotaru, Not OP, but if you look at the Hello World code example, the “HelloWorld” class is visually divided at the l’s and the o and W are glued together. Looks more like “Hel l oWorld”.
airikr, That’s because Victor Mono are a tabular font meaning equal width no matter what character it is :) I find it nice.
snaggen, (edited ) No, that is not a valid reason to look that bad, JetBrains Mono is a fixed with font and it manages to get the characters evenly distributed.
WhiteHotaru, If it works for you, that’s fine. You are right with the monospaced font being limited to the boxes. Jetbrains mono uses ligatures to overcome certain spacing limits. On top of this some characters are designed to connect better to their surroundings, as the „l“ mentioned, which is not just a stroke, but connects to the neighboring characters with the top and bottom strokes.
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