I’ve returned to reddit a few times, mostly to just get an answer to a question I was trying to look up. But a few days ago I did make a new account, because I was feeling lonely and wanted to try and make new internet friends, and as far as I know, lemmy doesn’t yet have those penpal/chat/make friend communities. I had forgotten how ass the new account experience on reddit is, and how ass reddit itself is. I couldn’t get the verification email (tho that could have been due to trying to use a temporary email), posts got auto deleted due to account age and low karma, and random email and cookie popups that kept coming back. When one post miraculously did get posted (despite automod telling me it was deleted lol) and I got chat requests, I couldn’t even reply to people! I tried accepting the request, but kept getting an error. At this point I’m not sure if it is an actual error, or just reddit restricting new accounts from chatting, even if they are the ones the chat is sent to…
I get that these are used to combat bots, but is it actually working? Mostly it’s just hurting people who legitimately want to join and enjoy the site. The karma requirements also bring in their own problems, like subreddits just focused on farming karma so that users can finally take part in the conversations they came for in the first place.
I think people will get tired of the horrible new account creation and experience on reddit and look for alternatives. Lemmy seems to be more privacy orientated and without silly internet points anybody with a new account can immediately jump in on the action without restrictions, for better or worse.
I’ll be honest, I am still browsing Reddit, though in a more limited fashion. I deleted all my submissions and comments and refuse to post or comment, no matter how strong the urge to correct misinformation regarding topics I am interested in is. Communities for those topics are generally non-existent, got created and withered within a month of the 3rd-Party-Exodus, or in the case of /r/leagueoflegends and its local mirrors, are generally carried by the eSport scene and there is generally no decent discussion to be had outside of that. And I don’t even know if one of the League communities here even does post-match threads.
I noticed a massive drop of quality after the api changes (though it’s been declining for a couple years now) and after a while I just realized there is no point, so I mostly only kept subreddits related to my country. The balance of repost bots/trolls/idiots/people who think saying the same joke a million times is funny vs. people you actually can converse with really started outweighing the latter ever since covid hit and Reddit got even more popular (it was on a slow decline regardless). The api changes just made everything even worse.
I’d like to think things here will be better, and to be honest I’m really liking Lemmy so far.
The quality of reddit posts outside of niche communities or events has tanked a lot. Most of the stuff at the top is AITA(H), the most basic questions, and reposts, with some short video clips and the occasional comic. Doesn’t help that it is known that someone is using LLMs for bot accounts.
Agree on communities over here getting created during the exodis, seeing a small surge, and then kind of withering. I’m subbed to 15ish communities that aren’t even all that niche (3D printing, photography, woodworking) and it’s rare that they all get one post per day. There are obviously people lurking because posts will get comments, but I think we’re all a little wary of being the person to post a bunch of content for fear of no one else doing so.
The people on here on are on mighty high horses but don’t realize they’re still in the children’s section. It’s so cringey. I want to hate reddit but the lemmings here are sometimes vomitable. Stop comparing redditors. Redditors are YOU, just earlier or later. You were a redditor before! If you weren’t, then you crawled out of some miracle vaginal and found your way to the lemmyverse.
Complementing @funkajunk 's comment, here is mine I shared few days ago on a post about lunchtime sluggishness. I got fuckin tired of it over the past 2-3 years, and researched and devised a solution.
The combination of:
getting (half)naked sunbath for 30 minutes twice a week
proper sleep with unbroken 90-100 minute cycle phases (not waking up between a cycle, no erratic shitty alarms)
no nocturnal peeing (do not overload with water before sleeping, pee before you sleep)
is the ultimate formula to a healthy, active and long lasting life.
Add a 10-15 minute power nap during midday/early evening and you are golden.
Also, use a proper alarm clock, not the shitty ones you have, or the builtin alarm on your phones. Even if you have an iPhone, get yourself the cheapest Android phone, buy and install Gentle Wakeup alarm app on your phone, changes your life for $5. Made by a doctor, it is THE alarm clock everyone should use.
Jethro Tull’s Thick as a Brick at 44 minutes, or their A Passion Play at 45 (each was an entire vinyl album on both sides for a single song, though some CD/mp3 re-releases later split them into multiple chunks for easier navigation).
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