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jarfil, in History lives in the present

Alternate caption: “Zionists smuggling in settlers before the British mandate ended to have enough votes to create a State of Israel as a safe haven for Holocaust refugees, then getting populated mostly by Jews fleeing Arab countries out of fear of retaliation for having created the State of Israel a day early and having pushed most Palestinians out by force”


You realize that most Israelis came from Europe after WW2?

or do you think Liebermann, Herzog, Weitzmann, Goldberg, Weinstein etc. are Arabic names? 33 % are ethnic Europeans as opposed to 12% from asia and 15% from Africa

Shrike502, avatar

Ashkenazim have European surnames because Europeans literally forced them unto Jews. Austro-Hungary, Russian Empire - both had policies for giving Jews “local” surnames (for taxation purposes). It’s how you get Jews with German surnames in eastern and central Europe (i.e.the ones you have listed), and how you get Jews with Ukrainian and Russian-ish surnames in the appropriate areas (see Abramovich, Litvak)


And they did so in Europe. Which means that people with this family names were Jews coming from Europe to Israel and not from Arabic countries like the comment above claimed.

BackOnMyBS, avatar

Interesting info and I’m not arguing against your point, but that source doesn’t address their point at all. The cited source covers recent demographics. The previous user is referring to events that occurred in 1947ish. The time periods are not close enough to be relevant to each other, especially considering the massive changes that occurred throughout that period in the area.

That’s kind of like if someone said that the Caribbean was entirely populated by natives when the Europeans showed up in 1492, and someone responded with demographics from the 1570s after the Spanish had established settlements in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, Trinidad, and conquered the Aztecs to dismiss the initial point. The demographics are going to be vastly different. It kind of sheds doubt onto your rebuttal since there seems to be a logical disconnect.

Does anyone have any sources on the demographics right before the British invited Jewish people to move to the Levant?


There’s a wiki for it

Edit: which mysteriously doesn’t appear to link on my end.…/Demographic_history_of_Palesti…

kyle, in Feels bad man

What makes this meme even better is the guy in the picture, Shah Rukh Khan, is a legend in Bollywood. Indian Tom Cruise. I’m pretty sure he has written in his contracts that all close ups require a fan in his face to make it look like his hair is gently blowing in the wind.


I’m glad someone noticed!

UFODivebomb, in Buying a new car is not better than keeping an old one

Double overly reductionist takes with no positive contribution. Congrats! This is crap.

lemillionsocks, in Vaccine research vs. anti-vax research avatar

I dont care for how this meme seems to be shitting on toilet research. Not defending the anti-vaxer but you can learn quite a bit while on the toilet


Learning isn’t the same as researching.

jarfil, in School lunch debt, what about normal lunch debt?

Kids need to grow strong so they can be brainwashed into doing the bidding of the ruling class.

The elderly are too set in their own ways to be brainwashed efficiently, and too weak to get exploited efficiently anyways.

Auzy, in Vaccine research vs. anti-vax research

Fortunately, survival of the fittest and anti vaxxers love things like those anti-5g pendants… Many of which are radioactive

ekZepp, in This is Sparta ;) avatar

WikiSpartan Marriage ritual

On the night of the wedding, the bride would have her hair cut short and be dressed in a man’s cloak and sandals. The bride appeared dressed like a man or a young boy to be perceived as less threatening to her husband.

In Sparta the cropping of the bride’s hair and transvestism likely aimed to transform her temporarily into an adolescent Spartan boy – a less threatening figure to the groom, who probably had made his own transition to adulthood via a close emotional and sexual relationship with an older male and was now in the position to sexually initiate other boys into Spartan society.

The bride was then left alone in a darkened room, where she would be visited and ritually captured by her new husband. Men were expected to visit their new wives at night and in secret.

JusticeForPorygon, in The correct civilians to slaughter avatar

It’s crazy how people seem to think they have to take sides in an argument. It’s okay to say both sides are fucked up. There’s plenty of videos showing Israeli kids talking about how they want to kill the Arabs, and there was that whole ass Disney/sesame street knock-off in Palistine that sang about AK-47s.

