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SuperSpruce, in Well I feel better now.

I once almost accidentally flew to Puerto Rico rather than my city on the way back from a Thanksgiving trip because they unexpectedly delayed the flight and switched the gates

KpntAutismus, in Moss' cat.

“Tacti-cat deployed”


That kitty has seen some shit.

EuroNutellaMan, in Well I feel better now. avatar

Even funnier the Vienna Hbf has Australian flags ourside and not Autrian ones


It doesn’t. (Hbf is short for Hauptbahnhof, the main station)


Could they have been EU flags? Still a field of blue with stars like the Australian flag.


No, its true. I had too much time and used Google Street View:

EuroNutellaMan, avatar

Are you telling me they removed them? Cause tgat would be sad I laughed for about 5 minutes when I left the station and saw the Australian flag


Maybe there was some Australia-themed event when you were there but they don’t put foreign flags up as a joke. Was the Australian flag the only flag you saw?

EuroNutellaMan, avatar

no also New Zealand, Ukraine and EU.

What you’re saying truly disappoints me and I will hate the discount germans even more because of it.


Sounds like you just saw a bunch of flags and had a funny thought, no?

There are much better reasons to hate Austrians than not going for, to be honest, not that great of a joke.

EuroNutellaMan, avatar

Oh I have plenty of reasons to hate em alright but this one was personal

OrteilGenou, in those ppl...

I was mostly on Reddit for hockey game threads. Lemmy sucks for that at the moment, so… I went to discord. Fuck spez

DancingIsForbidden, avatar

he’s a speze of shit


Eventually we should move to something like Matrix or at least Revolt (still waiting on an actual Android app for that one)


Oh, I hadn’t looked for hockey on discord Say what you will about reddit, I do kinda miss r/canucks, the happiest group of sad folks on the internet!

Any suggestions for a discord newbie on finding hockey communities?

SamXavia, in Home decor avatar

@Exusia Same

Spaghetti_Hitchens, in Don't worry, ladies, I got this

Ladies. I am so swole on the lord

bizarrocullen, in We all go through that goofy looking stage

Don’t lie, that goat is cute. You’d definitely date him if you were a goat.

DancingIsForbidden, avatar

I now identify as a goat (for Braxton only). ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Smoregoose, in I love me some Calvin Ball as much as the next guy, but there’s got to be a limit sometimes.

Wait, you’re actually supposed to read the numbers on the dice? I thought it was just an aesthetic thing…

psycho_driver, in I hope this post finds you well...

If you’re on the fence about getting a cat, just know this is a typical mental wellness day for your average cat.

moonsnotreal, in Just a tiny bit spicy avatar
Especially_the_lies, avatar

I went to an Indian place once and asked the waiter to make my food spicy. It was kinda medium-spicy, and when the waiter asked if it was spicy enough, I–stupid white boy I am–said no. He took the dish back to the kitchen. He returned a little later with the chef. They both watched me take a bite and regret my decision. Through the tears, I told them the Spice was just right. They laughed.

NegativeLookBehind, in Don't worry, ladies, I got this avatar

“Omg look how many chairs he’s carrying. I’m gonna fuck the bejesus into him later”


“Hey Pastor, can you marry us real quick?”

Track_Shovel, avatar

Holy Christ

saltesc, in Dilema

I literally thought of this yesterday.

“Hold up. Why have I been put in this situation? Where’s those responsible? Has anyone gone after the bridge guy, the brakes guy? Is anyone trying to get the sick fucks tying people down on tracks? What’s being put in place to prevent this? Fences?Cameras? E-brakes? Who has liability and are they getting investigated?”

“Just Shutup and choose.”

“I guess B is most logical.”

“Oooh, you’re a sick murderer and just want people dead!”

It’s hard to participate when most people only have an A/B, us/them, left/right, right/wrong mentality view on things when it’s obviously more complex when viewed from a few steps back. It’s being stuck in either yard or on the fence, but if you climb a tree you’ll realise there’s many more yards and fences to the street to consider.


I rather think you’re missing the point.


Well, that doesn’t mean I can’t share something I thought of the other day before seeing this reminder :)


Very appropriate metaphors — Hamas tying people to the tracks is really surprisingly on the nose.


It’s seems to me that Hamas is to Israel as the Taliban were to the United States (and co-conspirators)


Old or new taliban?


Afghan mujahideen


Enough with that! You can’t question the trolley situation, it’s been like this for generations. Get on board. We have flags!


How dare you kill that person, that makes you a murderer!!!1!


