
Windows used to have an email client that was just called Windows Mail. It wasn’t Outlook and it was actually quite a nice little email client as far as MS software goes. They announced that it would be discontinued though for the sake of getting everyone into outlook. I started using thunderbird instead.


There’s currently Windows Mail on Win10 and 11, it’s also not too bad.

Outlook is a nightmare.


That’s the one I’m talking about but it’s not preinstalled anymore and they’re taking it off the store at the end of next year so I decided to just leave asap.


Oh I did not know that!


We are REQUIRED to use outlook at my job, along with all the MS bullshit. I’ve changed my Thunderbird interface to make it look exactly like outlook, synced my calendars, and kept using it for the past year or so. They have no clue. I hate Microsoft with passion, I will spent hours of my free time to find ways to be out of their ecosystem if I need to, and I usually manage to do so.


Cant they see the email domain? Or thunderbird accesses outlook?


AFAIK thunderbird can access outlook.


I honestly don’t know much about how that works. I’ve just managed to sync outlook emails to Thunderbird with the Exchange protocol or something. I get taken to my organisation page once every two weeks or so, for the 2FA, and everything works just fine. I’ll just play dumb if IT ever ask me question but so far so good.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

You know we can detect every application you have through tools like Nessus, right? Your IT guys are either morons or they just let you get away with it because it’s easier than hearing people pitch a fit about software they’re not allowed to use.


Both scenarios are fine with me. I don’t care if they’re incompetent or just don’t care, as long as I can use my softwares. But I doubt they would have the time to scan every staff’s laptop to see what applications we use. They also said it was mandatory for all the students and teachers to use the stupid 2FA Microsoft app on our phone, but I’ve been using Keepass on desktop without problems (and even shown it to some students). Next step, I’m gonna install Fedora Asahi Remix on the M1 mac they provided me.


They also said it was mandatory for all the students and teachers to use the stupid 2FA Microsoft app on our phone, but I’ve been using Keepass on desktop without problems (and even shown it to some students).

Yeah if they’re just using the MS app for OTP generation, there’s no reason to use that specific application. Keepass is perfectly fine.

Asahi is pretty great. Only issue for me personally is the lack of speaker support. Audio works fine through headphone jack or bluetooth though.


That’s too bad for speaker support cause these M1/2 have the best sound I’ve seen on any laptop. How are the graphic performance, can they match what we have on macOS? I secretly dream of the day we will be able to use the Apple silicon macs for VR. I actually managed to get some things to work decently with a 2018 intel Mac and ALVR a while back.


Apparently that good sound is due to extensive software processing. The asahi devs really want to make a good impression, so they’re spending a lot of time tweaking their sound processing to try to match or beat the MacOS quality before release. Which is both good and annoying. I appreciate the attention to detail, but it would be nice to have any speaker support when I just need to hear something quickly.

The graphics drivers are still in active development, but they have OpenGL3.1 support. Vulkan is under development.

I haven’t tried games, but have seen some posts where users have them working. I don’t think many games are compiled for arm yet though. The graphics dev did a youtube stream back in march where she plays steam games using FEX-Emu.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

Time? You just set it to scan every host on your Active Directory. It’s like a ten minute setup and spits out a report when you’re done.

Yeah, you’re definitely the guy they hate but don’t get paid enough to fight. Security risks users are usually too much of a pain to deal with so we just tell our supervisors that you’ll end up ransomware’ing the company one day and let them handle it from there if they care enough.


Well, IMO the real security problem is forcing all the people who want to be part of Montreal’s largest university to give all their personal data to a shitty, delinquent, soulless company like Microsoft. The stupid 2FA application is also a huge discriminating factor, preventing anyone who doesn’t have a compatible phone from studying at our university. But now MS have the phone # of 98% of our community. Did you know that the ms 365 suite has literally been banned from academic institutions in Germany, due to security concerns? On our side, we pay millions every year to this company for dysfunctional services for which free, secure alternatives exist. Universities shouldn’t be on their knees to big business, that’s what I think, and no, I don’t feel any guilt about using secure open-source software.

c0mbatbag3l, avatar

It’s not secure if the user installing the software doesn’t understand network security at all (which you don’t, and admitted) you seem to think security is an issue with your personal data being harvested whereas I’m talking about actual security like threat actors hacking into your storage arrays to encrypt or steal information.

But it’s fine, I’ll take my ten years doing security analysis and network engineering and go. Clearly you’re an IT expert since you can install Linux.

