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aeronmelon, in It's coming.

“She’s on the roof.”

Franzia, in If you're feeling left out it's probably because you defend billionaires who would mince you into fertilizer

Everyone time something controversial is posted, damn I missed out on all the discussion because defederated all these capitalist losers so I can just think about being trans and cracking jokes.


Honestly if this meme passes for controversial then the world has gotten a whole lot more lame.


I wouldn’t call it controversial outside of fediverse. It’s dumb tankie takes. In any other sampled population with significant size their opinions would be considered extreme and buried.

And let me be clear, I like socialist programs. But these people are truthers for the left.


Omg you are so right 😮‍💨

Sheeple, avatar

Blahaj zone also defeterated fascists, Tankies, etc! They’re based as hell!

PunnyName, (edited ) in It's coming.

I prefer Xmas to just be year round, without the concentrated music.

Just dilute it. I don’t care when it’s in stores. I care that it’s beat into your head for a couple months and then poofs, only to come again next year.

Also, stop making egg nog only around Xmas! I want it year round as well!

Franzia, in History lives in the present

Borders are violence.


laughs in Australian


laughs in emu

Rooty, (edited )

Even animals patrol and defend their territory. Why should human be any different? If anything else, borders are an improvement over constant skirmishes and raids where two different ethnic groups meet.

EDIT: Interesting how you completely ignored the “Borders are a solution to constant ethnic clashes” part of my comment


Animals kill and eat their young. They roll or eat shit. They rape. You sure that’s the argument you want to use here?


That’s bad. But why are borders bad?


Freedom good! Borders restrict freedom. Borders bad!


Freedom good! Borders allow different systems or countries to exist so you have the FREEDOM to choose the one you like the most instead of there being only one option. Borders good!

Nacktmull, (edited )

I´ll assume you are just uninformed and not a hypocrite. Refugees get stuck, pushed back and even killed at borders all around the world when trying to choose the country they like the most. Borders bad!


The animals argument is bad. We are animals and the idea is to refrain of our bad instincts in favour of the greater good most of the time.

That being said abolition of borders is a very bad idea, a very basic visit of human history will squash any misplaced idealism regarding that subject.

That also being said immigration is most of the time a good idea as long as you put a consideratr effort into integration for your newly minted citizens.

Now I realize most of those are opinions without substance, the idea is to realize where people push back and why before backing them up.


“animals do it why shouldn’t we” is one of the worst reasons to do something. Animals are literally dumber than us.


You are an animal…


The animals argument is fucking stupid.

How exactly are borders helping? In what was specifically?


These comments read like a realism vs idealism debate


The reason ethnic clashes are happening in the first place, is because there was not enough intermingling between neighbors, in big part because people like you thought humans aren’t smarter then animals and should be separated.


Humans aren’t smarter than animals because we are animals. We’re also not smarter than non-human animals either, as evidenced by our self-destructive behavior.


Easy now dont cut yourself on the edge you’ve got there bucko


Are you a bot, or just really dumb? That phrase doesn’t even apply…


Comeone you are going around all “Hurr durr humans aren’t smarter than animals, we are so self-destructive” that’s an edgelord position if I’ve ever seen one


Got it, it was the second option.


You know what I was typing up a whole argument about how the “if you are self-destrucive you are dumb and therefore an animal” logic is flawed but then I remembered I am on the internet and get to do this fun thing instead:

No U


On top of it, you’re functionally illiterate, cool.

At no point did I state being an animal is a consequence of lack of intellect or of an action – go back to school, you clearly need it.

Killing_Spark, (edited )

Humans aren’t smarter than animals because we are animals. We’re also not smarter than non-human animals either, as evidenced by our self-destructive behavior.

Great let’s dissect this then:

Firstly you are for some reason making the choice to ignore the common meaning of “animal” meaning (very broadly) non-human lifeform. Yeah yeah go ahead and nitpick about mushrooms and plants if you want to. Showing that you see animals and humans in the same category.

