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MrPoopyButthole, in Vaccine research vs. anti-vax research

Damn, I didn’t even realize I’m doing anti-vax research as i type this


Username checks out.

Selmafudd, in History lives in the present

It’s working as intended, the whole Ottoman Empire was split to create manufactured internal conflict.


The Ottoman Empire split after WW1, Israel/Palestine happened in 1948. No one was anticipating Hitler doing genocide in 1919. Britain hadn’t considered a plan to award Israel to the persecuted Jewish population of Europe at that point in time.


The meme is wrong though and should say WW1, not WW2. The creation of the State of Israel has nothing to do with the Holocaust, all of it was planned before WW2.


The Balfour Declaration was in 1917, and Britain began discussing support for the Zionist project in Palestine immediately after declaring war on the Ottoman Empire in 1914. The idea dates back to at least 1896 when Theodore Herzl proposed it as a solution to the “Jewish question” which, itself, was being asked as early as the 1750s.


I cant believe it, someone who actually knows what they are speaking about?? in my imitation Reddit forum???

Let’s not forget that Britain also ensured the rights of Palestinians in that same declaration, I would like to see them act on that one.

Omega_Haxors, in The correct civilians to slaughter

Decades of settler colonial genocide: “This is normal”

The colonized fight back one time: “Both sides are equally bad!!”

abcd, in A meme for math people

Where are my programmer buddies? 🤘


dying inside from learning c++

tbh not as bad as i expected but still

EllE, in Embrace the typoo

Years ago I played an MMO with a guy called Tpyo. He was legally blind and decided to just get ahead of it and embrace it.

Omega_Haxors, (edited ) in Buying a new car is not better than keeping an old one

Ah yes, that “lets do nothing and say we’re saving the climate” take straight out of bill gates’ think tank. Stop watching kurzgesagt.


Maybe you should start. They highly likely do more for climate change than you do.

andy_wijaya_med, avatar

What’s wrong with kurz gesagt?

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

Gates-funded eco porky. People watch them for their science videos then get sucked into neoliberal propaganda. Like it’s one thing to be biased (everyone is) but it’s a complete other to be parroting think tank talking points verbatim.

takeda, in A meme for math people

Good luck trying that in two years.

HonoraryMancunian, in Just checking in, you dumb motherfucker...

So that’s what Zippy’s up to nowadays

cyclohexane, in The correct civilians to slaughter

Hamas targeted military facilities and personnel, and civilians were caught in the crossfire when Israel fired at them.

Israel specifically targets civilians and massacres them. Even children. They burn them alive and torture them. Hamas is the last group left putting up a fight against this genocide. Hamas is not even a fraction of the concern that Israel is.

redballooon, (edited )

In what world are music festivals and kibbutzim a military facility?


You’re surprised that a dance rave that was held 10 minutes outside the border of a concentration camp and active war zone got caught in the cross fire?

It was held in Re’im kibbutz, which is right next to the the Re’im Israeli military base.


And pretty much indistinguishable. All those ravers, how could anyone differentiate them from military personnel???

your logic doesn’t make sense to anyone who is not caught in ideological hatred.

No wait, I’m calling it lies. Not logic. Lies.


The rave had many Israeli military soldiers positioned, and they fired at the Palestinian resistance forces heading to Re’im base and skirmished with them, putting the ravers in the crossfire.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

The person I saw desperately hiding behind their car and shot and killed from three feet away by a Hamas fighter did not look to me to be an IDF soldier. They were deliberately targeted, not "caught in a crossfire". Videos don't lie.


Can you please share a link to the video, or point me to where I can find it? I am open to changing my mind.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

Guess you haven't seen this one. It's in the first couple minutes.


Thanks for the link! I assume you’re speaking about the part between 1:30 and 1:40. a person wearing black appeared behind the lines of Palestinian forces. This would be pretty alarming to the fighters, as the person in black could be undercover or off duty soldier. The person was probably yelled at and told to get down, but proceeded to move in the wrong direction (could be language barrier). It seems that this is when someone opened fire, but you can see smoke appears on the ground noticeably far from the person. This means whoever was shooting shot at the ground, to alert the person in black. It was immediately after that that the person in black dropped to the ground.

