Basic fonts
What is your “basic” list of fonts every linux desktop user should install ?
What is your “basic” list of fonts every linux desktop user should install ?
Aatube, Apple's San Francisco including New York and Mono Nerd cuz they gud >:)
igalmarino, (edited ) I like SF Pro but I use Inter because of OSL
igalmarino, (edited )
- inter for gnome
- fira-mono for terminal
- fira-code for coding
- noto, liberation and dejavu for completion
funkajunk, I really like cascadia-code for my terminal ( has the version with all the ligatures)
I don’t do any graphic design or anything like that, so the fonts that come with any modern distro seem to do the trick - maybe I’d install ttf-ms-fonts for better compatibility when dealing with files across multiple operating systems.
folkrav, Noto for desktop apps. Inter is nice too. Roboto was a long time favorite of mine too.
Iosevka for monospace. Hack and Fira Code/Mono are great as well.
penquin, I have Ubuntu, inter and IBM Plex installed on my kde plasma install, but somehow I keep forgetting to set any of them and just keep the noto sans that comes default with KDE. lol
nothendev, Monocraft JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono everywhere. Like. E V E R Y W H E R E
superbirra, lol after being exposed to it a bit because I’ve decided it’s my best font forever <3 I’ve configured it everywhere a monospaced font is used including gitk and termux on my phone hahaha so cool
DaveedMee, i usually import all Windows fonts and some nerdfonts for terminal
BRINGit34, this has been my favorite for a while. It keeps the retro sort of look while still being actually ledgible
omnissiah, Beware font fingerprinting
gkpy, (edited ) I always use to typeset documents like letters and such. I find it pleasant looking and it is supposedly easy to read for people with dyslexia.
sour, roboto because cute face
Cwilliams, (edited ) The iA Writer fonts are quite nice, but super proprietary and not neccesary by any means
wispydust, I usually use Roboto or Inter as my desktop font on gtk/gnome
corrupts_absolutely, i have monofur for my terminal and inconsolata for the graphical apps
merde, futura ❤️
recently, upon reading about its typographer’s ideas about it, i’m trying avenir over frutiger
federalreverse, All three not just proprietary but also expensive, unless you copy them off a Mac OS install.
merde, sadly
Pantherina, Torrenting my friend
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