Also, you guys really need to get up from your computer and do some stretches once in a while (go to the gym!). It’s too early for your backs to start hurting.
If it’s 1999, you would go to a record store if you wanted to buy an album and depending on the store the would have a sampler disk and could tell you if it sucked or not. Also, if the songs where good you would have billboard to tell you how good it was as well as your local radio station.
Or you could just open Napster and download the whole album for free.
Me too. That is when I discovered the rarest Nirvana song of all time. It was Freak by Silverchair. It took me an hour to download it.
I also had the entire collection of songs Bill Clinton sang about blowjobs and Monica Lewinsky. Like, literally that’s all the dude sang about. Talk about being obsessed.
I could go on. What a great time it was to be alive.
I bought 3 Monster Magnet albums for Sugar Ray’s Mean Machine…on the plus side FUCKING Monster Magnet led me to The Atomic Bitchwax, Nebula, Kyuss, Low Rider, Fu Manchu, Orange Goblin, Dozer, Spiritual Beggars and more Stoner fun.
I dubbed mix tapes off the radio in the early 90s and got into burning CDs in the late 90s. I was a cheap ass pirate even back in the day. Also ripped a LOT of my friends CDs to cassette tape. My dad used to buy packs wholesale.
Why worry about Israel attacking a US ship while pretending they are Egyptian in order to draw the US in a wider war? It’s not like they’ve been shown to be spying on the US, or have any recent evidence that Netanyahu’s government funds enemies of Israel in order to bolster political support.
This is all a big nothing-burger of millions of lives at stake. 😬
Thanks for that! I watched his pinned video and I don’t think that " but hey, it’s Hollywood! It’s a dog eat ass world and I gave it a shot!" is gonna leave my brain for a long time 🤣
Come on, nothing burger is one of the better ones the kids these days have come up with. I give Nothing Burger the Gen X seal of who gives a fuck what you think. Let people like things.
Fairly fucking sure this is a nothingburger like Art. 13-17 was, and will not break E2EE messengers.
The reason:
Encryption plays an essential role in securing communications. The international human rights law test of legality, necessity and proportionality should be applied to any measures that would affect encryption. Both the UN Commissioner for Human Rights[1]and the European Data Protection Supervisor[2]have concluded that the EU’s proposal for a regulation on child sexual abuse material fails this test[3].
A recent article published by Wired[4]described a European Council survey of Member States’ views on regulating encryption. In its response to the survey, Spain stated that there should be legislation prohibiting EU-based service providers from implementing end-to-end encryption.
Requiring platforms and device manufacturers to build back doors to facilitate law enforcement access would make everyone more susceptible to malicious hacking from criminals and foreign adversaries alike[5]. Measures allowing public authorities to access the content of communications affect the essence of the right to privacy.
1.Which encryption experts did the Commission consult when preparing its proposal for a regulation on child sexual abuse material?
2.Will the Commission revise its position on encryption in view of the opinions of human rights associations and experts?
3.Given the abuse of Pegasus, how will the Commission ensure that the fundamental right to privacy is protected if a Member State, such as Spain, decides to ban encryption?
Submitted: 24.5.2023
<span style="color:#323232;">[1] UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, ‘The right to privacy in the digital age’, A/HRC/51/17, 4 August 2022, para. 28,
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[2]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[3]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[4]
</span><span style="color:#323232;">[5]
A quote from Dean Rusk, former US Secretary of State:
I was never satisfied with the Israeli explanation. Their sustained attack to disable and sink Liberty precluded an assault by accident or some trigger-happy local commander. Through diplomatic channels we refused to accept their explanations. I didn’t believe them then, and I don’t believe them to this day. The attack was outrageous.
They also tried to say that they asked the US to keep their ships away or at least tell them where the ships were. However, they didn’t ask this until after the boat was sunk.
There were so many shitty albums I bought for $16 in the early 90s (even worse, that's like $30 now) and had the exact experience in the meme. Things like we loved the first Suicidal Tendencies album, bought the second and were 'wtf is this?' The only way we had to pick out death metal was based on the cover art and record label... put it in the CD player, okay, good guitar sound... just have to wait until the guy sings.... that pretty much decided it.