Most likely, they dropped not because they got shot and killed, but because they complied after being warned with the gunshots. If you’re shooting to kill, you wouldn’t be shooting on the ground far from the person, or even their legs. Moreover, if you look close and zoom in, the person is seen moving after they drop right before the clip ends, indicating they’re probably still alive, and the video clip ends immediately after.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

Sorry, justify it and sugarcoat to yourself and speculate however you want, you're not going to convince me both sides aren't evil sick and twisted assholes in this conflict with both Palestinian and Israeli civilians caught in the middle.


No need to apologize. I understand you’ve made up your mind already, but the facts are clear, and others reading my comment can cross what I said with the video to compare and verify me.

“both sides” is a meaningless stance. What are you recommending, other than maintaining the status quo of massacre and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians? Of slow death and suffocation? What are Palestinians to do but resist?

TimeSquirrel, avatar

I don't have an answer to that. Nobody has a good answer to that. It doesn't mean I condone targeting civilians, no matter who it is. They both have the right to exist and live in peace.


By supporting the status quo, you are supporting the murder of civilians involved in said status quo. No worries though, its not surprising from westerners. Been doing it for centuries now.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

Did I say I support the status quo? No, I did not. But your "solution" is also not acceptable to me. I'd say the same damn thing if I ever found out that people who lived under the holocaust harmed random people in the streets of Germany. That is simply never justifiable. I would take my own life before I ever take the life of a noncombatant civilian who has personally done me no harm. That's something I could never live with, maybe you can.


Did I say I support the status quo? No, I did not.

You have opposed any change to the status quo. What else would that make you?

I’d say the same damn thing if I ever found out that people who lived under the holocaust harmed random people in the streets of Germany.

The resistance against Nazi Germany actually had far far more civilian casualties than Palestine’s resistance against Israel, despite the fact that the Palestinian cause has been ongoing for way longer. Did you really not know this? I must be misunderstanding you, or maybe you misspoke. I thought they teach about this extensively in the US


This may be true but in order to come to a meaningful solution you cannot be afraid to analyze the situation. By all conclusions the violence and power in this situation is entirely asymmetrical. The IDF have been operating an apartheid state and an open air prison. These conditions led to the violence. The solution is a free Palestine.

redballooon, (edited )

Eye witness report “ Gunmen chased fleeing revellers across the desert, shooting and snatching people.”

And many very similar stories, including brutal rape and beheadings.

I continue calling your words lies.

cyclohexane, (edited )

Gunmen chased fleeing revellers across the desert, shooting and snatching people

They moved people off the battle field and kept them hostage, yes. They did not target and shoot civilians, the IDF put the ravers in crossfire when they engaged the Palestinian resistance. There’s plenty of footage of the incident online, and none of it shows that. I’d be happy to be proven wrong; show me evidence. If all you have is “trust me bro” from the Israeli government and media, who have a proven track record of lying (and already admitted that they lied about this latest Hamas operation), then your claims are to be ignored.


Average terrorist supporter


I do not support Israel



Dreamer, (edited )

The onus of responsibility lies on Israeli’s leadership and all that support the kinds of rulings and actions that have blurred the lines between combatant and non combatant.

Compulsory military service needs to go. Willing or unwilling, every citizen is forced into this conflict because they are required by law to do what their leadership asks them to, even if it means continuing the cycle of oppression. As we have seen with the Nuremberg trials, “Just following orders” is not an excuse.

There have also been numerous cases of the Israeli military protecting settlers in plains clothes as they commit terrorist acts against the indigenous populations. Doing so allows Israel to further its goal while officially creating plausible deniability for numerous humans rights violations.

These two factors alone heavily blur the lines between combatant and noncombatant, guilty and innocent, and fascist and non-fascist. It is very possible that this was done by design to force every Israeli citizen to have a stake in the conflict regardless of whether they want to. Israel knows Hamas does not have the luxury nor the technology to sift through potential targets to identify the legitimate ones. In a sense, the Zionist leadership is using the entirety of its population as a human-shield, and this placement of a civilian festivity near a military facility in a hot zone was a strategic one, such that when the legitimate target is attacked, others are caught in the cross-fire, and Israel can then use this to justify collective punishment against innocent civilians.

redballooon, (edited )

Just as the reactionary Republicans who accuse the democrats of all sorts of foul play that’s in their playbook, this whole comment looks to me like projection.

Using the population as shields, by hiding weapons and militants in hospitals and schools is what the Palestinian combatants have done for years decades. Etc

You have a few points, the Israeli government has long been gone across any reasonable state of mind.