To save billions


It’s trolley problems all the way down.


Your last paragraph is so good - thanks

northendtrooper, in When your sleep cycle is broken

How does one fix your sleep cycle?

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Sleep schedule is probably what you want fixed, there are a multitude of things to aid, in addition to the aforementioned it is also vital to have sleep hygiene if you have problems with sleep.

Sleep hygiene is a lot of things, but the main things:

  • The bedroom and, most crucially, your bed is for sleeping, if you have a habit of scrolling or watching videos etc in your bed, it will be a lot harder for your brain to be like “well, im in bed now, guess ill sleep”.
  • Destimulation period before bed, 30-60 minutes before bed get rid of stimulating activity. Some light reading could be okay, better would be meditation, some conversation, a slow walk.
  • Sleep environment - blackout curtains, low noise or white noise (substitute sounds could be wind, rain, ocean, but not music or generally other sounds)
  • Actually rigid schedule, especially for bedtime, but also wake-up time.
  • Got into bed at the time but not sleepy? No screens, no reading. Darkness and your mind - meditate, count sheep, fantasise, think up a novel. Personally i love meditating on the actual process of my mind falling asleep.
  • Consider short term melatonin to adjust to a sleep schedule or to change a sleep schedule.
funkajunk, avatar

Some easy things to implement:

  • Get at least 30-60 minutes of sunshine/natural light a day
  • Get 30 minutes of exercise daily (even if it’s just a walk)
  • Hydrate

What the meme is referring to is actually called Circadian rhythm, it’s the different stages of sleep that is referred to as the sleep cycle. In a nutshell, you usually go from lightest sleep, to deepest, then back again every ~90 minutes.

If you respect this cycle, you will be able to retrain your circadian rhythm fairly easily.

Your brain is flooded with the chemicals that make you feel “tired” during the deep part of sleep, so if you use a traditional alarm clock and get woken up at that time you’re going to feel like shit.

Either wake up “naturally” (no alarm), or you can use one of those sunrise alarm clocks that emulate the light from the rising sun in your room and allows your brain to “warm boot” vs a jarring “cold boot”.

This clock seems to be popular, but you get the idea:

Source: insomniac for many years. Trust me, bro. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Great advice! There is also the possibility that you’re just a night person someone may just be a night person. There’s a syndrome called Delayed Phase Sleep Syndrome which is a fancy way of saying your body prefers to sleep during the day and be active at night. If we didn’t live in a society that operates mostly during the day it wouldn’t be a problem, but that’s not how it works. There are people who I’ve worked nights with who I swear had this. They were happier and healthier on nights, they wanted to work nights. If that’s you, maybe look for a night shift job.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

Gentle Wakeup app does a better job on any Android phone, costs $5. I have been using it for over 5 years, I think? The app is made by a doctor.


What about going out at night? Serious question, as I tried to fix my sleep cycle but failed because of weekends with friends staying up until late, or my kids waking me up in the middle of the night.


LPT: have your last meal 16 hours before your breakfast. It’s going to reset your cycle in one day and you’re going to be able to go to bed and get up more easily the next day.

For example if you want to wake up at around 8am, eat dinner at 4pm, set an alarm at around 7:45 and eat breakfast at 8am.

Also what everyone else said are good tips to keep a consistent schedule, what I said is more like a soft reset, but you gotta practice not using screens at night, not drinking caffeine / not using nicotine (or any other stimulants that disrupt sleep) in the evening.


Workout for 45 minutes at any point before 6pm

kratoz29, in When your sleep cycle is broken avatar

There is some attractive shit about doing all your hobbies at early morning.


2 am is late night tho. Morning is when you go to sleep.

kratoz29, avatar

Actually I wrote it like that… But I wasn’t sure if it was the right term, so Google Translate corrected me to that…

Are you saying Google Translate trolled me?


Yes, it did.

Technically anything after 12am would be “morning” because it’s a new day. However, generally early morning would sometime between 3 and 5. If you wake up at 3am, it’s early morning. If you go to sleep at 3am, it’s late at night. Anything after 5am is just morning (unless you’re being goofy and calling everything night because you didn’t sleep).

(These aren’t specific rules, just how it is in my region - other people might be totally different)


3am is an “ungodly hour” no matter your sleep schedule

MyNameIsIgglePiggle, in Bazinga

That’s why when I grab my popcorn at the cinema I loudly proclaim “no homo” before going down on Bruce, my coworker.

Wouldn’t want it to get awkward

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