“Fuck that shit. We’ll fire the singer that put us on the map because she was only supposed to be a back-up, and then we’ll go full techno”.
(as you may guess, I never got over it. Also, I know this full-techno song was still w/ Liv Kristine, but they stayed techno-ey and I picked a song I don’t actually hate)
I tried to listen the song and it’s not really my cup of tea. It felt almost psychedelic.
I for the most cases , don’t enjoy any screaming and neither vocals for that matter. That’s why I mostly will only listen to instrumental pieces of the metal genre like the doom ost. Nothing else matters is an exception but that song is more of ballad.
The part from 1:09 to 1:18 was a pleasant surprise to my ears. The woman seems very talented and I totally understand why you’d feel like a it was a huge waste to fire her.
The start of the instrumental transported my mind into a bandit filled wasteland world. It’d fit soo well into ashe 2063 ( a free doom full conversions game that I highly recommend ) or at least watch a playthrough of. I guarantee you’d play it after watching a few minutes.
If you like that at all, their Aegis album features her much more heavily, if with somewhat less “growl”. She also has had a few bands since that did “okay” in Norway. Leaves’ Eyes does gothic twist on some traditional celtic.
Also, “Beauty and the Beast” death/doom are hard to find, but Cradle of Filth had a few phenomenal songs of that genre. Nymphetamine Fix is my favorite of theirs. It’s so hard to find good death or doom that fit my tastes.
I watched a little LP of ashe 2063. FPS’s don’t work well with me, but it seemed interesting. Me with gaming seems like you with music :) I don’t like “vocals” (action reflex games)
The dude growling voice wasn’t that bad the first time he sang. Later parts weren’t as good tho. The part at 1:22 till 1:45 was my favorite. Really digging the folklore feel.
I actually have really bad reflexes but most games allow to toggle the difficulty and juste enjoy the story with the exploration as the reward, not passing the challenges. I wish it was as easy to toggle the vocals off. So many songs I deeply enjoyed until someone sang and removed any joy listening to it, so i end up playing that first part over and over.
Yeah, IMO it’s definitely a step down from the growl voices I like, ex. Peter Steele or Raymond Rohonyi (but had to look him up, which shows how much more I respect Liv Kristine than him)
As for vocals. I’m so attached to vocals it’s hard for me to relate. Most music I listen to are the type of person you can immediately recognize if they sing a totally random song acapella. Everything from Enya to Celine Dion, Maynard to Trent Reznor to Peter Steele. Even bands I “kind of like” have that in common.
“Oh my god, that sounds like…” <–if I can’t say that if they do a cover or new release and I didn’t know, then I probably don’t like it.
We’re polar opposite. Nevertheless, I don’t hate all vocals, Celine Dion is indeed a phenomenal singer , but not everyone is a good singer nor have a good voice, and even then, the lyrics can be a turn-off. I have hyperphantasia and my mind tend to wonder whenever I listen to any song, vocal more often than not disrupt the process. My favorite genre is chiptune music.
With a new band you never know. It could be a low, murky graaar like Immolation or Bolt Thrower… or a higher pitch like most Entombed (I prefer Clandestine where some bassist from another band sang, but most people don’t, for some reason). Or it could be like Deicide where the singer is mainly good then they cheapen it with this cheesy high pitched thing…. Carcass where the singer is h medium pitched and sounds good, then they also have a low guttural voice thrown in here and there, which was alright. Or maybe all is well and it’s the perfect Morbid Angel vocals.
Fucking Death metal was my counter to shitty alternative albums with one hit…30 years later I’m still a fan of grindcore/death metal/stoner metal…thank god for Relapse Records.
Ghandi abused his wife regularly and ended up killing her by way of refusing to let her go to a doctor. I’ll not be accepting any of his quotes, thanks.
But my sympathy does not blind me to the requirements of justice.
Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct. The mandates have no sanction but that of the last war. Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home.
Edit: This was 1938, btw. 10 years before the Nakba.
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