But the whole mindset you describe did not originate in Israel. This whole situation is waaay less one sided than you make it appear. And it changed significantly last weekend, initiated with a terror attack of unprecedented scale by the Hamas.

ThatWeirdGuy1001, (edited ) in A meme for math people avatar

I know I’m bad at math but I don’t understand how 2x0=0 but 2^0=1

How are they different answers when they’re both essentially multiplying 2 by zero?

Someone with a bigger brain please explain this

Edit: I greatly appreciate all the explanations but all they’ve done is solidify the fact that I’ll never be good at math 😭


2^0 isn't multiplying by zero. Considering this law: 2^a / 2^b = 2^(a-b)
it's obvious why 2^0 = 1
If a=b you're dividing by the same number resulting in 1.

Unfortunately, I cannot explain/prove the first law though.

zalgotext, (edited )

The first rule is just simple division:

(2x2x2x2) / (2x2) =

(2/2) * (2/2) * 2 * 2=

1 * 1 * 2 * 2 =

2 * 2 =


Writing in terms of powers:

(2^4) / (2^2) =

(2^(4-2)) =

(2^2) =


The two bottom 2’s “cancel out” (really they just divide into one another to make 1’s) two of the top 2’s and you’re left with two top twos.


This isn’t strictly speaking a proof, but it did help me to accept it as it demonstrates the function that makes it 1.

2^3 = 2x2x2

2^2 = 2x2

(2^3)/(2^2) = (2x2x2)/(2x2) = 2

= 2^(3-2)

In general terms:

(x^a)/(x^b) = x^(a-b)

If a and b are the same number this is x^0 and obviously (x^a)/(x^a) is one because anything divided by itself is 1.

Hope that helps

hemmes, avatar

Yes, of course, obviously…JFC, what??


That was pretty complicated, here is a simpler answer I hsve come up with:


If that makes sense to you…


2^(a-b) = (2^a)/(2^b)

You can see this in the example above but perhaps it’s better to use different powers to make things a bit clearer.




You can cancel 3 of the 2s from the top and bottom of the fraction to be left with 2x2, or 2^2.

I.e. (2^5)/(2^3)=2^2

The quicker way to calculate this is doing 2^(5-3) which when you resolve the bracket is obviously just 2^2 or 2x2.

If both numbers in the bracket are the same the bracket will always resolve to 0, which is the same as saying a number divided by itself, any number divided by itself is one so it follows that any number to the power 0 is also 1 (because it’s essentially exactly the same calculation).

hemmes, avatar

Rule = #^0 = # x 1

Don’t ask why…got it.


No not quite, #^0 = 1

hemmes, avatar

Wait, so 5^0 = 1??



5^0 can be rewritten as 5^(2-2)

5^(2-2) = (5^2)/(5^2)

This is a number divided by itself so cancels to 1 every time, regardless of #.

Dioxy, avatar

This dude is great at explaining math, including this:


Well looks like some people already answered your question but let me show you quick proof video that may help you understand how powers work:


subtracting one from Exponent means halving (when the base is two):

2⁴ = 16 2³ = 8 2² = 4 2¹ = 2 2⁰ = 1

It’s a simple continuation of the pattern and required for mathemarical rules to work.


This is confidently wrong.

3^0 is also 1. 2738394728^0 is also 1.

Edit: just saw that technically you’re correct - sure.

IF base 2, Exponent reduction equals to halving - dividing by 2.

For x^y reducing y by one is equal to dividing by x, then we have the proof it always works.


But that’s because for 3 the sequence is dividing by 3 not 2.

81, 27, 9, 3, 1, 1/3, 1/9, etc.

3^4, 3^3, 3^2, 3^1, 3^0, 3^(-1), 3^(-2), etc.

You’re not always halving, but the method is the same and it sometimes helps people understand the concept more easily.


You can think of 1 as the “empty product” (or the “neutral element of multiplication” if you want to be fancy). 2^x means you have x factors of 2. If you have 0 factors, you have the “empty product”

LordOfTheChia, (edited )

In addition to the explanation others have mentioned, here it is in graph form. See the where the graph of 2^x intersects the y axis (when x=0):…/exponential.html

This also has some additional verbal explanations:

The simplest way I think of it is by the properties of exponentials:

2^3 / 2^2 = (2 * 2 * 2) / (2 * 2) = 2 = 2^(3-2)

Dividing two exponentials with the same base (in this case 2) is the same as that same base (2) to the power of the difference between the exponent in the numerator minus the exponent in the denominator (3 and 2 in this case).

