
I mean… it’s supposed to be a ‘beauty contest’ so why shouldn’t they compete?

Not that I don’t think the entire concept of a competition over beauty is stupid, but they exist, so why not just see who wins?


You’re either fabulous or you’re not. Has nothing to do with what’s in between your legs at birth or beyond.


What if I have a fabulous dick, but the rest of me is blah?

Zehzin, avatar

That depends on what you’re allowed to wear for the swimsuit section.

gridleaf, avatar

Just crop those parts out of your OnlyFans posts.


You enter your dick into a beauty pageant, of course.


Put my dick in what now?

Klicnik, avatar

“Instructions unclear” popped into my mind immediately.


The last time I tried that the police were called.


Not as fabulous as you thought.


Just got to find the right contest, friend


Zorque is envied by every gent,

’Cause it’s fab when he pitches a tent

Every saint and sinner

Can each be a winner

When his dick’s in the beauty pageant


No need to brag to those of us whose entirety is eurgh

IonAddis, avatar

Then you put googly eyes and a little rhinestone pantsuit on it and stick a video up on…well, I guess YouTube wouldn’t take it.

Pornhub, maybe?



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  • foggy,


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  • SatanicNotMessianic,

    Good thing they’re not men pretending to be women, I guess?

    Sanctus, avatar

    Theres one miss thats only for women and its you missing your shot every time.


    Trans men pretending to be women aren’t women, they’re men.

    That’s what you meant, right?

    ApathyTree, avatar

    You’re right; men pretending to be women are drag queens, not women, trans or otherwise.

    Trans women are women, though.


    Trans women are trans women. It’s not a one way street.



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  • ApathyTree, avatar


    Nobody ever said they are female, afaik.

    Trans women are women.


    Depends what your definition of woman is. To most it’s a biological female.


    What does “biological female” mean?

    Imotali, avatar

    Thank you for adding fun to my day!

    Falmarri, avatar

    So you check people’s genes before you decide on what pronoun to use?

    ApathyTree, avatar

    Define “most” and cite sources.



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  • stanleytweedle,

    Except it is a contest for very fake women.


    Trans women are women, asshole



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  • punkisundead,

    Biological sex is just a made up thing and there are no definitions that actually work universally for every human. Thats actually the scientific truth.


    Gender is made up. Sex is not. Not taking any sides just correcting you


    Oh fking hell. Biology is an actual science. It’s not religion, it’s not astrology, it’s not gender theory

    Biological sex, male and female, in any species, is one of the foundational truths of biology. You need to go back to middle school sir/mam


    Ok, since you’re the expert, what defines gender?


    You should stop refering to middle school biology and check out university biology. And maybe also stop refering to outdated knowledge that’s been disproven.


    Except for the hundreds of millions of species of lifeforms for which male and female biological sex is not part of their biology. But what do PhDs know about biology? they just scientifically study the core tenets of life.


    There are about as much intersexuated humans as they are redheads.

    Lots of species only have “1 sex” since they reproduce asexually (including some neat lizards).

    Fungi went a bit overboards and you’d lack fingers to count most of them.

    It’s like imaginary numbers, stuff is always a little more complicated than you were taught in middle school :)

    Imotali, avatar

    You are so objectively wrong… and fortunately for me: I don’t have to listen to you, and will now use that authority to make others not have to listen to you for you violated the civility rule of the instance!



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  • trimmerfrost,


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  • letsgocrazy,


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  • Shapillon,

    How is it degrading and limiting?

    Imotali, avatar

    Biologically incorrect.


    These contests are full of ideology, so a trans person has a significant advantage over the others. There aren’t enough heartwarming and sob stories in the world to compensate for that.

    On the other hand, I don’t really care if those kind of competitions are unfair. If they help trans people convey a message, that’s probably the best thing that can come out of them.


    Ah yes, the competitions currently banning trans women definitely have a positive bias towards them.


    It’s funny because the original trans sports bans were justified by saying that they would have an unfair advantage. This beauty pageant ban is just transphobes saying that trans women are unfairly attractive lmfao.



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  • Imotali, avatar

    Have fun not interacting with this community anymore.


