Meanwhile, mosquitoes... pollinating, cleaning waterways as nymphs, females just needing the slightest amount of blood to lay a couple hundred eggs. Forgotten, maligned, made the focus of actual efforts to purposefully cause species extinction. ._.
Mosquitoes don't directly cause death, though.
They are susceptible to diseases. They pass those diseases on. Those diseases cause death.
Bees cause more direct deaths due to anaphylactic shock from allergies to apitoxin.
Not all mosquitoes bite humans. So, you could eradicate the biting variety, and a non-biting variety would step in to fill that ecological niche. I don’t see a downside.
Both are the real speedy clean & squishy relaxed deal. Enough energy to clean a lot, but take your time at some spots, because stoned focus removes the sturdiest of stains.
My “trick” is to put it off until I can’t bear the mess anymore and then it actually feels like I’m getting something done and I’m doing it because I want to as opposed to it being a pointless chore
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