DuckDuckGo’s results are a compilation of “over 400” sources according to itself, including Bing, Yahoo! Search BOSS, Wolfram Alpha, Yandex, and its own web crawler (the DuckDuckBot); but none from Google.
No, I’m working on it since a week from scratch. Had a #showerThought idea and since also had some time I immediately started to realise it and here I am now :D Waiting for 300K pages to be crawled so I can add more sources there :D
No one is “good” just “good at” anyone saying otherwise is literally using religion to lie to you about being the very delusion of anyone that is “good.”
That’s not only a search engine problem in itself - websites also got worse in general to appeal to googles algorithm. Which means that other search engines would show similar crap, unfortunately.
Yep the whole Internet feels like a dying mall. There are still some places I go for specific needs, but I’d say my casual browsing of any kind just keeps getting smaller.
I legitimately switched back to local teletext as my main news source. No SEO bullshit, no ads, the articles are succinct and written by humans (for now).
I remember in the early days of the internet Alta Vista search worked quite well. It was easy to find what you wanted, and find new things relevant to your interests - and so it became very popular. Unfortunately, Alta Vista only worked well if people made their websites in good faith. It was searching meta-tags and text on the page; and so when greedy people wanted to get more traffic on their website, they found it easy to exploit Alta Vista’s search. As more and more people started exploiting the system, the search got worse and worse.
I remember the day I switched to using Google. I was searching for some C programming stuff on Alta Vista with technical words - and the results had more porn sites than programming sites. Like, wtf. Obviously that search doesn’t work anymore. It stopped working because arseholes were exploiting it.
And now, pretty much the same thing is happening to Google. Their algorithm worked better for longer than what Alta Vista was doing, but it seems that self-interested people have kind of cracked the system, and now the results are mostly just junk instead of useful stuff. (Note, I stopped using Google several years ago. I’ve been using Duck Duck Go. But you’re right that the problem is more widespread than just Google.)
Police were more likely to be killed by violence than most other positions (which are almost always accident/negligence related), although somewhat ironically their most likely cause of death in 2021 was covid
Just…WOW. In case anyone was wondering about how fucked the US police are.
Indeed. Iirc I contributed heavily to that thread with sources and it’s simply not true almost any way you slice it.
The closest proximity is using accidental vehicle deaths but it completely discounts the fact delivery drivers mostly deliver in town where speeds are low.
Unfortunately there’s no good data tracking for gig work yet which would be the nearest parable.
E: I was not lazy and found my old comment for sauce.
FWIW I was not lazy and found my old comment if anyone wants sauce. It’s absolutely 100% grade-A BS from a scummy lawyer group cherry-picking data that doesn’t include ‘Pizza delivery’ or any conventional ‘delivery driver’ that aren’t big rigs or siilar.
Yeah I’m just exhausted tolerating you cop hating retards. You’re so far gone you’re arguing in bad faith and using literally any bottom of the barrel numbers to say the dumbest bullshit.
Word. It’s ridiculous how hard it is to get good hits these days. And while GPT makes shit up sometimes it’s at least related to what I’m actually asking about. Google desperately wants to show the SEO optimized pages about something tangentially related instead of the page which actually has relevant information.
Getting a solid old forum hit for an obscure DNS issue takes a lot more work these days.
It’s Googles fault, but it’s not the algorithm getting worse, everyone is just too good at gaming it which fucks it up for everyone (the humanity special).
Any discussion on search on Lemmy will bring up Kagi as it has been here already. I will just mention that. A. You can cheat and just keep using a bunch of email accounts to get free trials from them B. If you do that long enough you’ll realize their 300 search plan is pretty fair and having saved preferences is worth a membership and they have an option where you can use crypto to pay your fees and remain anonymous (this is very important to me as the only thing more evil than Google would be to have all your search data, your full name and your credit card info - I strongly recommend the crypto pay option and create a dedicated email address. For Kagi membership).
Fantastic. I left some other comments on here but I switched within days of doing the trial and I haven’t gone back at all. I think the total number of times I’ve used Google search since then is 3. Yes 3 total searches on Google in the past six months. None of those searches gave me what I wanted, but those were the times i couldn’t find what I needed with kagi. So 3 kagi failures in 6 months and Google wasn’t helpful either.
I’ve been using Kagi for a few months and it has been exponentially better than Google. I wouldn’t have known about it if it weren’t for people talking about it on Lemmy, actually.
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