    This is deliciously rich. They really painted themselves into a corner with that one!

    vis4valentine, avatar

    This happens when transphobes forgets that trans men exists lol.

    Skellybones, avatar

    They exist? Thought they were a fairytale




    I know three.

    In fact, come to think of it, I only know two trans women, so I know more trans men than trans women.



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  • Diprount_Tomato, avatar


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  • Goldmage263, avatar

    I’d love to watch forcefeed them a plate of their, “you will always be a woman” words.

    LazaroFilm, avatar

    I can tell hes ugly.


    she's a robot


    This is fantastic, while having them obviously in drag is delicious, it would be even more stark if some of them present as traditional male too and really bring the point home.

    Gerryflap, avatar

    Absolute chads. I’m curious what kind of response this is going to get.

    Diprount_Tomato, avatar

    “You’re not beautiful enough for a contest about female beauty with your male presentation, therefore we reject your application”

    Cold and passive-agressive, just like an actual organisation would answer



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  • SatanicNotMessianic,

    I’m pretty sure there’s neither pastors nor priests involved, so you don’t have to worry about degenerates.


    I have yet to see your group denouncing degenerates. Crazy thing they defend them lmao


    I hereby denounce all priests and pastors on behalf of whatever group you think I represent lmao

    I likewise denounce republicans, rapists, racists, and other rapscallions lol


    Ikr, vote for bigoted idiots, get idiotic, bigoted policies


    Are the people who run Miss Italy an elected body?



    Skellybones, avatar

    Let’s goooo guys! top spot is ours

    itscozydownhere, avatar

    For context, Miss Italia is no longer broadcasted on important tv channels and almost no one watches or care about who wins now. Years ago (10?) it was a big thing and winners would make commercials and do movies/series and be remembered for life. But it’s too an old school concept now

    Anyway, I love this turn of events

    Source: Italian


    I'm glad to hear Italy is moving past its Berlusconi era.


    Does this mean we won’t be able to see it live? Or at all?

    itscozydownhere, avatar

    I just googled it, apparently it might come back to the first national tv channel for 2023, we’ll see, anyway it was streamed on the official website before that and for the last 4 years


    Will they have the power to reject candidates? Maybe I’m naive to think they’ll have the trans men compete too but I wanna see how it’ll play out.

    itscozydownhere, (edited ) avatar

    I think they totally can reject who they want… usually competitors are the winners of local beauty contest, so there’s a lot of ways to be excluded before even reaching the last decision stage. But not sure, I never really cared for it


    Aw… I see. Thanks for the answers, I appreciate it.

    itscozydownhere, avatar

    Of course 🙌


    I think it would have been fair to have a rule saying “no surgical modifications”… because doing things like facelift, nose-job, breast/buttox implants, cheek lifts, wrinkle removal, etc, are obviously unfair advantages (in a beauty contest) for those who have the money pay for it; and having a generic blanket rule like that would have accomplished the same thing they were trying to accomplish without being so blatantly transphobic… so a rule like what they have only proves that they are both despicable AND dumb. The entire notion of beauty pageants is outdated and stupid if you ask me.

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    On the one hand, that might work. On the other hand, who gives a fuck about the rules in a contest with arbitrary standards?


    People who insist on pushing themselves into every possible corner of society will focus on anything that is unequal no matter how meaningless.


    What is this word salad? Could you rephrase using your own words, please, instead of parroting something you think you heard?

    Chunk, (edited )


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  • Exatron,

    It’d help if you weren’t spewing bigoted nonsense.


    Do you did understand the first time ;)


    It’s not hard to understand that you’re a bigot.


    Someone is upset. For someone claiming to be enlightened you sure are aggressive.


    You have a lot of learning to do about enlightenment. Gutei cut off a motherfucker’s finger to get him a little closer to enlightenment. Violence is inherent to true enlightenment. When the enlightened meet the buddha, they will kill the buddha.


    Friend, I’m going to try to be gentle, and honest, and I hope you will listen with an open heart and mind.

    I came out to myself, and my wife and kids about a week ago. I was born with the mind, the spirit, the personally, the essence, whatever, of a woman 37 years ago. I have been living as a man, conforming to society’s rules for 37 years. It took me four days, two hours at a time, to feel 40% of the way you do, just by waking up.

