To anyone dreading this for real, there are places where you can get ahead as an IC and it’s considered a parallel career track to management. 0 direct reports. Maybe some mentoring, if you want, but that’s it.
Typically, but employers are getting wise. They don’t want to lose their best technical talent just because they’re on the spectrum or whatever. Or arguably worse: see them sputter out in a hybrid management/tech role that is more lucrative, but much less impactful than if they’d just stayed tech.
Staff, and architect are two other roles that are sometimes like that. Yet other places will just keep going up levels / pay bands, like eng I, II; senior eng I, II, III, IV, …, VII, etc
Have they finally allowed you to set the alert sound in IOS? My problem with mobile discord is the feeble little ding they deem you are allowed to hear is so quiet even with the phone turned up I don’t hear alerts. There are several complaints in their bugtracker about this going back 7+ years, they seem to want people to miss alerts for some marketing/profit reason.
On other platforms you can overwrite the sound file in the package with a proper alert, but not with the “we’re apple, fu and enjoy it” IOS stuff.
I’ve been avoiding people management for years - and about a year ago, I was apprached by a company I’ve worked with for an exec gig. Dream job that would have shot me forward 10+ years in my career.
I lost it because I haven’t managed people since I worked in retail. It’s held me back pretty seriously, and I understand now that it’s better me leading a team than most of the schmucks I’ve worked for.
Literally. I saw the title, thought it was interesting, tried to read it, found out it was not interesting unless you're a boy scout or you really like the Foxfire series.
And of course, doing so is what keeps you awake and keeps the number getting smaller.
Some more sleeping tips:
Stay off your phone.
If you have to do something but don’t want to because you’re going to interrupt your sleep progress, just do it and don’t worry about it as long as you take less than 15 minutes.
Stay out of bed when you’re not trying to sleep. Condition yourself to associate your bed solely with sleep.
Keep your alarm clock across the room so you have to get up to snooze it. Disable voice snoozing. Then you won’t have to worry about sleeping through it.
Read a book for at least half an hour with a warm white book lamp (or if using a backlit eReader, use the warmest temperature setting on the backlight).
If you have RGB LEDs, set them to red when it gets close to bedtime as well.
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