The first sentence thus becomes a tautology because you moved the goalpost to include humans in the term “animal”. I bet you felt clever about that. Just to then go ahead and make that same distinction but with more words “non-human animal”. Because, turns out, its a useful distinction to make. I’m gonna go ahead and ignore your ignoring of this and use “animal” to refer to “non-human animals”.

You claim that humans aren’t smarter than animals, which you further claim to be evidenced by the “self-destructivene behaviour” humans display. So you are at least saying that the level of intellect is dependent on the behaviour, and thus the actions, of a species. I’m now claiming that you putting animals and humans in the same catgegory stems from this false equivalence of intellects, which by your logic is dependent on the actions.

So yes, while you never explicitly said that “being an animal is a consequence of lack of intellect or of an action” your logic and phrasing make it clear that you see animals and humans in the same category, and the reason for that is the, according to you, equivalent level of intellect and actions.

Edit: I am forgetting my nettiquette again, so sorry!

go back to school, you clearly need it

No U

Gabu, (edited )

Firstly you are for some reason making the choice to ignore the common meaning of “animal” meaning (very broadly) non-human lifeform.

That’s not a common meaning, it’s the morons’ meaning.

Showing that you see animals and humans in the same category.

As does anyone with a brain.

then go ahead and make that same distinction but with more words “non-human animal”

Are you braindead?

So you are at least saying that the level of intellect is dependent on the behaviour, and thus the actions, of a species.

No. Go back to 1st grade English, your ability to derive meaning from words is simply not there. Everything following this fallacy isn’t even worth talking about.


That’s not a common meaning, it’s the morons’ meaning.

Cambridge dictionary has both definitions, the more common one first

something that lives and moves but is not a human, bird, fish, or insect

anything that lives and moves, including people, birds, etc…/animal

Wikipedia has this to say:

The word “animal” comes from the Latin animalis, meaning ‘having breath’, ‘having soul’ or ‘living being’. The biological definition includes all members of the kingdom Animalia. In colloquial usage, the term animal is often used to refer only to nonhuman animals.

So your argument here is basically “But I have big brain because I use the correct word as defined in biological science as opposed to the morons that use language colloquailly on the internet”. Good job.

Showing that you see animals and humans in the same category.

As does anyone with a brain.

I mean yeah sure they are in the same category in the sense that both have evolved from the same basis. But humans have evolved further than animals, which is why there is commonly a distinction made between humans and animals without having to say non-human animals.

Examples are:

  • animal cruelty
  • animal rights
  • animal shelter

Obviously none of these relate to humans, because everyone with a brain uses the term animal to mean life that is not human.

Are you braindead?

It sure feels that way when I talk to you, because you are draining my will to live.

behaviour [SIC]

Imagine not knowing that behaviour is a valid spelling of the word everywhere but the place that had to drop the letter U from words to feel special. Time to make a few more rounds in the spelling bee


have evolved further

This sentence alone tells me you don’t have an inkling of a proper thought in your smooth marble of a brain. A biologist would punch you for saying that - I’m being nice, here.

Once again, your argumentation is fallacious and based on fallacious reasoning. I won’t address this moronic waste of time.


I am again surprised that we apparently are supposed to be talking with rigorous scientific accuracy, here in a thread about terror attacks, between people that are, obviously, not biology scientists.

What I obviously meant was that humans have evolved to have the capacity to do things that no other species can do.

Once again, your argumentation is fallacious and based on fallacious reasoning

Once again, No U


The fact you think basic, school children-level science is “rigorous scientific accuracy” is once again proof that you’re brainless.


Meh okay tbh you were more fun when you had more lines than one on repeat.

I guess take your fish >::<'>


Interesting how you ignore the reality of constant ethnic clashes and raids inside the borders of many african nations and also across borders e.g. Armenia vs Azerbaijan, Kosovo vs Serbia, Russia vs Ukraine or… Palestine vs Israel.


What makes you think we should act just like wild animals?

MissJinx, avatar

Borders are violence.

Religion is violence


Why not both?