    Note: I don’t know what gender you are. I don’t actually give a flying fuck. The point is, if you want to go sit in a sauna with your peers, you can. I can’t. All the normal experiences you had, weather you was born as a girl, and was annoyed that your mom made you sit still so she could fix your hair, or as a boy playing catch with your dad or working on the family car, you got that. You got to go to prom wearing what you want. Hell, you can go take a shit at the mall without people giving you dirty looks.

    I can’t.

    Trans people don’t want to insert themselves anywhere. Society wants to exclude them from everywhere. It may seem pointless that it’s just some beauty pageant, but imagine you have this beautiful car you built, by hand. You even had to so much custom shaping and fabrication, but goddamn is she pretty. Let’s take her to a car show, shall we? Wait… You can’t show off the car you’ve literally spent years on? After all this time, after you spent all this money, all this time, hiding away. You are scared. This isn’t a mass manufactured car, what if you get made fun of? It’s fine, it still has the shape of a car, and it’s so pretty, and you are so proud!

    What… it isn’t allowed? It is a gorgeous car though… They say it isn’t actually a car, just a bunch of shit someone slapped together. You can’t just take a Ford, strip it down to it’s frame, rebuild it peice by peice, and still call it a car. You cheated, and it’s wrong. Hell, for good measure, they tell you you can’t even register to drive it. It now sits in your garage. Collecting dust.

    If you don’t understand my allegory, you are you, the car is your true sense of self, your “transgenderism” if you must call it that, the car show was gonna be the pageant but I spaced out and it became representative of society as a whole for a minute…

    You are absolutely right that we want to be accepted. You’re accepted. Why can’t I be like you? Why do I have to be scared my step brother is going to beat the shit out of me just because I have to take a piss? You can go to the store and just… Grab a gallon of milk without having to worry about some bigot stalking you and hurting you just because you wore yoga pants because you think you have a nice ass. I’m nervous to step into my own backyard to have a cigarette without an entire man-costume on. You can literally put on whatever the hell you want, step outside, and and shout at the top of your lungs “I’m here!” And nobody will bat an eye.

    If I put on whatever I wanted, stepped outside, and met you for the first time, pleasant as can be, your preconceived notions would be that I’m some weird bundle-of-sticks-word that need to go inside and has no place in society.

    TL;DR: Trans people are people too


    Holy shit touch grass


    I’d say you’ve diluted this otherwise poignant allegory with a tablespoon or so of word soup.


    What is this, word salad?


    What is this, a kindergarten reading level?


    What is this, your only comeback?



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  • VirulentAura,

    Okay, I’ll make it simple since your reading comprehension leaves something to be desired: your bias is keeping you from allowing people to be themselves. The fact you don’t see a problem with an entire subsect of people being excluded from an event shows that you are a disgusting person that shouldn’t be allowed in public.


    You have no right to command my attention, yet I’m not surprised you think so.


    No, what they have is the ability to do so, as expressed by your replies.


    You certainly seem to care, sparky.


    Yet you feel the need to tell them how they should act?

    If they wish to participate, it’s their right to attempt to join. I just think it’s wonderful that the pagents clear policy of hate is backfiring so publicly.


    Since that lima bean didn’t want to read what you wrote, I just wanna say I really appreciate it and you.


    Is that it that “activists want to insert themselves and their cause into every possible area of society“ or is it maybe that trans people are actual living breathing humans who are a part of every possible area of society, and they have the right to exist and live their lives in peace, same as you?

    The only people in the story that are “forcing” anyone are the bigots who are actively attempting to ban trans people from competing, but they’re doing it poorly. Not surprising, since most bigots lack critical thinking skills.

    Diprount_Tomato, avatar

    Going through cosmetic surgeries in a contest that values cosmetic aspects is all but meaningless


    So, no contestants who have had their wisdom teeth removed? No one allowed who has had a C-section? No cancer patients who have had biopsies done?

    Lenins2ndCat, avatar

    I think it would have been fair to have a rule saying “no surgical modifications”…

    How are you intending to prove that that? Only the bad surgery makes itself obvious.


    Does saline glow under a blacklight?