This place is full of people like you, who think they understand the way things work but are focused on big scawy Microsoft meanwhile installing god knows fucking what from god knows fucking where. I use Linux and love it, but script kiddies like you are the bain of actual IT professionals existence.


Dude, are you unhappy or something? Or some kind of Microsoft fanboy maybe? Because you have the attitude of 6 yo kid. Adults should usually be able to express themselves without falling into personnal insults.

Are you mad that people want the control of their computers, does that makes you feel irrelevant? Is that why you say things like " This place is full of people like you" (lol)? Flashnews, it’s 2023, everybody uses computers everyday, you’re not special. Maybe you should look at other professions, you don’t seem to enjoy your job.

So yeah, if you can’t have a discussion without behaving like an asshole, take your 10 year experience in whatever and go, nobody cares.


the chain of replies are so long that im seeing colors on wefwef/voyager comments that I’ve never seen before


time to read


well that devolved into a uhh roasting match


there needs to be More comments about the actual thing and not arguments (i forgot the word argument exists)


My work won’t allow thunderbird for o365. :(

How do I convince the security dudes to allow access to it?


There are people in my workplace (which uses Gmail) who willingly use Outlook to access it then complain about Outlook problems. Outlook is the biggest piece of trash email client software I’ve ever used.

At one place I worked at, it was OBLITERATING any mails from one particular person because of a completely unrelated filter I had. Email notifications from them would appear for a few seconds, then the email would completely disappear (not even in deleted, or in any filter folders). Everyone else cced could see the emails except me, and IT couldn’t figure it out. I had to disable ALL my filters which trashed my inbox with stupid work circulars. Fuck Outlook.


I know it’s hip to bash all things Microsoft, but Outlook is my life at work. It’s absolutely fine if you’re not predisposed to hating things.


I do hate the new web based experience though. The executable client is very good.


Outlook is fine, but you can tell there is no real competition and they just haven’t really bothered putting any effort into it for years.


It’s better than the native Mail app by Apple.


I’ve had connection issues and app instability a bit often, especially with the iOS version. Part of it might be our email server but I’m finding issues I never have with Google or even Yahoo clients. It’s not awful, but there are better and cheaper options at enterprise level.


Yup. So is edge and teams with 365.

But most of these people haven’t got a clue what they’re talking about. The other has never worked in an office environment.

Even fewer yet, had the displeasure of working with g suite.


Yeah I don’t mind Outlook, I also use it for work and it does the job just fine.

And it has folders. I still don’t like Gmail’s “labels”


I also work almost exclusively in outlook (and ERP programs) but honestly Outlook is just bad at so many things, especially when working with the volume of emails we do. So many crashes, so many QOL functions that just don’t exist, so many minor issues that a 2 trillion dollar company should be able to fix.


I’ve got no problem with it, especially after I created some macros to tag and sort my emails.

Not Oracle Cloud ERP/EPM though. Those are the worst programs I have to use on a daily basis. For whatever godforsaken reason, the Smart View extensions for the Office apps are all connected to each other so if you’re running some SV function in Excel, Outlook will freeze up.

No worries, you can just disable the plugins in the other apps, right? Wrong. The plugins automatically re-enable each other.


I haven’t really used an e-mail client since I got my hotmail account. Then later went to gmail.

Are there any advantages over using a web interface?




Unless you to self host, no


True gigachads write emails from the terminal.


mutt ftw

or elm, if you wanna go oldschool

tgxn, avatar

I like to use telnet


telnet mailhost 110


There’s a blast from the past. I used Telnet as an undergrad back in the 90s.

Fuck_u_spez_, (edited )

The Lemmy client I’m using thinks your account is -420 years old

Edit: And somehow I managed to take the screenshot at 4:20 AND I’m not even high. Yet.


Maybe it’s a lemmy thing cus on Avelon it says “Joined now ago”

AVincentInSpace, (edited )

Jerboa user here and uhh

Joined 4 centuries ago

Jerboa, I simply do not think that is true

tgxn, avatar

Wow that’s an odd bug! I’d report it to whatever client you’re using - my account creation date is set to the year 2443.


Doesn’t seem like a bug then, does it…

roon, (edited ) avatar

I use Voyager too, was going to comment the same xD

Maybe it’s intentional, 420 years:

tgxn, avatar

Yeah, it’s very intentional, I’m from 420 years in the future. 🤣


Is there a single Lemmy client this doesn’t break? Jerboa lists your account creation date as “4 centuries ago”. Guess it can’t handle negative time deltas


Outlook is a pile of crap, like every microsoft shitware, especially the electron crap, like outlook, teams, etc.

