My man, all the buses around here have systems that allow them to go down to street level to allow wheel chairs and all the metros have elevators. If your public transportation isn’t helping the differently abled then your local government is to blame.
Also not for people who don’t live in big cities and/or work shifts and overtimes. If I didn’t have a car, I wouldn’t be able to get to my job site in reasonable time and at times I couldn’t get there at all. And no, I’m not going to spend 2+ hours with public transport after working my ass off for 8 hours every day when I can do it in under 1 hour (both ways together) with my crappy old Dacia.
I don’t think you understand how war driven America is. There is a 2020 article that recorded data to show that over 244 years, only 15 of those years were spent not being in a war.
Enjoy your stale rice and rotting chicken drowned in masalas and curries that taste like dish soap. I will be eating a sumptuous rare steak, seasoned only very lightly with salt pepper and some butter.
When it comes to cuisine, white supremacy is very real.
The whole mask are useless lie is probably the big one.
There’s also the immediate dismissal of lab leak theories.
Continuing to recommend cloth masks after studies showed they were either useless or became saturated and may exacerbate spread.
For state actions:
Lockdowns were never part of the recommended approach, that wasn’t a scientific recommendation.
There were the arbitrary rules like wearing a mask in a restaurant unless you were sitting that had no science behind them.
There were rules like no motorized boats, but non motorized is acceptable.
Closing schools despite most experts citing the long term affects harming development, also little evidence that kids were at any significant risk from covid.
Classifying tents with walls and igloos as outdoors to avoid mask restrictions.
Keeping mask rules while outdoors for well after it was established there’s basically 0 chance of outdoor spread for covid.
More generally:
The obsession with surface cleaning despite evidence for surface transmission being nearly impossible being established very early.
Criticizing anti mask protests for not being safe, but completely ignoring the same issue with blm protests.
the overwhelming save all lives at all costs advocacy, which isn’t even policy in normal times.
im not antivaxx. although the covid one imo has not been tested nearly enough, at least back when they were shilling it. i believe in vaccines dont get me wrong, though people should be given the choice to not.
Yeah, but the decision on if vaccines are mandatory or not is a decision made by politicians and not scientists… the scientists only provide the data, its the politicians job to interpret it and make decisions.
Also, I hate this claim of “not tested enough”. They were tested enough, and even if, we just didn’t have the time to wait for more thorough testing, because people were dying left and right because of covid. Don’t you remember the mass graves in New York?
old twitter founder jack created another social platform just like how twitter was except it has a protocol very similar to activitypub (but not it so not compatible)
If they invent their own protocol it’s probably going to take another year or two before wee see a usable implementation tho, the core components of Bluesky are closed source, well and Threads should be a activity pub app too but I have my doubts if they will ever implement it tbh!
The assumption is Jack will make bluesky just as bad as Twitter was before elon. But then jack and liberals didn’t see anything wrong with that twitter. So yeah, marginally better.
ok i see and yeah i agree to an extent. i’m assuming you don’t like the current state of twitter either? your initial comment was pretty ambiguous. unfortunately, i don’t think you can have something similar and as popular as twitter without it turning into a mess. so yeah, bluesky will likely just be twitter again but that’s what people seem to want. attempts to do something different just don’t have any mainstream appeal.
Yes I hate current twitter as well, but I think I wrote off the website back in like 2018.
I dunno, its just… People who use it are stakeholders in it, too. They’re invested in having a platform that can pay the bills. Nobody seems to like youtube, but nobody is really… Quitting it, either.
It’s got a lot of the same problems that twitter had before the Elon takeover. If it just ended there it would at least be a quick replacement but they had to throw in a FOMO invite system and to make matters even worse the CEO of bluesky has been sucking Elon’s toes on all his shitty decisions leading anyone with any level of analysis to see that it’s not going to be long before bluesky ends up just as bad as twitter is today.
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