RovingFox, avatar

simplicity, there is a comfort from not having to position windows for mutitasking


i use bismuth / polonium on KDE. both are very bare bone, but it’s nice to have a full plasma desktop + tiling.

let me know if you happen to know a better combination


I use hyprland My browser and daemons are autostart and I’ve some keybinds

App launch

Mod + e file manager (thunar) Mod + d app launcher (fuzzel) Mod + return terminal emulator (foot) Mod + b btop Mod + c cava

Window control

Mod + q close window Mod + space toggle float mode Mod + f toggle fullscreens mode

janus2, avatar

I read this as “tilting window manager” and was about to get so upset. That diagonal monitor meme has infected my brain

janus2, avatar

that’s so much more in depth than the lemmy post I saw 😭

abuttandahalf, (edited )

Gnome + pop shell extension. Normal i3 tiling keybinds. All the following bindings include super. w for tabbed layout, f1 for calculator, f2 for Firefox, f3 for nautilus, f4 for settings, f5 for package manager. D for search which I can use like dmenu but much better. Shift+s for screenshot. Shift+q to quit application. I program with in the terminal so I need tiling for keyboard-only use. when I first used i3 I underrated tabbing. It solved nearly all of my problems with tiling.

NotATurtle, (edited )

I mostly work in qtile in a fullscreen layout or a diagonal split between two windows. My hotkeys are super+d for rofi in dmenu mode and super+q for a shutdown menu also in rofi.

GustavoM, avatar


Alt + F4 to close running commands

Alt + enter for full screen

Alt + (arrow key) to switch between windows

Alt + p to run bemenu

thats it


I use awesome. Right now I use pretty standard key bindings. I have it looking more like i3, due to the awful wibar placement and font size. I’ve thought about making special key bindings for constantly used programs however I’m pretty content with Super-P and type the program I want. The most customized I have the awesome config file is, the only available layout is set to spiral and dwindle.

Soon I’d like to implement glyphs and once I figure that out I’ll be more apt to make keyboard shortcuts. I also would like to see if I can round up the awful wibar.

chayleaf, (edited )

sway with tabs (i usually dont use actual tiling)+4-5 workspaces

waybar for status display and on mobile also for menu access

rofi as the app launcher (i also plan to write a proper rofi menu for my phone for quick access to useful commands/config but it’s heavily wip)

i patched sway for push to talk because wayland spec doesnt support keybindings in a way required for push to talk for now

i also plan to patch it on the phone to completely forbid fullscreen apps (as they hide the menu which i use for workspace/window switching) and show the window bar on all windows (for example, firefox extension/downloads popups)



Also I like fuzzle better than rofi, check it out if you haven’t

hallettj, avatar

Sharing the link because it took me a minute to find it:


I’ll add that it’s made by the creator of foot terminal

wiikifox, avatar


  • 3 tags (term, web and files)
  • A different layout for every tag (CornerSE, Maximize and Fair, in that order)
  • Super+/ for a hotkey list
  • Super+P for rofi -show run
  • Super+C for a scratchpad with profanity
  • Super+V for a scratchpad with cmus
  • Super+X for a scratchpad with notes
  • Super+~ for a quake term
  • Most of the default Awesome keybindings

In the files tag I run terms and Thunar, in the web tag qutebrowser and everything else in the term tag.


Kwin: meta+left, meta+right, meta+screenup

Thats it. For the rest I use a taskbar and buttons


I don’t do anything interesting. I’ve got the ten workspaces, and win+p to start stuff.

The only interesting thing is win+PrintScrn, which takes a screenshot to /tmp, and then opens it in pinta to crop.

Actually I also have win+z bound to turning off the laptop screen. That’s all I can remember

Ramin_HAL9001, (edited )

Former Xmonad user here.

I had two 5 screens and two columns. One screen was for terminal emulators, one was for writing code and software development, one was for my web browser, 2 others were for miscelaneous things, but most often were for working with files a GUI file browser like Nautilus or Thunar, or for reading PDF files in Evince, or reading PowerPoint or Excel documents in LibreOffice.

On each screen the tiles were always in 2 columns. The left for doing work, writing code, prose, drawing graphics and charts, interacting with the CLI, and so on. On the right was documentation: manual pages, PDF files, HTML documents, sometimes the MPV video player window when watching a tutorial that I was able to download from YouTube.

The right column usually had no more than 3 windows open, they started to get too narrow to be useful if more than that were open. I would occasionally horizontally split the left column as well, usually when going back and forth between two documents I was editing.


I did not use this workflow once I started using Tmux, and then I continued not using this workflow when I switched to Emacs. The reason is of course because Tmux and Emacs both provide their own tiling windowing system that operate within a single application window. So my main workflow was always in a single maximized terminal window, or a single maximized Emacs window, or a single maximized GIMP window. Only occasionally would I un-maximize these windows, but then to keep it from getting too small, I would set it in “floating window” mode. Also my web browser, PDF reader, GIMP, LibreOffice, all worked better in full-screen (maximized window) mode. Even Thunar (GUI file browser) has multiple tabs, and a multi-column mode which was useful for the very few times I ever needed a GUI file browser.

At one point, I actually changed my tiling window manager configuration to always open windows maximized, except for Thnuar (GUI file browser) which would open in floating mode, not tiling mode. At that point I finally realized that I don’t really using a tiling window manager at all, it is just there managing windows the same as a non-tiling window manager would do.

I switched back to the Xfce default window manager, and quit worrying about window managers all together.

DaveedMee, avatar

BSPWM user here: Desktops are 1-10 Super + Enter: Terminal on desktop 1 Super + F: Firefox on Desktop 2 Super + D: File manager on Desktop 3 (D for data) Super + Space: Rofi dmenu Super + Shift + Space: Rofi Run

Discord and Telegram (or any other messengers for that matter) are always Desktop 10 so they aren’t in the way of anything.

And any other desktop is whatever I need to use in that regard, sorted thematically amd depending on task

magnus, (edited )

Last 25 years I have been using a couple of different tiling window managers. My main workstations usually have four monitors, accessed by AltGr+number.

I heavily base my workflow on virtual desktops, accessed by Ctrl+number.

Each virtual desktop have a specific type of programs on it:

  1. Development
  2. Terminals
  3. Browsers
  4. Communication / documentation
  5. Multimedia
  6. Graphics
  7. SQL
  8. Debugging
  9. Email
  10. Virtual machines / monitoring

So with this I can access nearly every program with AltGr+number, Ctrl+number which is quite quick. As long as I remember the monitor I placed it on, I always know which virtual desktop.

I use chained keyboard shortcuts for window manager shortcuts, here: (old one, this has grown a bit…)

The chaining allows me to easier remember shortcuts with mnemonics, and they are fast enough, especially considering the amount of shortcuts I can scale it to.

  • Alt+T to start the chain, L for Layout, R for Resize.
  • Alt+T, R for Run, I for Inkscape.
  • Alt+T, A for Audio, N for Next.

There are some exceptions for the most used focus- and window moving operations, as well as for managing a clipboard buffer system. There are too many times when one goes back and forth to copy something, paste it somewhere else and going back for the previous one. So I can copy something, press Ctrl+Shift+3 to put in buffer 3. After a few other copy/pastes, I bring it into clipboard again with Ctrl+Alt+3. This also allows me to for example reload a page I’m working on and login with user/pass easily accessible in buffer 1 and 2, or login to four different network devices again and again without going to a text file and copying one of four passwords each and every time.

I wrote a special session manager via socket for i3 to be able to press Ctrl+number and go to a certain predefined desktop on the current monitor I’m at.

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