I think this is more a case of the triangle inequality in metric spaces, as you don’t have to calculate any particular edge to see the shortcut, as well as that it applies to any even non-rectangular triangle.
But if you want to know your saving, you will need to dust off the old formula. And if you do, you find the maximum saving to be around 41% (in the case of isosceles right triangle where the hypotenuse is a factor of sqrt 2 shorter).
The issue is that they get used interchangeably so often that there’s really no difference these days. My wife is Jewish, Canadian and has zero interest in politics, Israel or the middle east, which she has never been to. She still gets called out for Israel’s bullshit as if she cares or has anything to do with it
That’s because anti-zionism is used as an excuse to be antisemitic more than it’s a legitimate criticism of the Israeli government or state. It’s the “I have a black friend” of Jewish hate.
Antisemites hardly need to hide behind anti-Zionism when there are plenty of antisemitic Zionists. It would be counter-productive if they did, because antisemites would love to see Jews removed from their country, and why not removed to Israel?
My views on Republicans are similar. The voters are both ignorant and poor, as well as selfish and wealthy. Those are two subsets of the same group. The leadership tends to fall into the latter category, with a few idiots thrown in for good measure.
But none mention that at this point, hating on the left, the right or anyone other than those shoveling money is helping the status quo stay like it is.
Any radicalization is a direct effect of financial despair (slowly creeping up). The fascists are a symptom but the greedy are the disease.
It is what brought hitler to power and it is the same for trump. Please unionize and start striking, your life depends on it.
People keep insisting Starbucks drinks have coffee on them… Here in Brazil we’d get the same amount of caffeine in a, well, we call it a coffee cup, it has something around 80ml (2oz), and good luck finding any image of it on the English-speaking internet.
A coffee from a coffee shop definitely should be $4 if you want them to ethically source good coffee and have a sustainable business model.
There’s still cheap, shitty coffee that’s built on modern slavery there’s always like mcdo. SB is the same quality ingredients but with knowing how to steam milk + syrups
A coffee from a coffee shop definitely should be $4 if you want them to ethically source good coffee and have a sustainable business model
I beg to differ. The ethical sourcing is far from most of that cost and very few of those places treat their employees ethically by for example paying them a living wage.
You’re probably going to say something about companies having razor thin profit margins, but in case of every company big enough to have public numbers, the official numbers are AFTER artificially deflating their profits for tax avoidance reasons.
With smaller ones, there’s simply no way to know for sure unless you’re the actual proprietor, but it’s HIGHLY unlikely that $4 is the cheapest they can possibly sell ethically sourced coffee for.
Context: I’m european. I know for sure the people at my local coffee shops are being paid a living wage, cause there’s laws for that.
Paying your employees a living wage is included in what I see as “a sustainable business model”.
I know the owner of my local coffee shop personally and while they charge €4 or more depending on the coffee you’re getting AND they roast their own coffee, so they cut down on the bean costs significantly while generating some extra profits as well by selling the beans, they still aren’t “just raking it in” as you make it seem.
I’ve dated a couple hot chicks back before OF and cam sites were mainstream, and honestly it’s tedious if you aren’t equally attractive. I wouldn’t have dated them if I wasn’t confident in the relationship but it’s still tedious when dudes will walk right up to yall and hit on her in front of her when you’re obviously together.
It’s probably not something that’d be a problem now that I’m in my 30s, but I wouldn’t know cause I don’t get dates these days anyway 😂
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