
Weird, on KDE it uses a GTK portal by default but tha argument makes it use the KDE portal

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

Perhaps Plasma automatically sets the various enviornment variables to enable consistent themes? I haven’t used it in a while…


Firefox is not a GTK application by the way. They use their own XUL/XPCOM framework and are in the long-running process of porting everything to HTML/JS/CSS.

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

There must be GTK somewhere, gtk3 is a dependency on Arch and the GTK_USE_PORTAL env var strongly suggests GTK has something to do with the file chooser. If they’re going to have to reimplement the latter, I hope it’s going to be less horrible than the GTK one but knowing Mozilla I’m not that faithful…


It does use the GTK file-open dialog by default (although distributions can swap that out).

It also takes inspiration from the GTK theme for drawing buttons and whatnot, so they fit into the OS. KDE generates a GTK theme, though, so that’s rarely a problem.

Nobsi, avatar

I dont understand this. I just let it open explorer.exe

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

At the expense of missing what could potentially be a deadpan ironic comment, I would like to divert your attention to the name of the community this meme was posted on

Nobsi, avatar

I don’t understand. I read this on edge.exe.

cupcakezealot, avatar

lynx superiority


Had to nuke xdg-desktop-portal recently. AGAIN. Because they keep introducing a regression that causes all the GTK apps to run at a snails pace and totally ruins the desktop experience. I HATE xdg-desktop-portal. This has happened at least twice before. They can’t seem to get their shit together. I wish I could just be rid of it entirely.

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

While it is causing me a ton of headaches, I’m thankful that it gives the user a choice of desktop utilities… I just wish I didn’t have to hunt env variables and config files that may or may not be completely ignored.


Also why for fucks sake does firefox do it’s own mime type management and does not respect default applications set on system level!


I love Firefox and it’s my main browser on laptop and mobile.

But as a KDE user, seriously, fuck it. It’s a mess.

milkjug, (edited )

@OP, join us in Tumbleweed land. I tried arch btw but it drove me crazy. I don’t have endless hours on end to spend on DIY when I am in a hurry to get things to just work™. Tumbleweed with KDE is a refreshing take on the bleeding-edge rolling release distro with sensible defaults and much less teeth gnashing. With arch btw I felt like the whole thing was held together with duct tape and prayers. And I’m certain whatever I did in arch btw, there’s an “ackchyually, …” guy who is going to say that that was wrong.


I never had a better system for KDE than Tumbleweed. Definitely my favourite “hasslefree” distro up until now.


Tumbleweed KDE gang rise up!


I’m the same way. I just started using Linux and Landed on Pop!OS. Tumbleweed is high on my short list of things to try, but I finally got everything working, and boy is it working well.

I think the reason is my hardware profile is extremely similar to Pop!OS products, so I just happened to land on something per-optimized for my system out of dumb luck. I’m frankly shocked at how far linux has come. Lutro is what we’ve been waiting for on game installs for better than 20 years. Steam integration is of course nice, but I hate using game stores and hate being locked into that.

Anyways, been a cool experience so far.


Great stuff, welcome to the Tumbleweed club, we meet at the dumpster behind Wendy’s every Tuesday. I tried Pop!_OS for a while and was quite impressed. However I have an irrational disdain for GNOME and Ubuntu so their derivatives are out for me. I hereby declare OpenSUSE and KDE the cool kids club. Tuesdays, dumpster behind Wendy’s.


lol… the KDE crowd seems really devoted, and intent on snagging a new convert. I’ll give it a shot I’m sure. But I’m definitely saving an image of this just in case.


Which Wendy’s? Would suck to go to the wrong one and end up sitting there all alone.


The one with dozens of us! Dozens!

You’ll know when you see it.


Yeah this is true. Arch has lots of small and weird package bugs and breakages it drives me crazy and I used to daily drive that shit (well, both arch and artix) for about 2 years. Changed all my machines over to Debian (used it as a server before) and my life quality has gone nowhere but UP!

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

Why do I keep getting distro recommendations? I’m content with Arch, despite its problems.




i went the way of endeavor os back when grub broke and i’m really happy with it

JustEnoughDucks, avatar

Tried tumbleweed on my laptop, bog standard install with only defaults, first update with the GUI, completely deleted all grub configurations but gave no errors or warning on the GUI. Happened twice in a row.

Updating for CLI with YaST had no issues. Wanted to love it, but got a bad taste literal minutes after install.

I am fine on Arch, but I just wanted less hassle and ended up with more hassle. Maybe I will try again soon


I just got Tumbleweed set up on my laptop after trying Fedora for a bit. Funnily enough, the thing that made me check it out is CentOS 7 coming up on end of life and needing to find a new distro to switch to for servers. Obviously, would use Leap on the server side, but the rolling release cadence of Tumbleweed was very appealing (have used Arch in the past, but had trouble keeping up with it…). Still feel like I am only using a fraction of what I can with it, though


Sigh… Another day on lemme, another distro to try lol


Join the Chromium monopoly it is the superior browser. Aside from not having tab containers, it beats Firefox is almost every other way.