PyroNeurosis, avatar

You got a line on that singalong?

JusticeForPorygon, (edited ) avatar

I’ll get you the song when I (re)find it, but for now here’s the Wikipedia page.'s_Pioneers

For transparency, it appears they did eventually cancel the show, but I don’t know if it had to do with the content or the use of a very clearly Mickey Mouse-based character.

Edit: here’s the video. To correct myself, it seems to be a poem and not a song. I should also clarify I don’t speak Arabic, so I am relying on the provided subtitles.

The line in question is near the 2:30 mark.

N00b22, in Embrace the typoo


crackajack, in Vaccine research vs. anti-vax research

Odd that the people who question vaccines are the same people who don’t question the medicines they put into their mouths when they get sick. Do they know that vaccines and medicines are researched and manufactured in a similar way?

bandario, avatar

They probably should question them. Even something as seemingly benign as Paracetamol is not without its issues if used too often, or after alcohol. It can do serious harm. Most medicine can.

Another fun medicine fact. Australia banned the sale of pseudoephedrine from store shelves quite some years ago to try and reduce domestic amphetamine production. Ever since, all of the major pharma brands have sold phenylephrine based cold and flu medicine as a replacement. Our Therapeutic Goods Administration recently found that this preparation is no better than placebo. We’re talking about a billion dollar industry that has been knowingly selling snake oil for ten years.

I guess what I’m saying is a healthy dose of skepticism and knowledge seeking should be applied to anything you are putting in your body or exchanging money for. The pharmaceutical industry are not saints. They’re just as driven by profit incentives as every other business.


They have known since 2009

I don’t think it’s some conspiracy that they have known and hid it. And at least in the states you can still get the real stuff behind the counter too with ID.

I’m not discrediting anything you said though just adding on.


This ^. There are so many medications out there that either do nothing, or the side effects are worse than what they’re treating. Pay attention to what you’re taking, and look into everything. The Pharma industry is about money. That’s it. Money. They don’t care about making you better, they care about what kind of profit they can make off of a new drug. There’s not a single pharma company that can be trusted. And this isn’t only drugs that they are more worried about making money on, vaccines too. You don’t really think the pharma companies came out with a COVID vaccine because it was best for humanity do you? They knew the government would pay whatever they asked for the vaccines, so they pushed them out as fast as they could. Work/doesn’t work? Doesn’t matter, as long as they made a profit.


Add statins to your list. After taking statins for 10 years, statistically, you can expect to live 1 day longer. But until death, you’re likely to experience crippling side effects.

WuTang, avatar
  • strange that people forgot about H1N1 vaccine that they should rush on the first experimental shit - created 3 month after first chinese cases).
  • strange that people doesn’t get that the vaccine campaign started when the virus were not anymore as strong and the deaths were already reducing.
  • strange that people can’t read stats and demographics, why injecting our kids?!
  • strange that people doesn’t think that the lack of early support could lead to stronger illness development if not, death.

my friend got Covid (alpha), it was pretty bad but he also got nothing as treatment, just basic painkiller and O2, nothing else. Fortunately for him, he was in his mid 40 and strong, “just” ended up with a hole in his lungs due to excessive O2.

AND Finally, the binary vision that people against Vaxzevria and co are against vaccines is highly infuriating to me. Get you shot and leave me alone.

boCash, avatar

So which courses did you find most impactful on that view while studying immunology? Or do you already work in bleeding-edge vaccine research?

jcdenton, avatar

AI generated comment

TrickDacy, (edited ) avatar

Strange how you apparently never thought to ask yourself “what if I’m wrong and the entire medical field is right?”

The lies you’re spreading kill people. This essentially makes you a murderer. Great job spreading vaccine misinformation. There’s a special place in hell for people like you.


