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Mr_Fish, in *Violet explosion in background*

Oompa loompa doopity do

Darkassassin07, avatar

🎶 Why should we give a fuck about you 🎵


Oompa loompa doompa da dee

You’re a bad person, now back to me

Crackhappy, avatar

If you’re not greedy you will go far,

ripcord, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies. avatar

Anakin has a clear motive, and a logical progression from naive to evil.

...did he, though?


I’d say so

  • plucked from poverty and slavery, despite his mother remaining helpless, by a Jedi that was a part of an order that ultimately saw him as an unscrupulous means to an end of maintaining their power
  • he felt as though he could make a bigger difference than he was allowed if stated order relinquished their attempt at controlling him
  • this feeling was vindicated by his mother’s torture and subsequent death
  • had his previously instilled beliefs challenged by two men he respected
  • incredibly strong motivation to go against the Jedi’s wishes to save the one person he valued more than life itself
rotopenguin, avatar

Anakin did not like sand, so therefore he had to kill all the younglings to win Padme’s love. It’s a very clear yet compelling character arc.

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

And you have to remember that he liked to spin as “it was a cool trick”.

psycho_driver, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies.

Both were a bit crap in my opinion. Ok, Dany’s was Taco Bell volcano diarrhea level.



moipe, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies.

When episodes 1-3 came out they were widely regarded as awful. Your kids are going to think the end of Game of Thrones was good.


RotS was the saving grace for the prequels. Otherwise theyre just lore notes that were adapted into clunky awkward movies.


I think a lot of people got a bad taste in their mouth with episode 1 and they couldn’t look past it. I saw all three in the theater and I enjoyed them all, but the whole Gungan / Jar Jar thing makes episode 1 the weakest for me by far. The whole tone of the movie feels like it was aimed at a much younger audience, even compared to episodes 2 and 3.

Which is bizarre to me, since you have to imagine the core audience for those movies were middle aged people who saw the originals as kids.

Still, nothing is worse to me than episode IX. I’d watch a Jar Jar spinoff before I’d watch that again.

Toribor, avatar

Obi Wan was the main character of the prequels but they kept thinking it was Anakin. Messes up the framing of a lot of events particularly in the first movie. By the third one I think they figured that out, but it has plenty of other problems even though the narrative focus was better.


It was episode 2 for me. Everything was just horrible about that movie. Acting, plot, everything. I never watched 3.

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

Ironically, as an OG fan who really disliked the prequels (you can find my lengthy screed elsewhere in this thread) I thought III was easily the best of those three.


Yeah, everyone tells me that, but I just can’t bring myself to care. Then again I watch maybe one movie a year, so I’m sure part of my disinterest in Episode 3 is my general disinterest in movies.

be_excellent_to_each_other, avatar

Fair. You aren't missing the pinnacle of cinema either. If you're going to watch one new (to you) Star Wars movie this year - make it Rogue One if you haven't seen it. It's the best Star Wars movie this century IMO. (By a lot.)


Which is bizarre to me, since you have to imagine the core audience for those movies were middle aged people who saw the originals as kids.

These are the people they needed to draw in, but the real audience was their kids. They wanted to create a new generation of Star Wars fans, and they knocked it out of the park.


I was 12 when Revenge of the Sith came out and back then I would have agreed that Episode 3 was the best of them.
However, as I grew older it changed and nowadays I think Episode 1 is the best written of the prequels and the dialogue is much more cringe in Episodes 2 and 3.


I liked episode 7. Never saw episode 8. Randomly saw episode 9 because the family wanted to.

I wanted to pull my hair out it was so awful. What did we spend, like a minute and a half on every planet we visited? It was giving me whiplash.

bitsplease, in Water... wet?

I seriously can’t believe there are still people who think China is actually communist anymore

Nurse_Robot, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies.

The ending of GoT will never stop being a sore spot for me. Some of the worst writing and abandonment (sabotage?) of character development I’ve ever witnessed.


Yeah but they had that big movie deal to get working on, had to put a bow on it.


The thing that still blows my mind is that they evidently could not comprehend that pulling this sort of bullshit would have sharply negative effects on their future in all of showbusiness. Like, they had a Star Wars movie signed. That’s still a bit of a thing nowadays, and when they got it, it was an even bigger deal. And they spiked it because they couldn’t be fucked to put in the effort to give one of the most popular TV series EVER a reasonably meaningful, satisfying, and well-written conclusion.


