Here’s my thing about meat: I’ll switch away from meat if you make it taste good. It doesn’t have to pretend to be meat, as long as it tastes good, that’s all I care about. I will still eat the occasional burger or bbq, but if you can find me vegetarian or vegan recipes that make me as happy as bbq does, I’ll try it.
It’s less surprising when you realize that stuff that processed almost might as well have been constructed from raw hydrocarbons. It’s like some NileRed “turning paint thinner into cherry soda”-level shit.
I said this above as a reply to another comment, but I do feel there are a lot of interesting dishes around the world that would be loved almost universally and I wish they would become universally accessible too
For bacon bits, they’re talking about the drid stuff in the plastic cans - “Bacos” and similar. They’re usually soy based with artificial flavor - probably for longer/safer shelf life
Those fake bacon bits that are bright red and crunchy that people put on their salads and such are made from soy. The real stuff that is chewy is def still pork.
I’m vegan for a while now and live in Europe. In the past, vegan options were creative and often good and now it’s this fake meat all over. I wish I lived closer to India then to America
What I wanted to say is that I like the Indian way according to the meme better than the American and my home country is tending towards the American. I wanted to hint to that by complaining about it in the first part
Thinking the exact same thing lol. I really do hope the person who is behind the og comic sees these remakes and gets that gut wrenching feeling knowing that his art is a fucking joke.
And pretty damn funny when others add the talent to it.
I mean, is that not par for the course for superpowers, historically? The US just has a wider area that it can reach in that regard, due to better technology of the current era
Not sure “getting” a carrier group would be seen as a plus. Usually means you fucked around (or we think you did), and we would like to remind you that finding out is an option.
Small countries still need supermarkets to buy weapons from to fight each other. It’s an inevitability that sides get chosen because selling weapons to both sides looks particularly bad.
Being proponents of socialism is not what makes Lemmygrad problematic. If that were the reason world defederated from them then I would actually be upset with the decision.
Which part? I’m just saying their being proponents of Socialism isn’t a problem. The post is saying that’s why we defederated from them, which it isn’t. It was the way people behaved on that instance (and outside it), the way communities operated, that led to the decision.
I used to moderate several subs with over 2M subscribers and while being a Digital Janitor can take a lot of time and effort at the end of the day its just volunteer labor and with Reddit in particular it’s volunteer labor to help a commercial entity.
Society would be better off if these kinds of mods would use the time to volunteer at a soup kitchen or something.
100% serious. On the average our grocery stores are better with far more access to food choices. I can pick out essentially any type of fruit or veggie year round and have access to fresh food from across the planet.
Not your thing? Well, I’m my small city (.5mil) I have access to 3 farmers markets which will get me fresh local veggies and meat.
Y’all are on crack if you think you have access to better food in the EU or Asia.
You’ll find that 95% of towns in the US will have access to fantastic food year round.
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