Went through a divorce almost 6 years ago. My ex has an undiagnosed mental illness and my marriage was really bad so for me it was kind of a weight off my shoulders. It was still hard but it gets better. Find someone you can talk to about it, even if it’s just a therapist, and take lots of time for self care. I did a lot of fishing, hiking, and golfing for a couple years. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed doing that stuff.
Isn’t that a twisted combination of disorders of varying degrees? I think my therapist was reluctant to put that label on me. I don’t know much about it but it seems to have a stigma
Borderline personality disorder. An ex had it. Even when it’s not malignant and there’s treatment and awareness of disease, it is very challenging. It makes it very hard for the person to live congenially with anyone. It sucks to see an otherwise nice, fun and lovely person get self-sabotaged so badly that they can’t keep any relationship for long. Cognitive behavioral therapy helps, a lot, though.
Only time I think I’ve read it these days is when I have to look something up and the first result is a fucking Reddit page from 50 years ago discussing what I was looking up. Admittedly I probably still be using it if I hadn’t been banned from the whole site on a trumped-up charge.
I too, was fucked by a trumped up charge. Perma-banned by IP so any new account I setup without a VPN gets banned.
My main account (16yo, “Charter Member”) got a subreddit ban. It was reversed a few weeks later by a mod. Then the original mod re-banned me and said “no ban evasion allowed”. Then Reddit banned me for evading a ban.
I didn’t evade anything. I was allowed to post during a short period!
Mine was: I kept reporting people for being transphobic dicks, some of whom were straight up doing the “Let’s report this profile for suicidal posts and cite them being trans as proof. The automated system will do the rest”, non-joke, and eventually I had to start reporting people for other things…
Instead of ya know, actually looking into the things I was reporting, Reddit took one look at the mass of reports I made and decided I HAD to be making the whole thing up and just banned me for “False Reports” and “Report Abuse” because that’s just easier than doing their fucking jobs.
They also claimed it wouldn’t be reversed because it was a “Clear violated of the TOS”, and linked me a TOS which had nothing on “False Reports/Report Abuse”
Ironically, this was my second Site-Wide Ban.
My first? I was banned for promoting violence and sending death threats to people. The ban was reversed when I appealed it and pointed out that the post in question had no threats, and was just a heavily downvoted post in which I claimed to be glad Cara Dune’s actress being fired was a good thing… Bastards didn’t even check to see if an actual death threat was made.
I’ve never seen a service more excited to exclude people from using it than Reddit.
<span style="color:#323232;">Perma-bans are fucking crazy.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">The correct way to think about them is as a death sentence.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Hatred speech in real life:
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> what, like 2 years in prison?
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> IDK actually...
</span><span style="color:#323232;">Hatred speech on reddit:
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> death penalty.
More like lifetime sentence because you still can view the content without the account, no? It’s not like they come into your house and took all your computing devices.
<span style="color:#323232;">Yeeeeah, that's a good point, kind of.
</span><span style="color:#323232;">But even people serving life sentences can
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> still communicate with the outside world from prison.
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