It be like that

SpaceCowboy, ![]()
Hey man, I’ll say there are whatever number of lights you want me to say if you give me another one of those tasty eggs.
Holzkohlen, 🎵Captain Jean Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise🎵
pinkdrunkenelephants, That’s why respecting the opinions of others is so dangerous. No one is entitled to their own facts in this world and until other people are held responsible for believing provably incorrect things, nothing will change.
Flabbergassed, ![]()
Are you saying that Picard's ass is a constant source of light?
FlyingSquid, ![]()
I miss David Warner.
Asudox, ![]()
The man facing the old man is light yagami
radioactiveradio, Or maybe it’s ryuk, he’s about to get the death note.
irmoz, (edited ) Reference for those out of the loop.
Star Trek: The Next Generation, season 6 episode 10, “Chain of Command”.
Picard is captured by Cardassians and tortured, with the promise that it will end if only he admits that there are 5 lights.
pineapplelover, The original reference be from 1984
irmoz, Yes!
blanketswithsmallpox, (edited ) I always thought the episode premise describes on reddit was kinda dumb.
Why doesn’t he just say there’s five lights knowing there’s four so he can get out and start helping people who need him?
Useless pride? Or do they have some kind of monitoring system that only releases him if he tricks himself into believing there’s now five lights?
RememberTheApollo_, Why does he just say there’s five lights knowing there’s four so he can get out and start helping people who need him?
Because it’s an entertaining TV show that likes morality tales. Applying real-world logic to most any show would stop the show in the first 5 minutes.
KnowledgeableNip, “I had a minor misunderstanding with my friend, how can I fix it?!”
‘… talk to them about it?’
“oh, right.”
Roll credits
GirthBrooks, ![]()
This unlocked a core memory for me. I need to go back and rewatch TNG.
sp00nix, Samsies. Although, I have quoted this here and there.
khannie, ![]()
I rewatched with my daughter about 4 years ago and it gives me great pleasure to share memes like this with her when she’s 16.
Anyway long story short, a rewatch is highly recommended.
HomebrewHedonist, ![]()
A large segment of the population don’t understand the difference between a fact, an opinion, and a belief.
0x0, Well, that’s just like, your fact, man
HomebrewHedonist, ![]()
Lol… you just proved my point. I never said it was a fact. It would be hard to quantify, but it could be done.
0x0, 'Twas a joke :)
InputZero, You like, believe that you can though man. That’s like belief is fact, man. /S
Darkmuch, Luckily we got some tools to teach this
FederatedSaint, “I just got here”
Flabbergassed, ![]()
Just because you say that, doesn't make it a fact.
HomebrewHedonist, ![]()
You’re right. You just proved my point. It’s my opinion. 😁
Jerb322, ![]()
There are 4 lights! Now, give me that damn gross looking egg!
registrert, ![]()
NocturnalMorning, Under the first ammendment, I am allowed to lick whomevers ear I choose.
kambusha, You can lick your ear, and you can lick your friends, but you can’t lick your friend’s ear.
unoriginalsin, Afar What kind of friend wouldn’t allow ear licking?
Broodjefissa, Error, cant reach ear with tongue
ProvokedGamer, (edited ) ![]()
Shave your tongue off so it grows back longer
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