@iHUNTcriminals but why comment on it? An elite user should know that different things work for different people not strut about acting superior because he doesn’t use a DE.
That’s actually a bit tricky for me especially via text, I’ve got a touch of the 'ole autism (like I have an actual diagnosis from a real medical doctor and not TikTok), but I get what you mean. I have a bad habit of assuming the worst about people
They still haven’t added DRM Leasing to Wayland, which is needed for SteamVR to work and considering KDE (has had it for literally years, since 2021) and even COSMIC DE (and it’s not even out yet) both already have it, it’s just rediculous.
GNOME’s mantra is pretty much remove functionality if the maintenance burden is anything beyond lifting a finger. This might end up biting them however as it’s caused them to fall behind in supporting the features enterprises and consumers want out of a Linux desktop. Combine this with their weird obsession of making a pseudo-touch interface and it’s just not working.
The only thing keeping me on X11 at this point is Slack screen share feature. It doesn’t work on Wayland to share the entire screen (specific apps do) and it is entirely Slacks fault here.
X11 also has slightly higher FPS for gaming but not much.
Night light was the big one for me. If I remember correctly they wanted to implement a workaround for night light on nvidia gpus on wayland for KDE Plasma 6. I guess that’s kinda superfluous now 😄
Took me a second to figure out that was the Nvidia drivers version number. I was wondering if gnome made another major version shift from 45 to 545 for a second :)
Can’t watch the video rn so going to be THAT person who asks a question that may be answered in the video…
I have a remote server running PopOS! I use with the gnome DE, I use xrdp to connect to it, have done some hinting in past about ways to use Wayland instead but had no luck. Does this slow decom mean development for Wayland over rdp may be coming soon?
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