Lets see if I got this right, you (the OP), the creator of Louvre, managed to create an example compositor that looks like a better desktop experience than the entire KDE and GNOME teams could ever develop with their infinite wisdom and funding? Fucking amazing. :)
I know this is an example, but seriously following the “copy apple down to the last pixel” approach you should consider creating a DE for Linux that doesn’t have themes or any user tweaks, just a simple and pixel-perfect copy of macOS. The problem with GNOME and KDE is that they both fail in simple design principals such as proportions, item spacing and whatnot while Apple, and you by extension, excels in that aspect.
Furthermore my personal opinion is that GNOME tries to reinvent everything and ends up fucking things up and creating situations like the lack of desktop icons going into the activities view by default etc. KDE however does some other stuff right but they fail really badly in terms of proportions and item spacing. Their taskbar is also a shame, for a group that says they want to copy Windows’ style they aren’t doing that well.
Desktop experiences when it comes to design peaked with macOS Monterey (after that Apple did changes to the settings that are still not polished) and in terms of usability they peaked with the release of Exposé, Spaces and later their integration on Mission Control (initially bad but now they seem better).
If you do create a 1:1 copy of macOS desktop experience (and keep it updates) as a new DE you’ll most likely become very popular in no time. It doesn’t need themes, customization and all the personalization that would make it really hard to create, just a simply pixel perfect copy of macOS.