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

Yeah no tab containers is kind of a deal breaker, thanks for letting me know.


one word manifest v3


Did you know Firefox has also adopted manifest V3.


oh no i didn’t know that seems like i live under a rock

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

I think that was because Google dropped the controversial part of it or something, idk for sure since I don’t even bother keeping up with web dev. There was the whole WEI stuff to make up for that…


Nah, Mozilla just won’t implement the arbitrary restriction that Google set for content/ad blocking. They’ll be 100% API compatible, without limiting how many blocking rules there can be, which is the only bad part about v3 (or really the deprecation of the unrestricted v2), as far as I’m aware.

Mozilla can also continue supporting v2 for as long as they like. And they can provide additional APIs, which they already do, which is why uBlock Origin is, in fact, already better on Firefox today:…/uBlock-Origin-works-best-on-Firefox

@nogrub @hottari


In Firefox, open a couple of tabs, snap the window to the left, now drag a tab to the right and try to snap it to the right edge.

Now do that same thing w a chromium browser

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

I’m mot sure what feature you’re refering to, but I’m not downloading a chromium browser until Firefox does manage to drive me insane

Rustmilian, (edited ) avatar

Have you tried firefox-nightly?


Firefox nightie? What, did new merch just drop?

Sonotsugipaa, (edited ) avatar

I wasn’t planning on installing another browser (ignore the post’s title), and joining a Matrix chat for technical help is the last thing I would do due to me being socially awkward…

I appreciate the advice though


My brother it’s a matrix chat not a public speaking event


You could definitely have raised a bug report in the time it took you to make this

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

I cannot even determine the culprit, to whom am I supposed to file a bug report?


At maybe? Or just look up “firefox report bug” online, I guess

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

I don’t know if Firefox is at fault. It could be Firedragon (the fork I’m using), it could be any of the desktop portals messing things up (looking at you, xdg-desktop-portal-gtk), it could be Arch Linux due to how packagers package each portal, it could be that I stepped on a landmine by switching from Sway to Hyprland - this is when the problem first occurred.

Firedragon’s (and the Firefox flatpak’s) output doesn’t say anything, nothing stands out in their logs, same goes for both Sway and Hyprland - for all I know XDG portals don’t even have standalone logs, they just dump error messages to stdout in my experience (which, again, have not been dumped).

I could send bug reports to everyone, and get told “this isn’t our problem, write a bug report to ${OTHER_SOFTWARE}”. But then, which logs do I provide? All of them? Sure, I can gather up logs and non-existent messages from several pieces of software, one of them being a glorified API.

It would have taken me a good hour to find the relevant data, find the correct places to write reports to, word things in a quasi-professional manner, all for a small chance for any of the developers of something to answer something that is not a variation of “can’t help you bro, your logs are anorexic”.

So, after reminiscing the days of writing Windows registry keys and seeing no results (by writing XDP hints all over the system AND rebooting), I took 10 minutes to vent and make a meme - NoScript was intefering with imgflip, otherwise I would have needed 3.

I could not, in fact, definitely have raised a bug report in the time it took me to make this.

FangedWyvern42, avatar

Firedragon is a fork of Librewolf (which is a fork of Firefox), not Firefox. It’s not Firefox at fault.

Sonotsugipaa, (edited ) avatar

Case in point

(although Firefox (the Firefox Firefox) also refused to work)


The peak linux experience.

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

Odd, that’s exactely what my friends tell me when I’m playing BG3 and a bug causes me to get stuck in dialogue (in a Windows 10 VM)

Voyajer, avatar

Why in a VM?

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

Because I’m not installing that thing on bare metal


does bg3 not run on proton ?


Idk whether Proton or natively but no issues at all running it on Pop

Sonotsugipaa, (edited ) avatar

It does, but the Steam DRM bypassing thing that I’m being peer-pressured into using does not

(not that I’m against buying good games like BG3, it’s just that I’m not going to spend 70€ on a game that is just not my type (plus, there’s peer pressure going on here))


I hate not knowing if my bug report is valid.


Perhaps an invalid opinion, but a bug report that falls outside of scope because of lack of detail or lack of reproduction is still a valid bug report for metrics and general user experience imo. Could lead to interoperability efforts, user experience recommendations, user education utilities, or a bug getting patched but the end result is always the same: a better experience for the end user.


In that case you could maybe see if it works correctly for you in firefox installed via flatpak from flathub. Those are official builds and bug reports on them should go to Mozilla directly.

It could be related to hyprland though. I think I read somewhere that one of those lightweight WMs (or whatever it really is idk sry lol) doesn’t ship a portals config file for x-d-p to exactly know which exact implementation to use. Maybe arch doesn’t have that issue though

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

I’ve read through all the possible bug reports and forum help requests, and used the flatpak Firefox at every point I tried a solution.

In the end I managed to solve the problem, though I’m sure it’ll pop back out at some point.

nullpotential, avatar

I stepped on a landmine by switching from Sway to Hyprland

That’s 100% what it is. Changing desktop environments has almost always led to issues in my experience. If you want to use a different DE, make a new user account or reinstall the distro.

