No. Humans are more than their base instincts. Hamas should not have murdered civilians. Israel should not be abusing Gazans. Both are true at the same time.
God especially on the internet, can’t have any nuance about “well you’re right, but that doesn’t mean personal responsibility just ceases to exist” it’s just “You’re as extreme as me or you’re on the other side”
It does however represent the group that killed 1000+ people, mostly civilians, with no clear goal beyond their stated desire for Jewish extinction and radical islamic Sharia law to be spread as far as possible.
Palestine in general being a victim doesn’t automatically make Hamas the good guys or their specific actions acceptable.
It would be like drugs. The dealers won’t consume but they’ll make you pay the highest price to satisfy that urge. The urge of living a perfect life. You’ll save years of money for juste a few weeks in utopia. To be loving and loved, happy and care free.
Because it gets boring after a while. You start itching for real adventure.
It’s the entire reason Starfleet exists. It’s a bunch of holodeck junkies who’ve burned themselves out on fictional fantasy, now they have to go around the universe looking for the most dangerous shit imaginable just to feel alive.
These guys have burned through two hundred years of fiction in the holodeck, which is why you see them going through stories that hit public domain 40 years ago to us
It’s why no one was really phased by Tasha’s death, except for maybe Data and he basically lives in a holodeck simulation.
They beam down to planets completely unprotected and nearly die every week! Send a scouting party first? What, and let them have all the fun? Hell no send the senior officers, they’ve been at this long enough they deserve a good death.
Worf gets his ass handed to him time and time again, not because they’re good at fighting, but because it’s more challenging to lose first.
At one point everyone gets their memories wiped and Worf talks his way in to being Captain. I’m convinced what actually happened was everyone was bored that week and they all just played ‘yes and’ until it got interesting.
Because the holodeck has spoiled their sense of adventure
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