They were changed from African pygmies in later versions of the book. You can still find early copies which describe them explicitly as such:
Willy Wonka tamped down speculation that he made them of chocolate. “They are real people! They are some of my workers!” He advised the group that these tiny black people had been “Imported direct from Africa!” They belonged to “a tribe of tiny miniature pygmies known as Oompa-Loompas. I discovered them myself. I brought them over from Africa myself—the whole tribe of them, three thousand in all. I found them in the very deepest and darkest part of the African jungle where no white man had ever been before.
I was lucky enough to travel to India once, and try some great food … I wanted to be vegetarian while there, simply because it was so good. The guys thought they were being helpful pointing out meat dishes everywhere we went, but it was typically an afterthought on the menus, not well prepared, not worth eating.
— In an American restaurant the focus is on meat and it is well prepared so that’s what I’m looking for
— in my limited experience with restaurants in India, the focus was on foods that didn’t have meat, and was very well prepared, so that’s what I’m looking for
As long as the vegetarian option is a substitute, or an option, or doing without, rather than the focussing on a good meal, most of will have no reason to select it, no reason to expect it to be a good choice
The ending of GoT will never stop being a sore spot for me. Some of the worst writing and abandonment (sabotage?) of character development I’ve ever witnessed.
The thing that still blows my mind is that they evidently could not comprehend that pulling this sort of bullshit would have sharply negative effects on their future in all of showbusiness. Like, they had a Star Wars movie signed. That’s still a bit of a thing nowadays, and when they got it, it was an even bigger deal. And they spiked it because they couldn’t be fucked to put in the effort to give one of the most popular TV series EVER a reasonably meaningful, satisfying, and well-written conclusion.
Even if we get nothing else from those last seasons, at the very least it’ll serve as a warning to show runners in future. You can be responsible for one of the biggest and best shows ever but if you don’t stick the landing people will never forgive you.
I wonder how they feel about it now, what a waste of an opportunity.
The worst part is all the investment I had into it. Not just emotional investment but also time spend getting to know the lore and coming up with theories
I feel so sorry for the actors and other people who worked on the show, besides D and D of course. Imagine being part of the biggest TV thing ever and having incredible success, only for it all to fall apart towards the end, completely removing the thing from public consciousness.
Man, remember when they had the cast do that media blitz for the final season, and Peter Dinklage was just giving off Hide The Pain Harold vibes for the whole interview? That must have been rough :(
Yeah, that must have been brutal. Some of the actors let a couple of negative sentences slip during those interviews, but I’m sure they weren’t allowed to.
I don’t know if a single clip shows this better than the reaction of Varys’ actor to his characters death. Just imagine having to sit at a table WITH THE SHITHEADS THAT ARE RESPONSIBLE for butchering an amazing character you should be remembered for, and not being able to say anything. Fuck.
You’ve got it all wrong! It was actually an incredibly genius move, as the writers knew that after 7 seasons of twists, turns and surprises, the audience wouldn’t really be phased by any characters death anymore. We’d become so accustomed to sudden character deaths that watching GoT became the literal incarnation of “expect the unexpected” and you can’t shock people who are just waiting for it to happen. So what did the showrunners do? They did the only thing nobody expected, assassinated the only target they knew would still get a reaction out of people after all this time - they killed off the show itself.
Oh, come on with that false equivalency BS. Owners can choose what breeds to buy (or just take in a stray), which also determines what gets bred! Pitbulls as a breed in general do tend to have higher aggression, that’s just a fact. And it’s well-documented by vets, breeders, groomers, etc.
That’s a little different than the war crimes of one dead racist guy who lived half a century ago…
Hi scientist here, I actually ran a study during my cursus about this and i didn’t find any significant difference between ‘dangerous breeds’ and others. The literature I found confirmed this hypothesis. If you have an article confirming this fact i would gladly appreciate it. If necessary i can give you some articles to read. As far as I’m aware it does not appear to be a fact.
I don’t have a dog in this fight (heh) but no one arguing the other side has presented any evidence either. In my anecdotal evidence, it’s seems more that certain breeds are more powerful, so when they’re improperly trained, they cause more damage so they get more headlines
Also, those breeds attract a certain type of owner that either don’t train them or train them to be aggressive.
Yep, they just need some love and gentle care and training. I have a half-pit and the only things she’s aggressive with is small critters. She really loves killing them though.
Worked for a dog and cat boarding facility many moons ago. Of all my interactions with various breeds from private owners to our almost constant stream of rescued pitbulls - we were temporarily hosting/caring for. Only one breed almost took off my finger.
I needed stitches, the lead vet had to flood the wound with iodine and antibiotics.
You can’t because they didn’t. They just made it up as pitbull enthusiasts always do. On the other hand here’s a site that has numerous reports on dog bit statistics and also a link to the National Pitbull Victims Awareness collective. No other breed of dog has so many organizations dedicated to victims and no other group of animal supporters attacks victims like pitbull advocates do.
Smooth-brained western Chinese apologists is not what I was expecting from the future of the internet even 5 years ago. Our atrocities are totally cool, eh? Nice.
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