TropicalDingdong, Well… high end a generation or two ago, but props regardless.
I really wish LTT would have gone with a Linux chanel instead of a gaming channel. I’d love to see something like this featured there.
Zeon, (edited ) Thank you! Yes I agree, just changed the title to ‘mid-range’ instead, makes more sense. Anyways, yes I would love to get LTT on this!!
TropicalDingdong, Still, great work.
There is a real revolution happening around linux and gaming.
I really think your work contributes to that, so thanks.
steal_your_face, ![]()
LTT is trash but a Linux channel would be nice for the community
TropicalDingdong, It sure is trash, but damn if I ain’t a trash panda.
steal_your_face, ![]()
Mm trash, mm trash I love trash Mm trash, yum yum trash I wanna eat trash (Mm) Trash, trash I love trash I can’t stop now (Mm) Can’t stop now
Caboose12000, whats libreboot? does (what im assuming is) a bootloader really have that much impact on performance after the PC has finished booting?
sir_reginald, ![]()
whats libreboot? does (what im assuming is) a bootloader really have that much impact on performance after the PC has finished booting?
It’s more a BIOS replacement, not a bootloader. It can have a slightly performance decrease due to lack of optimisation vs the proprietary BIOS.
But the real issue is that Libreboot is supported in a very specific list of motherboards, which means that you don’t get to run the latest hardware.
Last I checked the newer board that supported it was like 4 years old. It might have changed now, tho
BlanK0, Congrats bro! Sadly, the nvidia drivers are proprietary but eventually it might not need to be with the progress we are seeing on NVK. Almost 100 percent libre system poggers 😳
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