Strange that people think that the COVID-19 vaccine is “rushed” (it is not, the technology is 30 years old), when many other drugs were also rushed. Strange that most drugs have side effects but people only question when it is the vaccines that show it. Strange that the same people never question chemotherapy. Strange that they also don’t question the potential of addiction from painkillers and opioid-based medicines despite overprescription leading to opioid epidemic in the United States. The same people would also probably demand for antibiotics on common flu, even though antibiotics only work on bacterial infections, and not on viral ones such as the common cold, which is now resulting to concern of evolution of antibiotic-resistant diseases.

It is though people prefer the comfort of therapeutic medicines, even if the efficacy is little or perceived, and regardless of side effects, instead of the feverish side effects that vaccines could give despite the overall benefits outweighing the risk of getting full blown sickness without taking it. It is though people are myopic, hedonistic creatures of comfort who would forgo long term safety for short term convenience.

I really doubt we’d survive in the next 100 years.


People (idiots) prefer therapeutic to preventative because of shitty/misattributed confirmation bias. If they get the shots and don’t get sick, it’s not because of the shots, it’s because they weren’t ever going to get sick anyway. If they get sick, take something, and get better, it’s because of whatever they took. They can’t see the vaccine helping them, so it isn’t happening, and if it isn’t happening, then it’s worthless, and if it’s worthless but someone’s trying to “make” you take it anyway, it’s cause they have an ulterior motive.


Additionally, antivaxxers group all vaccines as if they’re all the same. “The vaccine on malaria didn’t work? The vaccine on polio must be the same”. But they would not apply the same incorrect conclusion to medicine. “Oh the immunotherapy on cancer didn’t work. I will take painkillers to ease the pain at least”. Medicines and vaccines are not all the same and this doesn’t register to many.

killeronthecorner, avatar

These people will drink bleach if someone tells them to…/florida-men-sentenced-to-years-…

Anti-vaxxers aren’t anti-science because that would imply they understand science. They’re anti-knowledge and anti-reason which is far more dangerous.


Lol it was Harvard that said to drink bleach

killeronthecorner, avatar



Google works well

killeronthecorner, avatar

Lol, k bud

dingus, in The correct civilians to slaughter avatar


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  • arymandias,

    But one side lives in suburbs and the other in an open-air prison, without medical supplies, under permanent drone surveillance, oh and every 5 years all the buildings get flattened.

    YeetPics, avatar

    I don’t know what’s so hard about admitting that both sides are indeed at fault here.

    Well that perspective disagrees with both flavors of propaganda. It’s fucking true but nobody with a horse in the race will agree with you ever.

    dingus, avatar


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  • prettybunnys,

    It’s understandable too, how do you convince someone to stop fighting back so their enemy will stop punching them?

    Like, remember when your parents told you that the best way to stop arguing with someone was to just stop arguing?

    This is the same situation but instead of just arguing they’re literally committing war crimes and terrorist acts against each other.

    Hard to say who started it in the moment when both are acting, and when everyone is acting in it frankly the who started it becomes irrelevant when there is only one good solution, for everyone to stop.

    dingus, avatar

    …and you’re treated as culturally insensitive if you point out that it’s partially motivated because of two bullshit ass religions, and the reason they won’t stop is because they’ve each just got to prove their God has the bigger dick, even though they’re technically the same God.

    Fried_out_Kombi, (edited ) avatar

    how do you convince someone to stop fighting back so their enemy will stop punching them?

    Heck, part of it is you have to convince people to stop treating others as a monolith. Even the language of “their enemy will stop punching them” implies the entire populace of Israel is one monolith united in oppressing the Palestinians and that the entire population of Palestine is one monolith united in actively fighting Israel.

    People need to be able to take a step back and recognize that their enemies are not the common folk, the innocent civilians. Most people just want to live their lives. Only a small minority is ever actually actively engaged in the fighting, or the political decisions to continue fighting.

