Jorgelino, (edited ) This even works across languages. In brazilian portuguese, a chick is called “Pinto” which is also a slang for dick.
dirtySourdough, Hornithologists
callyral, (edited ) what’s wrong with “bananaquit”? what about it is dirty? i’m guessing it’s either “banana” or “quit” but i don’t see it
cobra89, Ackshullllyyyyyy:…/these-american-birds-and-dozens-more-wi…
tslnox, U want sum fuk?
bingbong, Sure, but beware, I’m a horned screamer
davsf, Dont for get that bird watchers talk about jizz.
the overall impression or appearance of a bird garnered from such features as shape, posture, flying style or other habitual movements, size and colouration combined with voice, habitat and location.
hungryphrog, “BananaQuit” sounds like a randomised username in some online game.
Catsrules, I am a little disappointed that your user name wasn’t Bananaquit. That would have been epic.
Bene7rddso, Why has noone mentioned the woodpecker?
adaveinthelife, Trauma, mostly.
ieightpi, Can we please pretty please name a bird officially Haught-Breasted Milph?
Battle_Masker, not a naughty name, but I wonder what was the scientist who named “Yellow-bellied sapsucker” was going through
Klear, My favourite is the grey go-away-bird.
Chetzemoka, That’s just mockingbirds though. Lol
Chetzemoka, That’s just mockingbirds though. Lol
rockerface, That one at least makes sense, if they’re drinking tree sap and have yellow feathers on their belly
funkless, (edited ) I mean the other names make sense with additional context
Both Tit- and Cock- as prefixes used to mean small (no laughing in the back, please)
And Hoary means grey-haired or old-looking
edit as I had to look this one up: “Booby” is an ellision of “Bobo” - as in “No seas tan bobo” (Spanish) - meaning “silly, naive, dumb…” as they tend to be quite tame birds
Karyoplasma, Doesn’t bobo also mean stupid or idiot in Tagalog?
Amends1782, Probably , because so much Spanish is Infused into Tagalog
Lepsea, I think they name bird like that so bird watching sound more fun to people who doesn’t know bird
What are you doing in your spare time?
I usually go to see booby and tit but sometimes dick and cock
KingJalopy, You’re a dodo
h3rm17, Birdwatching goes both ways
Lamb, Not only is no one doing anything about it, we are complicit.
Mercival, Blue-footed boobies are the only boobies, I can get behind.
wonderfulvoltaire, Horny dinosaurs
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