Star Wars is a simplistic naive story where every single character is either good or evil. There’s no character complexity whatsoever. The main reason the original trilogy was so successful is because they were very well made movies made in a time when well made movies hadn’t even been done yet. Star Wars raised the bar of how good a movie should look and feel. But the story is trash.
The main reason the original trilogy was so successful is because they were very well made movies made in a time when well made movies hadn’t even been done yet.
That really is one of the most absurd things about the American Empire. They’ll come and destroy your people, taint and corrupt your land with bones and blood, bomb you back into the stone age, and then make a trillion dollar budget film about how it made them feel sad. The othering is so powerful that emotions only exist within the walls of capital
I mean, isn’t all Indian food overspiced? You could probably make curry out of just about any meat or meat substitute and it will still taste like spices.
American food has a higher focus on meat flavor, which is why so many meat alternatives try to imitate meat. You can buy vegan Indian or Chinese food here that tastes decent, but it’s not a steak.
Depends which part of India you mean. Telegu food is often very spicy. Bengali and Gujarati food is actually mostly sweet. Himalayan food is 99% bland and 1% volcano hot.
what many people dont understand is that foreign policy isn’t about morals, it’s about power. capitalism too isn’t about capital, its about power. that’s why the capitalist class’ interests often aligns with interests of fascists. when money stops securing power, the capitalists will try to maintain it by any means necessary
Alternatively you could attack the nazi government without attacking the citizens. Similarly Hamas could attack the Israeli government instead of citizens. Israel is absolutely comparable to nazi Germany, but that doesn’t justify the abhorrent actions of Hamas in any way. It turns out that when you offer genocide in the opposite direction as a solution for genocide, nothing happens except for the deepening of dividing lines…
Last I checked, massacring a music festival has nothing to do with targeting the Israeli government…
There are situatikns where Hamas clearly cannot target the Israeli government (like their missiles). Others in which they clearly choose to target Israeli citizens.
Believe it or not, I disagree with the Israeli blockade of the Gaza strip. I just don’t believe that mindless violence is justifiable, nor that it will accomplish anything except ensuring more innocent lives lost.
For the record: if you downvote without responding, you’ve lost the argument…
It’s the level of pacifism any westerner gets on as soon as the oppressed fight back. These galaxy-brained “all sides bad!” posters would rather the oppressed just follow Gandhi’s advice and do their enemies job for them.
Imagine understanding the difference between murder and warfare
Not to say that Israel isn’t comparable to nazi Germany, just that the mindless violence of Hamas isn’t a solution that will lead to anything other than more genocide…
If Hamas had kept to military targets there wouldn’t be the same backlash. You can’t say it’s the “oppressed fighting back” when they’re literally just murdering civilians at a music festival.
How are guerrilla fighters with far inferior numbers, technology, and funding supposed to target military and government sites and not get wiped out within a week?
The same way they did this, except instead of killing hundreds of civilians, they attack militarily important infrastructure and government posts. Almost like there’s clear intention that Hamas is set more on collective punishment for the Israeli people than actually accomplishing jack shit for the liberation of Palestine.
Most veg Indian food has dairy added tho. Avoiding ghee is like going through an obstacle course of nice aunties and uncles trying to feed you. And don’t even get me started on curd.
Indian vegans also often use substitutes. I’m for vegan food unity: don’t harm and exploit animals and I support you.
How is the dairy industry in India? I would assume it is nowhere near as cruel as it is in the West, where sadistic practices are incorporated at every stage of the process in the name of efficiency.
It depends. India does have some factory farms, mainly for beef. But many dairy cattle are kept by small farmers for whom the milk and meat are a supplement to whatever plants they grow. And these farmers usually belong to dairy co-operative societies like Amul, which do quality control and ensure that the animals are not abused too much. Also some Indian states ban or heavily restrict the slaughter of cattle (although in practise this just leads to them being abandoned or disappearing into the black market).
It’s basically the same. The driving factor of mass death in the dairy industry is that to make cows produce milk they’ve gotta get pregnant and calf, so you end up with a bunch of cows that are too old to produce enough milk for market and a big of calves that won’t produce milk, ever.
In the West, those “extra”, “non-productive” animals get killed (the dairy industry is the meat industry). In India, this is still often the case as not everyone is veg and not everyone who’s non-veg avoids beef. But there are enough people that refuse beef for there to be an impetus to follow a “traditional” alternative: you kick the animal out of the dairy for it to fend for itself. In reality, they tend to just starve to death over a long period of time.
For there to be dairy without a culling there would need to be like 30 pet cows for every 1 dairy cow. Assuming the cost of raising the cow is what people pay for, that would mean milk costing 10X more.
sadness My dumb ass assuming India’s culture of reverence for cows would lead to slightly better treatment for them but forgetting that capitalism will always demand the most profitable option.
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