I’m reading a fictional book series where a character in the first few books literally becomes the new god… then the later books take place a few hundred years later, and you see how the new god laid everything out for the people, and gave them books on how to prosper and all this valuable info… and STILL these idiots ended up forming various competing religions, full of BS!
They’ll be beside themselves if this ever gets out. They might be driven to buy multiple motor yachts that they’ll never even clap eyes on, to cope with that
I’m not sure enough people have told you this but you seem like a bit of a dickhead. If you read my comments I wasn’t rude to you at any point and you’ve radiated pure arrogance. And the worst part is I still have no idea what you are talking about because you think not explaining makes you superior even though to me it appears like you’re doing it because you can’t explain it and in turn that makes you insecure because it might make you appear stupid or something. So, it’s ok I won’t judge you, if you don’t know what you’re talking about just accept it and we will move on
I read this a few times and I think I finally understand a small piece of what they’re saying. I wrote : “ I’m confused? “ Then this friendly chap started ranting about me not knowing the difference between a question and a statement, possibly to deflect from his original “their” remark which I still can’t figure out. Hilariously my “I’m confused?” comment was a question and a statement simultaneously and was meant as question to this lovely fellow while stating my confusion to anyone else who might read my comment.
This meme was me for a time. I assumed it was the inevitable decline of the physical body due to aging. And some of it is. But what I discovered is that you can slow this degeneration significantly through proper exercise, nutrition and rest. I’m stronger and in less pain now in my late 40s than I was in my 30s.
Yeah I’m in my 30s and I hear this about this sort of thing all the time from other people my age, but the only time I experience body pain myself is if I injure part of my body. But then I do my due diligence to let it heal and I’m fine after. I’m not overly fit compared to other people my age, I don’t do yoga or anything, I just like, lift with my legs instead of my back. For some inexplicable reason a lot of people I know don’t follow that age old advice despite moaning up down and all around about their chronic back pain.
I’m 40 next year. This year I’ve switched jobs after 16 years of mainly sitting in a chair looking at synchroniser rings for gear boxes.
The new job has a lot more lifting involved and no chairs. I’ve had so many aches in my back, shoulders and right limbs since I started.
This week I picked something heavy up and put it down on a bottom shelf. My back popped. I saw stars. My brain felt a bit funny for an hour or so afterwards.
Luckily I managed to pop the disc back by hanging by my arms from a low bar, and massaging the hurt muscles.
Lift with your legs, not your back!
I too feel like this meme is a decade early, but I do feel the meme.
This happened to me too, except my L5/S1 disc is permanently bulged now. If I don’t keep my core strong, and my hips and thighs flexible, I get debilitating sciatic pain down my right leg.
Stay in shape lads! Stay strong, but don’t lift hard. Stay flexible, but don’t stretch too far. Get some cardio, but low impact.
If only they taught us in school how to take care of our bodies, our feelings, our minds, our relationships, our communities and our environment… sadlolz
If only they taught us in school how to take care of our bodies, our feelings, our minds, our relationships, our communities and our environment…
I cannot agree more. I went a bit mental last year, debilitating anxiety, and did a course on how to manage it. At the same time my eldest kid was starting Big School and suffering exactly the same thing, so I spent my time teaching him the things I was learning.
They’re much better in schools (at least in the UK) now with mental health, he had daily check ins with the mental health first aider or some such, which I really appreciated because there was fuck all like that in my day, when men were men and everyone had Polio (I jest)
But you just created them. The whole of their lives they have been tied to that track the way a character is trapped in the holodeck. When have they had time to sin?
No. What he was saying is that everything you do starts off as a thought. So instead of policing your own actions, police your own thoughts and don’t entertain the bad ones when they enter your mind. Then when the opportunity presents itself - let’s say she indicates she’s up for a quickie behind the bike sheds, if you’ve already been fantasising about all the different scenarios you’re much more likely to take her up on it than if you haven’t. Therefore you should consider thinking about adultery as being just as bad as the act itself, even though it really isn’t.
gen4 and the rest of them are lame. i drew pokemon. i owned the action figures, the cards, the magazines, the cheap fast food crap, the films, and the blow up dolls!
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