This is what President Eisenhower was warning us about when he talked about the “military-industrial complex.” A series of forever wars that existed for no other reason than to benefit corporations and billionaires.
Boeing and Raytheon are military contractors, and the US has characteristically kept itself in or around global conflict in order to continue handing out multi-billion dollar contracts to these companies (and more like them.) Weapons/Platform manufacturing and sales is a large portion of our economic output.
Talking of rocks, I remember low level scraps between youths and border guards in previous years where the Palestinian boys used slings with rocks like David and Goliath. That weapon has a very long history in the region.
Yeah, you’d have to go back to the multiple wars where the Arab nations attacked together to destroy Israel for it to be more even, right?
Which was what initially created the refugees bc they were told by those Arab nations that after Israel and the Jews are destroyed, the Arab Palestinians would be given all of Israel.
History is so inconvenient to bullshit narratives.
And don’t act like “Lil bean Israel was just minding it’s own business when all the savage Arabs attacked and they just had to steal more land”. It’s ahistorical at best and fucking racist at worst.
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