Cold winter? We used to get blizzards in October here, now we barely get any snow at all throughout the entirety of winter, and it’s frequently warm enough to be comfortable outside in nothing but a shirt and shorts.
I swear every single year people forget how actually mild winter has become. It got down to -50F here once years ago thanks to the polar vortex and ever since most everyone starts on how “it’s gonna be a really cold winter this year” everytime it drops to the fucking 40-50F range. When you point out they said the same thing last year and it was even milder than when they said it 2 years ago, they often just double down being willfully ignorant and insist last winter was “soooo bad” despite it being warmer on average than Fall was 15 years ago.
Those seasons make little sense here, to be fair. In the midwest, winter is hot and dry, summer is hot and rainy. Autumn and Spring are just inbetweens.
Late spring in São Paulo is supposed to feel comfortable, at most 30°C and mild rains. We’re experiencing summer temperatures of 38°C+ and torrential storms. We’re fucked.
And nobody listens. I make point after point about everything and it gets down voted…even here on Lemmy. Yup. So fucked in the entirely opposite meaning of that word. Zero productivity here. Ever again. And we’re talking years, not decades.
I was a bit confused before checking the comments and thought that the meme is saying that 60° F is considered too cold for Brazil. I didn’t even consider 60° C as a possibility.
The heat index — a combination of temperature and humidity — hit 58.5 degrees Celsius (137 Fahrenheit) Tuesday morning in Rio, the highest index ever recorded there. Actual temperatures dropped slightly on Wednesday, but were forecast to rise again to 40 degrees Celsius (104 F) on Thursday.
me happy about the cold winter, happy earth can cool down for a moment
Am I missing something here or is OP not aware that winter isn’t everywhere at the same time, and that tropical regions don’t follow these “classical” (for lack of a better term) seasons at all?
Obviously climate change is bad and all that, but the upper caption makes no sense.
I don’t know what you mean. This is a global temperature map and it’s a stretch to say the temperature is above 40C which is 104 degrees There are small sections that 68 degrees Fahrenheit, but it’s not out the ordinary where it happens
The meme specified “perceived temperature”, which I would assume to mean some combination of the temperature metric with a heat index, humidex, wind data, solar radiation estimates, or something like that
Brazil is so tall it has like 6 different climatic regions. 5 of them are currently a burning oven and the other one is drowning in constant rainstorms and cyclones.
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