    Israelis (at least those that support Netanyahu and the apartheid state) need to collectively realize that having an apartheid state is not “fighting back”; it’s just punishing 99% innocents. Likewise, Hamas needs to realize that mass murdering civilians is not “fighting back”; it’s just punishing 99% innocents. True fighting back requires actually finding the people responsible for harming you, not ascribing blame to rando civilians just because they happen to have been born on the same side of the border as your true enemies.


    When two children are arguing an adult steps in and separates them each into their own timeout corner.

    That's what needs to be done, but good fucking luck with that.


    Hamas does not really have a propaganda machine. Israel does.


    Because they aren’t.

    Israel is genociding Palestinians, and Hamas is resisting them.

    If innocents are caught in the crossfire of Hamas resisting, then Israel is to blame, not Hamas. Israel targets civilians, Hamas was targeting the military.



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  • cyclohexane,

    You mean the dance rave held at the gates of a concentration camp and active war zone? The one with many Israeli soldiers positioned and decided to skirmish the Palestinian resistance, and put the ravers in crossfire?

    Arab Israeli population went from 1.5M to 2M since 2006

    That’s because of their high birth rate. 45% of Palestinians are under the age of 15. The genocide numbers are very well documented, but I admire your bravery with genocide denial despite mountains of evidence.


    slight difference here, while Hama’s goal is singular, to kill as many civilians as possible, israels goal is to abolish the hostile militia on it’s border, the civilians killed are a casualty of war, and not the target, once said militia uses civilians as human shields and commits all of these atrocities, you just can’t submit to their shields…

    Deceptichum, avatar

    The thing is you also have to admit the power imbalance at play here.

    Both sides suck, but one side has the power to stop making the situation worse and stop abusing millions as they colonise their land.

    This can never end or start to heal until the fucked up treatment of Palestinians stops. All they are doing is breeding tomorrow’s fighters.

    TragicNotCute, avatar

    Yup. The meme and simple “everyone is bad” explanation doesn’t touch on the fact that this is an asymmetrical war.

    dingus, avatar


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  • atomkarinca,

    how are they similar atrocities?

    did hamas lock 2.5 million people in the worlds most dense open air prison?

    did hamas systematically crushed their buildings and not let concrete inside?

    did hamas shoot little kids just for throwing rocks?

    did hamas systematically murdered press, medics on the field?

    did hamas control israelis food intake?

    did hamas very deliberately snipe the knees of people peacefully protesting?

    did hamas cut electricity, water, food?

    did hamas bombed places that palestinian prisoners stayed?

    did hamas tell people to leave the city and bomb the only way out?

    what did hamas do? the only thing left to do when you do all of those things to a people.

    dingus, avatar


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  • atomkarinca,

    so tell me then, how would you behave if you were a palestinian? just accept death?


    asymmetric warfare. i would figure it out. sorry about your palestinians but im different. /s

    redballooon, (edited )

    Are you saying the only options are handing out collective punishment or accepting death?

    First, that’s doubtable. But if so, I’d indeed accept death. I’m not killing innocents.

    I’d rather die than become a living monster.


    no im not saying that, youre saying that. you are equating what israel has done for 75 years to mere reaction to that. you may not believe that hamas is not killing civilians on purpose and i cannot change that, but that does not change reality.

    we have seen just war crimes over war crimes from israel just for the past few days. this is on top of decades of apartheid.

    i could accept death for myself, too. but not for my daughter.


    I was equating killing innocents with killing innocents, nothing else.

    You are justifying mass punishment with …something about your daughter, and with that exposing exactly the attitude that keeps the region in a never ending cycle of death.


