NixOS Reproducible Builds: minimal installation ISO successfully independently rebuilt
Great achievement by the NixOS Developers. Congratulations!
Great achievement by the NixOS Developers. Congratulations!
Tetsuo, If I remember correctly the F-Droid team on Android had a lot of trouble getting reproductible builds. I can’t imagine how difficult this would be for a whole system.
d3Xt3r, I thought NixOS was already reproducible, like, isn’t that the whole point? What’s the big deal here, and why is it a “great achievement” - does the Linux world now completely change? Does this revolutionize how Linux ISOs are built?
MonkCanatella, From my understanding, Nix is currently reproducible in that you can easily run an install with a script that gets you set up with the packages and configuration that you want, but the announcement is that they can verify the binaries that they ship are faithful to their source, and haven’t been tampered with anywhere in the build pipeline
That is almost word for word would the body of the post says
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