    Only if you drink enough Gatorade 😂


    Like any kind of contest, finding rules violations is hard and not foolproof. It’s like sports that forbid using steroids - competitors do regularly take those substances while training, then quit taking them for competition and go uncaught. Competitors who are discovered later to have been violating rules are stripped of titles.

    That said, I don’t think it’s a very controversial concept that a beauty pageant shouldn’t be a contest about who could afford the best surgeons. Well - as I said earlier I think beauty pageants are absurd to begin with, but if they have to exist I don’t think it should be a contest between surgeons.

    Lenins2ndCat, avatar

    They are absurd and it’ll probably be a good thing when we’ve got past their existence. But the problem here is that proving surgery is essentially impossible. It’s quite unlike drugs that you can test for. Maybe implants you could test for but that’s just one thing, and I’m not sure that beauty pageants even have the kind of budget required for advanced tests.


    One of the contest’s rules says you can’t participate if you willingly had a nude photo took in your lifetime. Good luck proving that (not even considering how it’s a honeypot for revenge porn to surface)


    That they don’t allow nude photos is super revealing about what these “beauty” pageants are really about.


    What, if I might ask? I’ve always found the requirements just a hodgepodge of random stuff with no coherent purpose whatsoever.


    Though I would watch one that was a contest between surgeons. I imagine it’d start pretty tame, but the first time a girl with cat ears wins, were only like 5 years from the really crazy shit


    This would be hilarious if it happened.


    Lol, you implement that and basically all beauty pageants stop existing. Which would be a good thing, mind you. But I’ve never met a pageant contestant in my life that isn’t … let’s say … heavily enhanced by medical procedures.


    You’ve met a lot of beauty pageant contestants yeh? How many?


    Farmers, farmers mums

    Diprount_Tomato, avatar

    which would be a good thing


    lemonflavoured, avatar

    Clever way of protesting it.


    Agree. They can’t reject them without exposing their transphobia



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  • Whirlybird,


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  • Neve8028,

    I’m sure that the pageant organizers specifically wanted trans men to join /s



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  • Bardfinn,

    How will the patriarchy ever recover?



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  • vlad76, avatar

    And from what I’m being told by the internet, men make the best women.


    Which is indeed super ironic.


    Something being a social construct does not mean it has no real world effects. That’s kind of the point of identifying it as a social construct. HTH


    Men women aren’t a social construct. Society structures around the biological facts of there being men and women or male and female, and what makes them different. Which is something that should be celebrated, not demonized.


    So you do think there is a patriarchy? And you think it is based on fact, not the social construction of gender?


    I think In society men and women formed a structure based on strengths and weaknesses. This is neither dominated by men or women, not the way you want to see it. Which is why I made an earlier comment to go to places where men DO dominate society on every level and treat women like 2nd rate humans. If you truly believe we here in the west live in that way as well, we got nothing left to talk about.


    So, you think you live in a society where discrimination based on sex does not exist.

    Where is that, and what is your evidence for your claim?


    I don’t know what country you live in, but no here in the Netherlands it’s pretty equal. My evidence? I live here.


    The story is about Italy?

    You didn’t give your evidence so perhaps you’d prefer to refute this? Patriarchy in disguise — the myth of gender equality in the Netherlands


    Does that matter? I said the west, the west in general is fairly well balanced in terms of rights or equality. Maybe it’s different in Italy specifically but considering trans men can sign up for miss universe contests, apparently it’s not so bad.



    You probably missed my edit. You didn’t give evidence for your position so I’ve asked you to refute evidence for mine, just to make it nice and simple for you.


    How the f would I go about proving that? You come with an article speaking about a serious outdated law nobody lived by to begin with. Changed decades ago to reflect that fact.


    So, you think when bad laws go away, the attitudes behind them disappear as if by magic?

    The article gives up-to-date statistics as well as the dates of various laws. If you think those statistics are wrong, or don’t demonstrate what the authors say they do, you can explain. Or admit that your opinion is rooted in abject ignorance of the world you live in. Either will do.

    Nerorero, avatar

    The natural male urge to sit in a cubicle for 10 hours a day


    It’s still a social construct if it’s based on facts. Social construct doesn’t mean fake, it means we gave it a name and meaning.