    “2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for their independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial domination, apartheid and foreign occupation by all available means, including armed struggle;”

    war crimes:

    • Extensive destruction and appropriation of property, not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly;
    • Intentionally launching an attack in the knowledge that such attack will cause incidental loss of life or injury to civilians or damage to civilian objects or widespread, long-term and severe damage to the natural environment which would be clearly excessive in relation to the concrete and direct overall military advantage anticipated;
    • Attacking or bombarding, by whatever means, towns, villages, dwellings or buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives;
    • The transfer, directly or indirectly, by the Occupying Power of parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies, or the deportation or transfer of all or parts of the population of the occupied territory within or outside this territory;
    • Intentionally directing attacks against buildings dedicated to religion, education, art, science or charitable purposes, historic monuments, hospitals and places where the sick and wounded are collected, provided they are not military objectives;
    • Intentionally using starvation of civilians as a method of warfare by depriving them of objects indispensable to their survival, including wilfully impeding relief supplies as provided for under the Geneva Conventions;…/war-crimes.shtml

    these are the ones that were committed in just few days.


    I understand. you list here injustice that when experienced are beyond words.

    Now tell me: in what cases does is the punishment of innocents justified?


    your assumption is wrong.

    israel displaced millions of palestinians and replaced them with settlers. the blood is on israel government not hamas. they could easily not replace millions of people and we would not be here today.


    Now you named one factor that explains this mess, and no objection here. But I’m still missing the answer how killing innocents can be justified.

    It seems to me that you think that every person that lives in Israel is responsible for everything that the Israeli government did over the years.

    How is that any different from this weeks retaliation that this Israel government hands out over the massacres of citizens by hamas from last weekend?


    i have been saying the same thing from the beginning, but i think your perspective of the situation is holding you back from understanding what im saying.

    you can put innocent people anywhere in the world and they dont stop being innocent. but that does not change the fact that they are in someone elses home illegally.

    if they did not want to be in someone elses home then it is the fault of the government, if they did want to be in someome elses home then it is their fault.

    redballooon, (edited )

    Again, what’s the justification for killing innocents? Because they walk on land that another claims theirs? That sort of thinking always and everywhere only led to war and war crimes.

    As for the Israelis, for those who live there, it’s their home, for many going back three generations. In many cases those ancestors took it it legally under ottoman law. I find that 24-undisputed-hour-rule questionable myself, but your story doesn’t hold up legally in many cases, nor historical. Everyone’s ancestors lived someplace. That doesn’t automatically make that place theirs.

    Pointing to an old map and claiming the territory that another currently occupies never leads to peace.


    ok then look at the demographic between 1917~1948, you will see how the land was not bought but stolen, not from the ottomans but the british.

    when you illegally occupy a land long enough, it does not make the occupation go away. its still an occupied territory.


    Oh really? Then we’d have war everywhere. There is no place on earth that was not at some point taken by force by this or that group of people.

    redballooon, (edited )

    Ok, so before 1918, the Ottomans had that piece of land for about 400 years. I guess that makes a turkish claim is older, and therefore stronger, by your logic, am I right?

    Before that there was the Mamluks for 200 years, but that doesn’t seem an ethnicity that’s notable today, so let’s forget that.

    Before that, the cruzaders had that land for 200 years, I suppose that means Europe also has an older claim.

    Before that, Arabs for 400 years, so I see we’re back to their claim.

    But hold on, before that, it was Roman territory for a whopping 700 years. That’s notable. Italia has a really good claim, I’d say.

    But even before, there were the Jews there, and for close to a thousand years. So, following your logic the state Israel has all right to be there.

    Before that there also lived people, of course, but it’s hard to pinpoint those to ethnicity. Egypt was there shortly. That’s an older claim even, but not very long.

    Hmm. Are now all those people justified in killing innocents on some grounds that hasn’t been “theirs” for generations?


    no, the ottomans were the occupiers, so thats just not my logic.

    and the same goes for the rest.

    this discussion turned into a loop, so i guess good day to you.