MissJinx, avatar

good argument. Agreed

ArcaneSlime, in Cheese

Tbf same, but people should be free to get paid to eat cheese if they wish. Fuckin’ love cheese.

MenKlash, in If you're feeling left out it's probably because you defend billionaires who would mince you into fertilizer avatar

Tell me how you don't know the difference between corporatocracy and capitalism without telling me how you don't know the difference between corporatocracy and capitalism.

TimeSquirrel, (edited ) avatar

They're the same picture.

To of the biggest goals of a capitalist is increasing profit. What better way to do this than to take over and manipulate the government of whatever state you're operating in to cut you special breaks? It's the pinnacle of capitalist achievement.

You create laws to regulate it...the capitalists will manipulate them and control your government anyways.

You loosen regulations to "promote competition" or whatever excuse they use, and then there's nothing stopping them from fucking you even harder. Capitalism and the state are always intertwined, one feeds off the other. Even the Soviet Union was sometimes said to be "state capitalist", where basically the entire country was under control of one "corporation".


One person has a limit to the complexity that they can control. You need the masses and a working state to control other billionaires. Only then will you be able reach new levels of complex production processes that allow to do new things.

Of course, for some it is fulfilling to just be at the top.


this a good explanation.

capitalist apologists love to invent new terms like “corporatism” and “crony capitalism” that basically just mean “every problem with capitalism”. they then say “capitalism isn’t the problem, the problem is crony capitalism” which makes about as much sense as saying “capitalism isn’t the problem, the problem is all of capitalism’s problems”.

DessertStorms, avatar

Tell us you love the taste of boot on your tongue without telling us you love the taste of boot on your tongue..

MenKlash, avatar

Sorry, but I don't love the taste of the boot of the monopoly of violence (the State) and it's robbery (taxation), mass murder (war) and slavery (conscription).

Bureaucracy, corruption, FIAT money, intellectual property, common goods, the welfare state... The idea of an oligarchy of politicians controlling and regulating the economy and our private lifes in the name of "democracy" and "the common good" is actually helping those billionaries we BOTH hate so much.

Social democracy is practically the same thing as corporatocracy, but with a little of populism. On the other hand, "any step toward socialism is a step toward economic irrationality".

snekerpimp, in If you're feeling left out it's probably because you defend billionaires who would mince you into fertilizer

Wow, this one touched some nerves.


I’d recommend posting a tangentially political meme at some point on Lemmy.

The amount of people who will come out of the woodwork to tell you ‘don’t post this’ and ‘don’t make things political’ will really be eye opening.

People don’t want to address systemic issues and think not talking about them is a viable solution.

IkarusHagen2, avatar

We do want adress systematic issues, just in the right communities. When i visis memes i wanna see funny memes. In dankmemes i wanna see dank memes. In NCD i wanna see non credible military stuff.

That’s the issue


this was a funny meme to me thanks


Yeah, because we don’t particularly fancy being lectured by teenagers on the Internet.

Sheeple, avatar

You know a lot of us are adults, right?

Lemmy’s userbase is more adults compared to Reddit



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  • yogthos, avatar

    so you’re saying you do a lot of projecting


    This from the guy on a Leninist instance. Peak irony.


    'You are younger than me and therefore know nothing.' Can't argue with that there.


    Ah the old deflect to a straw man argument. I never insinuated your age.


    How is a meme a lecture?


    It’s not, this just isn’t a meme


    Where are all of you “NoT a MeMe” types when lazy fascist shit gets posted? 🤔


    Just making comments about rich people and their taxes seems to do the same thing here.


    Don’t even have to go THAT far, I get called a commie for saying a 40 hour work week should provide basic shelter these days. 🤷

    If we want to live in boring reality, it doesn’t happen a LOT but way more than it should.


    How dare you suggest such a thing!


    Being able to afford rent takes yachts away from starving billionaires!


    Those yachts provide jobs for the yacht builders and yacht operators of the world. Society needs these things far more than other things like basic human rights and dignity


    I mean that was and is a basic communist agitating point, you might be closer to a communist than you think.