Even if we get nothing else from those last seasons, at the very least it’ll serve as a warning to show runners in future. You can be responsible for one of the biggest and best shows ever but if you don’t stick the landing people will never forgive you.

I wonder how they feel about it now, what a waste of an opportunity.

Gradually_Adjusting, avatar

I hope it drives them to drink cheaply.


The worst part is all the investment I had into it. Not just emotional investment but also time spend getting to know the lore and coming up with theories


You nailed it on the head


It’s a bingo!


Don’t worry, it will pay off when the books are finished!



there’s unfinished books, hope GRRM could finished it eventually.

your lore and theories you follow still matters.


I feel so sorry for the actors and other people who worked on the show, besides D and D of course. Imagine being part of the biggest TV thing ever and having incredible success, only for it all to fall apart towards the end, completely removing the thing from public consciousness.


Man, remember when they had the cast do that media blitz for the final season, and Peter Dinklage was just giving off Hide The Pain Harold vibes for the whole interview? That must have been rough :(


Yeah, that must have been brutal. Some of the actors let a couple of negative sentences slip during those interviews, but I’m sure they weren’t allowed to.

I don’t know if a single clip shows this better than the reaction of Varys’ actor to his characters death. Just imagine having to sit at a table WITH THE SHITHEADS THAT ARE RESPONSIBLE for butchering an amazing character you should be remembered for, and not being able to say anything. Fuck.


It was so frustrating because the actors kinda obviously all gave a shit and wanted the show to be good, and D&D just… didn’t.


Absolutely, they still tried to do their best. Makes it all the more disheartening when they really couldn’t influence the end result.


You’ve got it all wrong! It was actually an incredibly genius move, as the writers knew that after 7 seasons of twists, turns and surprises, the audience wouldn’t really be phased by any characters death anymore. We’d become so accustomed to sudden character deaths that watching GoT became the literal incarnation of “expect the unexpected” and you can’t shock people who are just waiting for it to happen. So what did the showrunners do? They did the only thing nobody expected, assassinated the only target they knew would still get a reaction out of people after all this time - they killed off the show itself.


Hahaha that’s brilliant

themeatbridge, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies.

Are we including the Clone Wars? Because for me, that filled in a lot of gaps and made the movies more enjoyable.

rug_burn, in O.o

This cracked me the fuck up, thanks for that!


O.o you’re welcome sweetie pie.

wombat, in Vegan food: The west vs India

usians cannot imagine consuming a treat that does not involve murder. They will literally pay a premium and spend billions in R&D to get non-murder treats to taste more like murder.


Holy shit, there are still dinks out there that are trying to make "USian" a thing? I thought all of you nad-nudgers died of with kuro5hin.


Clearly it should be Americunts

SuckMyWang, in Life of Pi.

Pythagoras had it all worked out. Triangles, eating pie in a boat with a cat, being gay, he was way ahead of his time

LopensLeftArm, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies. avatar

Well sure, but you have to admit that’s a pretty low bar.

EvilEyedPanda, in I'm a Possum on the edge !

Tell us how to save the world, oh great possum of the trees!


All hail the king!

jimmydoreisalefty, in D and D had multiple 10 episode seasons to get it done. Lucas did it in three movies.

Agree, ending of GOT made of lot of people stop being long time fans.

Rushed and not that well tought out.


I just tell people that GoT is the best 4 season TV show in history.

I do appreciate season 5 for the sand snakes jail scene at least.


same as star wars being the best 6+2 movies ever :p

DrCatface, avatar

just 6


meant episodes I-VI + solo and rogue one


Any love for season 6? Those last two episodes were BOSS

doctorcrimson, in Vegan food: The west vs India

Ah man, if I see one more west coast white lady in a YT short explaining their 5min superfood meal prep when we all know there is 0% chance she swallows a single bite of food with that much exotic pepper and ginger…

I’m gonna fry rice and quinoa in Pineapple pulp out of SPITE.

SatansMaggotyCumFart, in Satisfying fart

Tactical dragon Godzilla queefs.

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