Dark Lords handing out rings is no basis for a system of government. I mean, If I went around saying I was an emperor just because a shape shifting necromancer lobbed some jewelry at me, they’d put me away!
I just realized, that bit about being an anarcho-syndicalist community with an elected officer who is in charge for a period is pretty much how government worked in the Shire if I remember correctly.
I’ve been in one of those bathrooms. Was rather nice, sitting there in the dark pooping, with my phone illuminating only small part of the stall. Comfy poo
One of the bathrooms at my office has a fully enclosed “stall” and a urinal. But the sensor for the light is outside of the stall, and it’s only like 3 minutes. So when you’re in the middle of a number 2, you have to either do the rest in total darkness, or risk opening the door to give a wave to the sensor.
Have you ever shuffled out of the stall with your pants around your ankles, waved to the sensor, made eye contact with another person who was doing the exact same thing, and then shuffled back into the stall with an unspoken agreement to never speak about the incident again?
People that work there, yes. But it was next to a conference area which often had folks from out of town or external to the company. Dudes in suits who are just there to shake hands and give a presentation.
So imagine some highly honored guest chuckling with the CEO and then 5 seconds later opening the bathroom door to find a sweaty nerd in flannel flailing around at the urinal.
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