    I don’t know if this is supposed to be snarky or not but I’ve accepted a while ago that I’m definitely some version of “leftist.”

    I don’t see myself that way necessarily but capitalists are drawing their line in the sand so far to the right that it is what it is lmao

    OurToothbrush, (edited )

    It was meant to be snarky as in laughing with you not at you.


    Gotcha. I’ve always seen myself as a centrist, not particularly anti capitalist, just into safety nets and less car centric infrastructure.

    Nowadays I get called a commie for talking about public transit, I’m a commie for the work comment, list goes on. I don’t buy into your red scare bs guys, if that stuff makes me a commie then I’m a commie les fuckin gooooooo


    Ah, yeah, I used to be a social democrat too, but I did a lot of reading and I came to the conclusion that social democracy isn’t really politically sustainable without the threat of communism, and it really isn’t economically stable in the same way capitalism isn’t as laid out in Capital (which is a good read btw, very dense but worth reading for the economic analysis)

    Yeah anything gets you labeled a commie nowadays, McCarthyism is alive and well.

    ColeSloth, in It's coming.

    Shooooot. Flipping walmart put out the Christmas crap like 2 weeks ago.

    Klystron, in It's coming.

    It’s, “Objects in mirror MAY be closer than they appear,” dammit!

    I’m not crazy, you’re crazy!


    Actually some do say are. My dad’s rear view mirror says are.

    Annoyed_Crabby, in everything is fine I'm just overreacting

    It’s called “change the way you think”, not gaslight(manipulate in the way that make the victim question their own sanity).


    Lie to yourself until you believe it.

    synae, avatar

    Ah, the Costanza method


    I like to think of it as unlocking new thought technologies. Like a tech tree in a 4x game. Sometimes you have mental breakthroughs that legitimately open up new options. I recommend getting really stoned and talking to yourself in a mirror. Also, Disco Elysium.

    SinningStromgald, in It's coming.

    More of a Manheim, STO and old school crooner Christmas kinda person.


    Christmas with me is weird, because Bing Crosby will play all relaxing then suddenly this.

    0x0, in everything is fine I'm just overreacting

    The concept of gaslighting has been diluted beyond recognition. It used to mean lying to someone with the goal of making them question their own sanity. Now, it just means lying.

    ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

    Right. If the advice was “tell yourself it’s not happening and you’re just being paranoid” I’d think it was gaslighting yourself.


    but that’s what it says, the text in the picture is literally telling you to tell yourself it’s not happening, it’s something else.

    ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

    No, it’s telling me that it is happening and it’s for my betterment and it will give me strength. Gaslighting myself would be saying it’s not happening and there’s nothing there, I’m just paranoid. What the picture is suggesting is that I console myself.

    UntouchedWagons, avatar

    You’re just making that up.


    How can you be sure I’m making it up when your judgment is so unreliable?

    ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

    You shouldn’t concern yourself with that, you know that you have a tendency to ask too many meaningless questions.

    Ryan213, in Good show! avatar

    I guess people don’t like the show. Lol


    I do!

    ArcticLynx, in If you're feeling left out it's probably because you defend billionaires who would mince you into fertilizer


    Neato, avatar

    You are in this meme.


    Reject modernity. Become meme.


    Yeah no shit it reads ‘lemmy’, everyone here is in this meme

    Neato, avatar



    you don’t know what that means

    Neato, avatar

    Supersonic BOOM - WHOOSH!


    Someone creating a specific community doesn’t add rules to existing general communities. You should start an apolitical memes community!


    What? Using lemmy as intended and finding a community that fits my needs or starting my own?!

    Then how will I inflict my will on all the people in existing communities as is my real intent?!

    Sheeple, avatar

    You become a moderator in a pre existing community 😎

    MisterD, in everything is fine I'm just overreacting

    TIL the universe == god




    Lol, I know.

    Religidiots always use the “bad thing happening to me is a test from God” trope so…

    gnomesaiyan, avatar

    You can’t have something without nothing.

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