EmperorHenry, avatar

That’s an understatment.


After the redesign I’m honestly surprised half of the world is not on Thunderbird already.


There’s a setting to make it use the old interface. I don’t know what I’ll do when they remove it :(

jenny_ball, avatar



Cannot Start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window. The set of folders cannot be opened. The operation has failed.

As the de-facto IT admin in a small business, this message haunts my dreams and I hate that I know it by heart. Time to make a new mail profile and configure all the accounts again. Its not like it’s the seventh time on this computer. It’s not like I’ve reinstalled Outlook three times already as per Microsoft’s “accepted solution”.

There’s a reason I don’t use Microsoft software on my hardware.


One time, when I had to use outlook, someone called me asking why I wasn’t replying to emails since like 3 days. Turned out Outlook had decided I could receive emails, but when I was replying, the email would put in a special folder “to be sent” or something, because the MS outgoing server was not working. I looked like a fucking imbecile when I figured it out and tried to explain what happened.


Another fucking stupid outlook thing is that you can only schedule send emails from the Web client, not the desktop app. If you try to do it on the desktop app it sits locally in your outbox and only sends if the PC holding the email is on. And if it’s off when the scheduled time passes, the email just sits in the outbox. So incredibly stupid.


My current employer doesn’t use Outlook, but I’ve worked for several in the past that do, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen all of those messages at some point.

Track_Shovel, avatar

What do they use? Is there a viable alternative?


My current employer is fully into Google’s ecosystem, so we don’t use a dedicated email client.


I just use Outlook as a PWA as part of the M365 system. Works great imo. The desktop client can be a bit of a resource hog. I installed the PWA as an app and haven’t looked back.


Just use gmail…come on. Who’s using clients in 2023. Even outlook’s web interface is better.


What about other email providers?


Microsoft sadly rules most of the enterprise world. You’re not going to find many businesses at all morning foss email systems.


Add it to Gmail. Under settings, Accounts and Import.


Yes, let's willingly give Google even more control over our data, that's a great idea.


As a user of an Andoid phone, they're not getting access to anything they don't have access to already.

BCsven, (edited )

GrapheneOS. GApps including playstore is sandboxed away from OS. You can set permissions for playstore since it is now am app on its own and not baked into OS. You can add more profiles and have certain apps in their own sandbox if you fear apps sharing info between them. You also get a microphone off and camera off button.


If you work for a company that uses Exchange, you don’t have much choice about using Outlook.


Let me introduce you to our savior, davmail


owa is so much better than outlook for me, at least for my work email. There’s actual dark mode, the servers seem to do all the heavy lifting so it never seems slow, the attachment preview is better and i can download a message as .eml instead of proprietary .msg format. Probably once a day I have to hit F5 because it starts acting weird. You can also make it a PWA. Seriously if you have to use corporate email give OWA a shot.

TimeSquirrel, avatar

the servers seem to do all the heavy lifting so it never seems slow

Never thought the day would come when an EMAIL CLIENT's performance benefited from cloud processing. How bloated is this shit?


We have workstation machines at work, Outlook is a dog app and OS is not great either, and search is absolutely garbage. So now I boot to linux and use the web version and it is peppy. So processing on a server is better for this junk they release.

backhdlp, avatar

instance checks out


Mailspring is good, has nice features and is totally enough for normies

MrShelbs, avatar

Oh that looks good. Gonna check it out.

IdleSheep, (edited ) avatar

Not just normies. I liked using thunderbird but it felt so bloated for my use case (not to mention the sluggishness) . I just want to read my email, I don’t need an entire suite of things like calendars or extensions (I understand why people use them, I just do not need or want them). Mailspring was by far the best option for me.


I use thunderbird, though it really feels like it has terrible performance for me. Feels like a really heavy program for just an email client.

Still better than having ads on your client.


Thunderbird is great for me. I’ve used it for near on twenty years, and it flies compared to Outlook, especially for searching.


Very fast for me as well. I just launched it to check, and it took just a second or two to cold launch it.

Takes a few more seconds to refresh and get new messages. I think it’s actually faster than checking my email in browser, especially since one of my email addresses is the Yahoo! account I created in the 1990s and use for junk subscriptions.


The problem is. Nowadays all email clients have to be browsers cause email text is sent as html


That new design update definitely made the performance worse. And it looks pretty much the same anyways. Wish I could just revert it to the old one.
What sucks the most is Dark Reader. Previously it worked fine for emails, but now it always takes a second to load. I’ll never forgive the thunderbird devs for this “update”.

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