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

It turned out not to be the problem, I just incidentally changed other stuff while doing it


Careful, the FF community here hates it when you point out faults in their “perfect” browser

Redjard, avatar

I disagree.
Some months ago I had weird behavior with compose sequences, I went on the ff c, made a post on it, and there was a fruitfull discussion leading to pinning it on gtk doing compose sequences weirdly. No hate was experienced.

Flaky, avatar

I’ve noticed what that person is saying outside of the Firefox community, the evangelism and all, and then criticism of Firefox and more specifically Mozilla’s actions in the Firefox community. Case in point, someone laying down the issues with the upcoming Fakespot integration.


gecko good, blink bad


Everyone involved, worst case they just close them

Sonotsugipaa, (edited ) avatar

As I said in another other comment to someone else, there is a quite noticeable difference in effort between typing sentences on imgflip and hunting bugs.


Well, you’ve determined a major part of what’s causing it. There is not much more to add, just submit what you have.

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

The only thing I can correctly report is that the termfilechooser portal causes something to die somewhere at some point - it never even worked in the first place.

It’s above my 0$/h paygrade at this point


“works on my machine” closes bugreport




sudo bugreport “plz fix”


This incident has been logged.

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

Great, I can use that to report the error to every single contributor and packager of my 1802 installed packages!


this is so much better though

bleistift2, (edited )

My package manager has 400+ updates, but I can’t install them because some packages are conflicting, and I don’t have the willpower to untangle that mess.

I use arch btw. I use the arch-derivative Manjaro, btw.


I ran into this on Manjaro today too. Definitely don’t have the capacity to sort it right now


Yay, I’m not alone. :'D

ares35, avatar

have a manjaro desktop (with cinnamon) at the office that gets used daily. haven't seen this here.


The issue probably depends heavily on the installed software and might surface for some while others don’t have it.


It looks like it’s a bunch of conflicts with kde stuff


Same - it is probably why I will change soon. Manjaro has been a bit too flaky I think. Still nice, but annoying with things like this.


Join us in glorious GarudaLinux land. I swear they don’t pay me to shill this distro every other day.

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

First time?

jdk-openjdk vs jre-openjdk? mentions it, although the workaround it provides is fake news and also results in pacman complaining about conflicts.

I just removed stuff, abused pacman --nodeps and prayed that my backups would be sufficient to restore my inevitable fuckup (no fuckup happened, somehow). Try that at your own risk though…

bleistift2, (edited )

I think I’ll just switch to something more user-friendly again. When I installed Manjaro, I thought I liked tinkering. But since then I’ve started working and just want to get home to a functioning computer.

I appreciate the effort, though.

Sonotsugipaa, avatar

Arch and Manjaro tend to have that effect on people, it’s understandable


I feel this, Fedora filled the gap for me. I needed more current software, but if that isn’t a priority Debian is amazing.

SexualPolytope, (edited ) avatar

Manjaro nowadays has become a hassle. It used to be really solid around 5-6 years ago. I had it for 3+ years. Then it started breaking a lot. I switched to EndeavourOS 1.5 years ago, been solid since. The jre/jdk issue was pretty painless to deal with as well.


The jre/jdk issue was pretty painless to deal with as well.

What’s driving me away is that I have to deal with it at all. The command just fails and leaves you to google the solution. That’s annoying and unnecessary.

I know now that Manjaro isn’t the OS for me if I’m not willing to do that.


If you like to tinker but still have some consistency, I’d suggest gentoo. It’s been really solid for the last 16 years for me.



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  • Sonotsugipaa, avatar

    It says to use pacman -Syu jdk-openjdk to automatically remove jre-openjdk, which didn’t happen

    aniki, (edited )


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  • Sonotsugipaa, avatar

    I’ve solved that problem days ago, I’m more afraid of XDG Portals than Arch Linux being Arch Linux


    Just join the kubuntu gang. Maybe you’ll lose your pride and self-respect, but it’s a simple life.

    Sonotsugipaa, (edited ) avatar

    I don’t want the easy life, if I wanted the easy life I would have bought a macbook for programming and kept Windows with default settings for gaming.

    Besides, Kubuntu was my first AND third distro.

    … and I have no self respect whatsoever. Nor pride.

    nogrub, (edited )

    i just updated jdk-openjdk by it self then did the system update and it worked (endevaros/i3)

    Sonotsugipaa, (edited ) avatar

    Addendum: I reinstalled the GTK portal because I was desperate, now I can’t even use that UX abomination because who the

    <span style="color:#323232;">█▀▀ █░█ █▀▀ █▄▀
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    (As it turns out, the cause was a previous attempt to get xdg-desktop-portal-termfilechooser to work - I’m just going to sneak this edit in here and go die in a corner or something)


    Ah yes, something being broken because of your previous attempt to fix it.
    That’s a certified classic.

    Sonotsugipaa, avatar

    It’s not even that, I wanted to try using Ranger as the file chooser because Dolphin would freeze up if it ended up in a tmpfs mount point… which I can deal with if the only alternative is the default GTK file chooser.


    My recent DNS issue agrees with you. smh

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