I can certainly see that in regards to the movie. I think I read somewhere too that the character “Switch” would switch genders from the real world into the Matrix. I think it would have been real cool if it had made it to the movie.
I’m just going to come out and say it. Have your Christmas. Nobody else gives a shit about you or what you believe. So celebrate, enjoy. Nobody cares if you do. You don’t have to prove anything to anyone about it, and we wouldn’t notice if you tried.
So Merry Christmas, happy Festivus, happy holidays, happy Hanukkah… Whatever you celebrate at this time of year, I hope it’s a positive experience and that you and your loved ones enter into the new year as happy and as healthy as they can be.
But don’t mistake that sentiment for giving any shits about what you do to celebrate.
Well in theory it makes you more mobile (if you want/need to move for some reason): just give your landlord notice and move out. Whereas selling can take an indefinite amount of time.
Yeah, not to mention the responsibilities that a landlord has when it comes to maintenance on the property. I was saying no one else in this thread gets that there are benefits to renting, even though there are.
There’s a suspicious lack of “hot and sunny Christmas” imagery in the media.
Australians and South Americans - where are all the sunny Christmas on the beach movies ??
My thing with blahaj is that while its cool that trans people identify with it, the fact that theyre trying to make it universally only be a trans symbol is a bit problematic.
My family has a few and none of us are trans as far as we know. Theyre comfy and cuddly as fuck, and I feel like its something that should be for “everybody” and not just one particular community. Like a bring-us-all-together kind of thing.
To be clear, I’d have just as much of a problem with it if it were becoming a symbol for some other completely unrelated community too, so it’s not the specific community claiming it I have an issue with (trans people are people, and a lot of y’all are really awesome)
A home is for living in. A person has one body, therefore one home per person/family unit is an appropriate number. Corporations have no bodies, therefore they do not need homes.
Not only is rent robbery, but private property in itself has its origins in theft.
I heard somewhere that this was the original plan. They changed it because computers were new and they didn’t think people would understand “using human brains as CPUs”
Honestly, I’d like to see this version. This might explain better why the machines using humans for their own benefit is such a bad thing since, presumably, using humans as CPUs would take up brain power that we could use to build a better society or something.
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