Now lets make both exponents the same:

2^3 / 2^3 = 8/8 = 1

2^3 / 2^3 = 2^(3-3) = 2^0 = 1

TokyoMonsterTrucker, (edited )

Easiest explanation I can think of using the division law for exponents:

Since we can use any number for the initial fraction, as long as the denominator is the same as the numerator, any number to the zeroth power is equal to 1. In general terms, then, for any number, x:

ShaunaTheDead, avatar

I see other people have posted good explanations, but I think the simplest explanation has to do with how you break down numbers. Lets take a number, say, 124. We can rewrite it as 100 + 20 + 4 and we can rewrite that as 1 * 10^2 + 2 * 10^1 + 4 * 10^0 and I think you can see why anything raised to the 0th power has to equal 1. Numbers and math wouldn't work if it didn't.


0 is the neutral element for addition. This is why when we have a number then 0 + number = number (0 doesnt change the value in addition) and why 0 x number = 0 (if you add a number 0 times you will have 0). (Multiplication is adding one of the numbers to itself the number of times designated by the second number)

The same way 1 is the neutral element for multiplication. This is why when you have some number then 1 * number = number. This is also why number^0 = 1 (if you never multiply by a number you are left with the neutral element. It would be weird if powering by 0 left you with 0 for example because of how negative powers work)

This is the level 1 answer.

The level 0 answer is that it is this way because all of mathematics is a construct designed to ease problem solving and all people collectively agreed that doing it this way is way more useful (because it is)

Choose which one you want

ThatWeirdGuy1001, avatar

Fuck me this is the only one I understand 😭


I like to think of it this way:
2^3 is the same as 2 x 2 x 2.
But you can arbitrarily multiply by as many 1s as you want because 1 has the identity property for multiplication.
So we can also write 2^3 as 2 x 2 x 2 x 1 x 1.
2^2 as 2 x 2 x 1 x 1.
2^1 as 2 x 1 x 1.
2^0 as 1 x 1 or just 1.

Multiplying a number by another number is the same as adding a number to itself that many times. And 0 is has the identity property for addition, so similarly:
2 x 3 = 2 + 2 + 2 + 0 + 0
2 x 2 = 2 + 2 + 0 + 0
2 x 1 = 2 + 0 + 0
2 x 0 = 0 + 0

BlazingFlames6073, avatar

Thanks, I couldn’t even tell what the image was about math. I thought a dirty joke was hidden somewhere involving the 0. Didn’t realize it was small and floating above on the right so people would immediately realize it’s a power lol. Many people hide clever things but I always approach them in the wrong way lol.

MargotRobbie, in Vaccine research vs. anti-vax research

While I’m here, everyone, please get your flu and COVID shots this winter, vaccines work, so don’t get sick, and don’t get other people sick.


I’ll get my flu shot once my cold mostly resolves. My entire face feels like it’s about to sneeze 24/7 and it’s like a personal hell


Got mine! 10/10 will definitely do again

TankieTanuki, (edited )

Getting a shot and then immediately walking to the end of the queue for another like it’s Six Flags. dril

WuTang, avatar

While I’m here, everyone, please get your flu and COVID shots this winter, vaccines work, so don’t get sick, and don’t get other people sick.

How? as it has been demonstrated that it does not protect against transmission?

But take your shots please.

TrickDacy, avatar

Anti vaxxers need your own island. You’d… “sort yourselves out”… in about 10 years.

WuTang, avatar

Strange, so you are protected, you would apparently protect from transmitting too SO why unvaxxed to COVID (not antivaxx, little schmug) would have to isolate on an island?

you see how crazy you are?


Not everyone who wants to be vaccinated against covid can be vaccinated.

And not everyone who is vaccinated can receive the full benefits of vaccination due to being immunocompromised.

As someone who gets a Hep B vaccine every single year, I do what I can to protect myself, but my body is incapable of producing antibodies long term, it’s because of an autoimmune condition, not because the vaccine isn’t widely effective. I’m always going to be more susceptible to it (and I work in healthcare so I have to keep getting the vaccine). I’m lucky I only have this issue with hep b, my other vaccines seem to have “taken”, but I’m not alone, there are many people out there that have this issue with various vaccines.

