the years 2013 to 2016 we got particularly bad snowstorms a couple of those years, I guess it happens every year, neighborhoods seem to shut down when the snow plows don’t come through,
even the gyms were closed 😱 which was devastating to me at the time bc I couldn’t sit still and was always at the gym or running or biking when I wasn’t at work, and I couldn’t sit still,
so I was out there manually shoveling, My record was shoveling 13 hours in one day, I kid you not, an Epsom salt bath has never felt so good at the end of the day.
and while I was out there shoveling, one lady even asked me why I was doing that, I said because it’s exercise and it feels good and I’m clearing some spots which will be appreciated by at least a few people,
And I’m thinking in my mind
if everybody would come out here and do this, everybody shovel a few square feet of the street right in front of your own house, then we wouldn’t be snowed in. everybody would get amazing refreshing exercise, fresh air, community spirit & morale, and feel good and the streets would be clear in no time. Like ants can build huge sandmounds one grain of sand at a time, if we would just work together this wouldn’t be such a catastrophe.
But it doesn’t even occur to people that they could do that. Instead they sit around and do nothing and complain to the county about lack of snow plows, and they stay holed-up in their houses eating junk and getting fat. And when you’re fat and lazy, and you’ve clogged all your arteries with grease, that’s why you can’t shovel snow without breaking your back and getting a heart attack. That’s modern life.
Tbf, it probably has occurred to them, but then they ridicule the thought even if it derives from their own head. The group-think mindset can be brutal: they are going to be unhealthy for life and then die sooner, but you can’t even tell them there is any other way, nor does actively showing it work either:-(. Stay strong and cling to the better way!:-)
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