    Ok, I guess then there is no logic to understand. I’ll stop trying. Have a good day.

    dingus, avatar


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  • atomkarinca,

    you would have the ability? how?

    dingus, avatar

    Look man, if your options are literally only “do nothing and accept your fate” or “kill a bunch of innocent people who never did anything to you and actually may have supported you” then maybe you should just give up and accept your fate, because we’re literally seeing how many more innocents are dying because of this. They didn’t put a dent in Israel’s defenses. They gave Israel more excuses to the international community to murder even more innocents. Great plan, Hamas. I’m glad it worked out so swimmingly and actually changed things instead of just continuing the same bullshit cycle. /s

    If you can point to me out how this is going to result in anything other than more death and destruction, feel free to clue me in. Because fuck nothing has changed. They didn’t take out the people responsible. They didn’t change the power balance, and now even more Palestinians are paying the price because Israel is a fucked up aggressor.

    Acting like a bad plan that resulted in more innocents deaths is some great blow against the establishment is dumb as fuck.

    Fried_out_Kombi, avatar

    Exactly. It’s not a choice between “murder innocent civilians” and “do nothing”; it’s a choice between “murder innocent civilians” and “target legitimate targets such as the military apparatus that actually murders Palestinians regularly or the right-wing political apparatus that pursues a policy of military hyper-aggressiom, apartheid, and settler colonialism”.

    If they chose to do the latter, I doubt nearly as many people would take issue with them, they’d receive vastly more sympathy, and they could finally end the systemic murder and oppression of Palestinians faster.

    LoveSausage, avatar

    Ok then let’s send better weapons to Hamas. I am sure they will be happy to precise target and hit all military installations. It’s kind of sad to see privileged people pointing out how someone else is supposed to fight the boot on their throat.

    Fried_out_Kombi, (edited ) avatar

    I think an apt comparison is Russia and Ukraine right now. I fully support Ukraine in this war, and part of that is not just because they’re the underdog who got unjustifiably invaded, but because they take care to avoid targetting innocent civilians. For example, when they strike Sevastopol, they strike military facilities, never residential areas. Whereas Russia intentionally terrorizes the Ukrainian people, kidnaps Ukrainian children, targets residential areas, and commits so frickin many war crimes.

    If the attack by Hamas were against legitimate military targets, I don’t think there would be many people out here questioning it. But they didn’t. They are a fundamentalist religious group that wishes to commit genocide, and they intentionally targeted and mass-murdered civilians. Beyond that, by attacking a music festival, they targeted people who were statistically more likely to be sympathetic to their cause. Clearly their goal is not simply self defense, but genocide.

    Also a good comparison is the PLO in West Bank, as they aren’t Hamas and had no hand in this attack. In fact, they and Hamas hate each other. And as far as I’m aware, PLO just wants the two-state solution and haven’t officially sanctioned terrorist attacks in ages. Unfortunately, Hamas has likely managed to discredit the PLO cause, despite them not having any guilt in this.


    And as far as I’m aware, PLO just wants the two-state solution and haven’t officially sanctioned terrorist attacks in ages.

    That’s… complicated. There is a fund that the PA pays the PLO to administer called the Palestinian Authority Martyrs Fund. It pays out stipends to the family of Palestinians who have been killed, imprisoned, or hurt while attacking Israel. This has been a point of contention for a long time, but it’s apparently very popular among Palestinians so politicians are loath to touch it.

    Deceptichum, avatar

    Yes both sides are targeting innocent civilians, and this is not cool.

    But only one side is colonising a people’s land, imprisoning them in ghettos, and destroying their future.

    Hence why criticism of Israel should always be greater


    Hamas knows this. And they knew that Israel would respond with disproportionate force. They only care about destroying Israel and the Jews, per their charter, and they aren’t afraid to sacrifice as many Palestinian lives as it takes.

    hemmes, avatar

    Maybe Russia got Iran to get Hamas to attack Israel knowing that Israel would go full scale, knowing that the USA is all in on Israeli support, thus reducing their aid to Ukraine?

    knorke3, in I am not a smart man

    as a wise man once said:

    i may not know much



    UntouchedWagons, in New ww3 iron sights avatar

    I could totally see these in a borderlands game.

    sirico, in New ww3 iron sights avatar
    Evil_Shrubbery, in Be safe out there this season

    Nah, always get someone else to do it.

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