My cousin had an anaphylactic reaction to the flu vaccine a few years ago, he can’t take it again. He’s in a vulnerable position because he has a trachy, so his airways don’t have as much natural protection. He has to trust that his co-workers will stay away from him if they catch the flu, because he can’t get vaccinated even though he wants and needs to.


Did you intend to make some kind of point here?


Would’ve been better to say something like: Don’t get as sick and potentially die when you do catch one or both of these viruses. Also stay home when you’re sick.


It does technically reduce transmission potential, though indirectly.

If you do contract covid or the flu after having been vaccinated, you are less likely to have severe symptoms, including coughing and sneezing. If you’re not coughing up a lung all over the place, you’re not spreading as much as someone who is hocking loogeys over everyone else.


Except everyone I know who got the shot has gotten sick way more frequently then those who didn’t. That’s backed up by the data that shows the shots give an initial boost in immunity, but slow negative effectiveness long term


It does reduce transmission it just doesn’t reduce it to 0%. Life is not so black and white.


Yeah… For people saying COVID is “just the flu”, I had a friend who ended up in hospital with COVID… When I got covid and thought I may have spread it to her (fortunately she got lucky and somehow didn’t get it) , she pretty much started prepacking for hospital.

It’s still a super serious virus, same as the real flu…

interolivary, (edited ) avatar

I know four people who ended up in the hospital from COVID, one in a medically induced coma for a couple of weeks. All except one of them is in their 30’s or 40’s and in good physical condition, the exception is a friend’s young child who is in the ICU right now and they’re not sure she’ll survive…


I just went to sign up for my covid shot and it asked me to update my insurance information. I have no fucking answers for them so I stopped filling out the form.


Have you tried telling them you don’t have insurance


Nope I’m gonna call and tell them today I think they will say its okay and the website is just dumb 😋 thanks by the way

FlyingSquid, avatar

I highly recommend staggering them though. I did them both together last year and felt so sick that I had to take a day off of work (still better than COVID or Flu). This year, I had a COVID booster and I’m getting a flu shot Monday. The COVID shot did nothing to me but give me a sore arm and flu shots never do anything.


Just got both of mine an hour ago


Also get your dogs rabies vaccines! We are getting dangerously close to having less than 80% of the dogs in the US vaccinated. This will cause pockets of disease in your pets.


Flu shots are only given to the elderly and vulnerable where I live. It’s weird to see people talking about getting the flu shot like it’s a normal thing.

cyclohexane, in School lunch debt, what about normal lunch debt?

But how else will capitalist society coerce people into wage slavery? Next up you’re gonna tell me people should not be homeless either?!! What kind of dystopian society is this where everyone has food on the table?!! /s

mumblerfish, in A meme for math people

Same trick will work next year too!


And the following year as well!


Poor kid going from 2 to 8 in 1 year.


You mean 2 -> 4?

2^2 = 4


Ahh yes your right, my bad. I was thinking the power was equal to her age but it is actually -1 her age. I was doing 2^3 when it should have been 2^2. I guess that is what I get when I don’t show my work. Dang math teacher was right.


And I thought you were making a follow-up joke to mine…

jack, (edited )

Haha, no.




i thought they meant 2^0^ + 1, but this makes way more sense


Brilliant, now I wonder what ages this works for, I figured only 1 and 2, but then I realised we could write the father’s age in other bases…

1 = 2^0 (20 b10)

2 = 2^1 (21 b10)

3 = 3^1 (31 b7 = 22)

6 = 6^1 (61 b4 = 25) if they are lucky the grand father will be 61 that year :-D

8 = 2^3 (23 b12 =27)

9 = 9^1 (91 b3 = 28)

14 = 14^1 (141 b4 = 33)


You have mistakes in a few of those. The number “61” doesnt exist in b4. 25b10 in b4 is “121”.

Similar problem with 91b3 and 141b4.


Indeed, I was so focused on the algebraic side I didn’t even think about it :-D

I was computing 6*4+1=25

doctorn, in A meme for math people avatar

Damn, that took me waaay too long to get…

Not my brightest moment… 😅

Habahnow, in A meme for math people

Took me too long to realize the 0 can be an exponent.

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