    That’s cool, except if only certain people with certain body configurations have the uncontrolled freedom to be themselves, that’s still a problem.

    Or, as long as people who do not identify with the body they were given are ostricized, there are problems. As long as there are people who are groped because their body is different, lynched because their skin is different, or kept out of certain rooms just because of growths on their bodies they have no control over, there are problems.

    Just because you remove a label doesn’t mean there isnt a problem any more.


    In that case, is “patriarchy” the right label? Most men (racial minorities, non-cis, etc) face systematic oppression, so it doesn’t seem like gender is the problem. Seems like oppression follows class lines, not gender, race, orientation, etc.


    I don’t care if you call it The Wibbly Fuck Problem. Stop worrying about what it’s called and just do something about it. Damn. Everyone always worry about the unimportant shit.


    I see a lot of mouth and no trousers/skirt in this statement.


    Pervert. I don’t have to show you my ass just so you don’t be a dick.


    What are you doing to stop the ruling class from oppressing the rest of us? Seems like you’re just posting on Lemmy, same as me.


    Oppression follows ALL those lines. Oppression and privilege are intersections. That’s why a woman can be black but also be rich and live a better life than a dude who’s poor.


    Maybe Kyriarchy works better for you? It describes a multi layered and interactive web of stacked series of oppressive factors that encompasses race, class, gender, sexual orientation, ablism issues etc.

    Though under the definitions of patriarchy men are still oppressed. Young men and the poor are held in sway and looked at as disposable pawns and labor by the patriarchs - powerful men in the lead positions, like male heads of the family, but in this instance the ‘family’ is government, military, businesses and corperations, guilds, unions and bosses. The the buy in for those men at the bottom is that even a lowly man gets to feel like they are better at least than women. The act of being a woman is an automatic sort of failure state. Hence why men behaving in a feminine fashion are a threat. It subverts the hierarchy when someone willing chooses to behave as “lesser” of their own volition and seem happier for it.


    The the buy in for those men at the bottom is that even a lowly man gets to feel like they are better at least than women.

    This hasn’t been my experience, most authorities in my life have been women (teachers, bosses, etc). Even upper leadership in the company I currently work for has slightly more women than men. Obviously not everyone has the same experience, but I don’t think the picture you tried to paint is a universal truth.



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  • VirulentAura,

    Read the whole thing just for you. I think you need to read the whole thing yourself. But I’ll boil it down for you, it’s 1 psychologist opinion that you could word (leaves that even optional) to differentiate between sex and gender. However also points out, most psychologists, don’t see it that way.

    Aka it’s her opinion, great. I disagree. Too bad.


    I have a XX/XY friend. You tell me their sex/gender.


    Thats literally impossible. What’s happening here is the mistake often made of confusing genotypes with gender.


    Spoken like someone who doesn’t know any psychiatrists or psychologists…


    I know plenty, nobody agrees with such views and in several hearings in the USA it’s been properly handled and answered. No need for me to do that. This isn’t debate club.


    What hearings are you referring to?


    No, there still is. Trans men suffer from all of the same patriarchal oppression that cis men suffer from. The loneliness, the isolation, the expectation that they have no emotion. If you somehow watch trans people TikTok, The men’s biggest complaint is that they now have no friends.

    So yes, the patriarchy exists even if gender is a construct. Because one of those constructed genders oppresses the others, and themselves.


    “Patriarchy.” You use the word but you dont know what it means. We’re not talking about heads of households, we’re talking about the halls of power; which are controlled by cis men. Gender Equality advocates are not making claims that “men don’t exist,” just that gender its a highly varied spectrum. My guess is you already know this, and willfully ignore nuance so you can push a counter ideological stance. That makes you a lame-o. Sorry.



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  • Ultraviolet,

    “It’s worse somewhere else so the problem doesn’t exist” has always been a shit argument and you know it.



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  • girlfreddy, avatar

    Neither do I guess. 👋

    FlyingSquid, avatar

    So as long as it isn’t as bad as Saudi Arabia there are no problems?


    I’m not reading all that


    How come


    Men don’t understand no, I’ve heard this before…


    In what way? I don’t understand how that pertains to this.


    I hope this is a joke?

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