The future is my money devaluatig because I can’t even save for a fucking down payment for a house and now the EU is gonna make throw away my piece of shit ass car because it’s too old.
I'll never forget walking into a record store, looking at a cannibal corpse album. The guy working there looked at me and said if i want the album for free. I was a teen with like 9 dollars to my name so i said of course, thank you. When i asked why he said: because it FUCKING SUCKS.
Go for the food, stay for the bread festivals. It’s when we sing the score from Fiddler on the roof and sacrifice a bear in the name of our sponsors, Phil’s pork ‘n beans.
Good Ol’ Iran, Alberta. Fuckin’ love that place. Go there, you tell Jimmy, Bill from Ottawa says hello!
wife used to carpet the vinyl kitchen floor with rugs. robovac would arrange them in a circle and get stuck in the middle. I rolled them up and put them on a shelf in the garage.
Or… You just get rug anchors oooorrrrr pick them up before the vacuum goes off? Is it some kinda flex to put away decorations your wife liked or something I’m a little confused.
I just get machine washable rugs and toss them in every couple of days or so. I wouldn’t want full carpet but rugs are nice in places like in front of the fridge. A little soft spot for jars to land if they slip or get dropped 🤷♀️
This was actually my pappy doing my hair growing up. That fukkn’ flowbee sucked not because it was attached to a vacuum but because my dad would constantly hit me in the head with it trying to get the correct length. He kept the blades nice and oiled tho.
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